@ Continue
test : all [.t.lib]vmsfspec.t [.t.lib]vms_dclsym.t [.t.lib]vms_stdio.t
- - @[.VMS]Test.Com "$(E)" "$(__DEBUG__)" "TEST."
+ - @[.VMS]Test.Com "$(E)" "$(__DEBUG__)"
@ $(MINIPERL) -e "print ""Ran tests"";" > [.t]rantests.
test_harness : all [.t.lib]vmsfspec.t [.t.lib]vms_dclsym.t [.t.lib]vms_stdio.t
- - @[.VMS]Test.Com "$(E)" "$(__DEBUG__)" "HARNESS."
+ @ PERL_TEST_DRIVER == "harness."
+ - @[.VMS]Test.Com "$(E)" "$(__DEBUG__)"
@ $(MINIPERL) -e "print ""Ran tests"";" > [.t]rantests.
# install ought not need a source, but it doesn't work if one's not
$! Process arguments. P1 is the file extension of the Perl images.
$! P2, when not empty, indicates that we are testing a version of Perl built
$! for the VMS debugger. The other arguments are passed directly to t/TEST.
-$! P3 is the test target to use:
-$! TEST. or harness.
$ exe = ".Exe"
$ If p1.nes."" Then exe = p1
$ if p2.nes."" then dbg = "dbg"
$ if p2.nes."" then ndbg = "ndbg"
-$! P3 - testfile
-$ testfile = "TEST."
-$ if p3.nes."" then testfile = p3
+$! Run using "TEST." unless something else (e.g. "harness.") was specified.
+$ If F$Type(PERL_TEST_DRIVER) .eqs. "" Then PERL_TEST_DRIVER == "TEST."
$! Make sure we are where we need to be.
$ If F$Search("t.dir").nes.""
$ PerlShr_filespec = f$parse("Sys$Disk:[-]''dbg'PerlShr''exe'")
$ Define 'dbg'Perlshr 'PerlShr_filespec'
$ If F$Mode() .nes. "INTERACTIVE" Then Define/Nolog PERL_SKIP_TTY_TEST 1
-$ MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl. "-I[-.lib]" 'testfile' "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'" "''p7'"
+$ MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl. "-I[-.lib]" 'PERL_TEST_DRIVER' "''p3'" "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'" "''p7'"
$ goto wrapup
$ Control_Y_exit: