use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose::Role;
-use Class::Inspector;
+use Class::MOP;
+use Module::Pluggable::Object;
-our $VERSION = '0.0004';
+our $VERSION = '0.0005';
=head1 NAME
"ExtensionFor" loading plugin "Bar" would search for extensions in
-=head2 _plugin_loaded
+=head2 _plugin_app_ns
-HashRef. Keeps an inventory of what plugins are loaded and what the actual
-module name is to avoid multiple loading.
+ArrayRef, Accessor automatically dereferences into array on a read call.
+By default will be filled with the class name and it's prescedents, it is used
+to determine which directories to look for plugins as well as which plugins
+take presedence upon namespace collitions. This allows you to subclass a pluggable
+class and still use it's plugins while using yours first if they are available.
+=head2 _plugin_locator
+An automatically built instance of L<Module::Pluggable::Object> used to locate
+available plugins.
-has _plugin_ns => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'Str',
- default => 'Plugin');
-has _plugin_ext => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'Bool',
- default => 1);
-has _plugin_ext_ns => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'Str',
- default => 'ExtensionFor');
-has _plugin_loaded => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'HashRef',
- default => sub{ {} });
+has _plugin_ns => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'Str',
+ default => 'Plugin');
+has _plugin_ext => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'Bool',
+ default => 1);
+has _plugin_ext_ns => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'Str',
+ default => 'ExtensionFor');
+has _plugin_loaded => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'HashRef',
+ default => sub{ {} });
+has _plugin_app_ns => (is => 'rw', required => 1, isa => 'ArrayRef', lazy => 1,
+ auto_deref => 1,
+ default => sub{ shift->_build_plugin_app_ns });
+has _plugin_locator => (is => 'rw', required => 1, lazy => 1,
+ isa => 'Module::Pluggable::Object',
+ default => sub{ shift->_build_plugin_locator });
my $loaded = $self->_plugin_loaded;
return 1 if exists $loaded->{$plugin};
my $role = $self->_role_from_plugin($plugin);
$loaded->{$plugin} = $role if $self->_load_and_apply_role($role);
sub load_plugin_ext{
my ($self, $plugin) = @_;
die("You must provide a plugin name") unless $plugin;
- my $role = $self->_role_from_plugin($plugin);
+ my $role = $self->_plugin_loaded->{$plugin};
# $p for plugin, $r for role
while( my($p,$r) = each %{ $self->_plugin_loaded }){
- my $ext = join "::", $role, $self->_plugin_ext_ns, $p;
- $self->_load_and_apply_role( $ext )
- if Class::Inspector->installed($ext);
+ my $ext = join "::", $role, $self->_plugin_ext_ns, $p;
+ if( $plugin =~ /^\+(.*)/ ){
+ eval{ $self->_load_and_apply_role( $ext ) };
+ } else{
+ $self->_load_and_apply_role( $ext ) if
+ grep{ /^${ext}$/ } $self->_plugin_locator->plugins;
+ }
#go back to prev loaded modules and load extensions for current module?
#my $ext2 = join "::", $r, $self->_plugin_ext_ns, $plugin;
#$self->_load_and_apply_role( $ext2 )
Creates a role name from a plugin name. If the plugin name is prepended
with a C<+> it will be treated as a full name returned as is. Otherwise
-a string consisting of C<$plugin> prepended with the application name
-and C<_plugin_ns> will be returned. Example
+a string consisting of C<$plugin> prepended with the C<_plugin_ns>
+and the first valid value from C<_plugin_app_ns> will be returned. Example
#assuming appname MyApp and C<_plugin_ns> 'Plugin'
$self->_role_from_plugin("MyPlugin"); # MyApp::Plugin::MyPlugin
sub _role_from_plugin{
my ($self, $plugin) = @_;
- return $1 if $plugin =~ /^\+(.*)/;
+ return $1 if( $plugin =~ /^\+(.*)/ );
+ my $o = join '::', $self->_plugin_ns, $plugin;
+ #Father, please forgive me for I have sinned.
+ my @roles = grep{ /${o}$/ } $self->_plugin_locator->plugins;
+ die("Unable to locate plugin") unless @roles;
+ return $roles[0] if @roles == 1;
+ my @names = (grep {$_ !~ /^Moose::/} $self->meta->class_precedence_list);
+ my $i = 0;
+ my %presedence_list = map{ $i++; "${_}::${o}", $i } @names;
+ @roles = sort{ $presedence_list{$a} <=> $presedence_list{$b}} @roles;
- return join '::', ( $self->_original_class_name,
- $self->_plugin_ns, $plugin );
+ return shift @roles;
=head2 _load_and_apply_role $role
my ($self, $role) = @_;
die("You must provide a role name") unless $role;
- #Throw exception if plugin is not installed
- die("$role is not available on this system")
- unless Class::Inspector->installed($role);
#don't re-require...
- unless( Class::Inspector->loaded($role) ){
- eval "require $role" || die("Failed to load role: $role");
+ unless( Class::MOP::is_class_loaded($role) ){
+ eval Class::MOP::load_class($role) || die("Failed to load role: $role");
carp("Using 'override' is strongly discouraged and may not behave ".
"as you expect it to. Please use 'around'")
if scalar keys %{ $role->meta->get_override_method_modifiers_map };
return 1;
+=head2 _build_plugin_app_ns
+Automatically builds the _plugin_app_ns attribute with the classes in the
+class presedence list that are not part of Moose.
+sub _build_plugin_app_ns{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @names = (grep {$_ !~ /^Moose::/} $self->meta->class_precedence_list);
+ return \@names;
+=head2 _build_plugin_locator
+Automatically creates a L<Module::Pluggable::Object> instance with the correct
+sub _build_plugin_locator{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $locator = Module::Pluggable::Object->new
+ ( search_path =>
+ [ map { join '::', ($_, $self->_plugin_ns) } $self->_plugin_app_ns ]
+ );
+ return $locator;
=head2 meta
Keep tests happy. See L<Moose>
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib 't/lib';
+plan tests => 19;
+my $app = TestApp2->new;
+is($app->_role_from_plugin('+'.$_), $_)
+ for(qw/MyPrettyPlugin My::Pretty::Plugin/);
+is($app->_role_from_plugin($_), 'TestApp2::Plugin::'.$_)
+ for(qw/Foo/);
+is( $app->foo, "original foo", 'original foo value');
+is( $app->bar, "original bar", 'original bar value');
+is( $app->bor, "original bor", 'original bor value');
+ok($app->load_plugin('Bar'), "Loaded Bar");
+is( $app->bar, "override bar", 'overridden bar via plugin');
+ok($app->load_plugin('Baz'), "Loaded Baz");
+is( $app->baz, "plugin baz", 'added baz via plugin');
+is( $app->bar, "baz'd bar override bar", 'baz extension for bar using around');
+ok($app->load_plugin('Foo'), "Loaded Foo");
+is( $app->foo, "around foo 2", 'around foo via plugin');
+is( $app->bar, "foo'd bar 2 baz'd bar override bar", 'foo extension around baz extension for bar');
+is( $app->baz, "foo'd baz 2 plugin baz", 'foo extension override for baz');
+ok($app->load_plugin('+TestApp::Plugin::Bor'), "Loaded Bor");
+is( $app->foo, "bor'd foo around foo 2", 'bor extension override for foo');
+is( $app->bor, "plugin bor", 'override bor via plugin');