use Carp qw(confess);
-use Mouse::Util qw(get_code_info);
+use Mouse::Util qw(get_code_info not_supported);
my %SPEC;
+my $strict_bits = strict::bits(qw(subs refs vars));
sub setup_import_methods{
my($class, %args) = @_;
my @removables;
my @all;
+ my @init_meta_methods;
foreach my $package(@export_from){
my $spec = $SPEC{$package} or next;
+ if(my $init_meta = $package->can('init_meta')){
+ if(!grep{ $_ == $init_meta } @init_meta_methods){
+ unshift @init_meta_methods, $init_meta;
+ }
+ }
$args{EXPORTS} = \%exports;
$args{REMOVABLES} = \@removables;
- $args{group}{default} ||= \@all;
$args{group}{all} ||= \@all;
+ if(my $default_list = $args{group}{default}){
+ my %default;
+ foreach my $keyword(@{$default_list}){
+ $default{$keyword} = $exports{$keyword}
+ || confess(qq{The $exporting_package package does not export "$keyword"});
+ }
+ $args{DEFAULT} = \%default;
+ }
+ else{
+ $args{group}{default} ||= \@all;
+ $args{DEFAULT} = $args{EXPORTS};
+ }
+ if(@init_meta_methods){
+ $args{INIT_META} = \@init_meta_methods;
+ }
no strict 'refs';
*{$exporting_package . '::import'} = \&do_import;
*{$exporting_package . '::unimport'} = \&do_unimport;
- if(!defined &{$exporting_package . '::init_meta'}){
- *{$exporting_package . '::init_meta'} = \&do_init_meta;
- }
-# the entity of general init_meta()
-sub do_init_meta {
- my($class, %args) = @_;
- my $spec = $SPEC{$class}
- or confess("The package $class does not use Mouse::Exporter");
- my $for_class = $args{for_class}
- or confess("Cannot call init_meta without specifying a for_class");
- my $base_class = $args{base_class} || 'Mouse::Object';
- my $metaclass = $args{metaclass} || 'Mouse::Meta::Class';
- my $meta = $metaclass->initialize($for_class);
- $meta->add_method(meta => sub{
- $metaclass->initialize(ref($_[0]) || $_[0]);
- });
- $meta->superclasses($base_class)
- unless $meta->superclasses;
- return $meta;
# the entity of general import()
sub do_import {
- my($class, @args) = @_;
+ my($package, @args) = @_;
- my $spec = $SPEC{$class}
- or confess("The package $class does not use Mouse::Exporter");
+ my $spec = $SPEC{$package}
+ || confess("The package $package package does not use Mouse::Exporter");
my $into = _get_caller_package(ref($args[0]) ? shift @args : undef);
my @exports;
foreach my $arg(@args){
- if($arg =~ s/^[-:]//){
- my $group = $spec->{group}{$arg} or confess(qq{group "$arg" is not exported by the $class module});
+ if($arg =~ s/^-//){
+ not_supported "-$arg";
+ }
+ elsif($arg =~ s/^://){
+ my $group = $spec->{group}{$arg}
+ || confess(qq{The $package package does not export the group "$arg"});
push @exports, @{$group};
- strict->import;
- warnings->import;
+ $^H |= $strict_bits; # strict->import;
+ ${^WARNING_BITS} = $warnings::Bits{all}; # warnings->import;
if($into eq 'main' && !$spec->{_not_export_to_main}){
- warn qq{$class does not export its sugar to the 'main' package.\n};
+ warn qq{$package does not export its sugar to the 'main' package.\n};
- if($class->can('init_meta')){
- my $meta = $class->init_meta(
- for_class => $into,
- );
+ if($spec->{INIT_META}){
+ foreach my $init_meta(@{$spec->{INIT_META}}){
+ $into->$init_meta(for_class => $into);
+ }
- # TODO: process -metaclass and -traits
- # ...
+ # _apply_meta_traits($into); # TODO
- my $exports_ref = @exports ? \@exports : $spec->{group}{default};
- foreach my $keyword(@{$exports_ref}){
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$into.'::'.$keyword} = $spec->{EXPORTS}{$keyword}
- or confess(qq{"$keyword" is not exported by the $class module});
+ if(@exports){
+ foreach my $keyword(@exports){
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$into.'::'.$keyword} = $spec->{EXPORTS}{$keyword}
+ || confess(qq{The $package package does not export "$keyword"});
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ my $default = $spec->{DEFAULT};
+ while(my($keyword, $code) = each %{$default}){
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$into.'::'.$keyword} = $code;
+ }
# the entity of general unimport()
sub do_unimport {
- my($class, $arg) = @_;
+ my($package, $arg) = @_;
- my $spec = $SPEC{$class}
- or confess("The package $class does not use Mouse::Exporter");
+ my $spec = $SPEC{$package}
+ || confess("The package $package does not use Mouse::Exporter");
my $from = _get_caller_package($arg);