# can't use require_ok() here, with a name like 'open'
-ok( require 'open.pm', 'required okay!' );
+ok( require 'open.pm', 'require' );
# this should fail
eval { import() };
# prevent it from loading I18N::Langinfo, so we can test encoding failures
local @INC;
-$ENV{LC_ALL} = '';
eval { import( 'IN', 'locale' ) };
like( $@, qr/Cannot figure out an encoding/, 'no encoding found' );
# now load a real-looking locale
$ENV{LC_ALL} = ' .utf8';
import( 'IN', 'locale' );
-is( ${^OPEN}, ':utf8\0', 'set locale layer okay!' );
+is( ${^OPEN}, ':utf8\0', 'set locale layer' );
# and see if it sets the magic variables appropriately
import( 'IN', ':crlf' );
ok( $^H & $open::hint_bits, '$^H is set after open import runs' );
-is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'crlf', 'set crlf layer okay!' );
+is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'crlf', 'set crlf layer' );
# it should reset them appropriately, too
import( 'IN', ':raw' );
-is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'raw', 'set raw layer okay!' );
+is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'raw', 'set raw layer' );
# it dies if you don't set IN, OUT, or INOUT
eval { import( 'sideways', ':raw' ) };