if (my $type = $SUBTYPE{$name}) {
Carp::croak "The type constraint '$name' has already been created, cannot be created again in $pkg";
- my $as = $conf{as};
- my $stuff = $conf{where} || $SUBTYPE{$as};
- $SUBTYPE{$name} = $stuff;
+ my $stuff = $conf{where};
+ my $as = $conf{as} || '';
+ if ($as = $SUBTYPE{$as}) {
+ $SUBTYPE{$name} = sub { $as->($_) && $stuff->($_) };
+ } else {
+ $SUBTYPE{$name} = $stuff;
+ }
sub _coerce {
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
+ package Obj1;
+ sub new { bless {}, shift };
+ package Obj2;
+ use overload '""' => sub { 'Ref' }, fallback => 1;
+ sub new { bless {}, shift };
+ package Foo;
+ use Mouse;
+ use Mouse::TypeRegistry;
+ subtype 'Type1' => as 'Str' => where { blessed($_) };
+ has str_obj => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Type1',
+ );
+ subtype 'Type2' => as 'Object' => where { $_ eq 'Ref' };
+ has obj_str => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Type2',
+ );
+eval { Foo->new( str_obj => Obj1->new ) };
+like $@, qr/Attribute \(str_obj\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Type1' failed with value Obj1=HASH/;
+eval { Foo->new( obj_str => Obj1->new ) };
+like $@, qr/Attribute \(obj_str\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Type2' failed with value Obj1=HASH/;
+eval { Foo->new( str_obj => Obj2->new ) };
+like $@, qr/Attribute \(str_obj\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Type1' failed with value Obj2=HASH/;
+eval { Foo->new( str_obj => 'Ref' ) };
+like $@, qr/Attribute \(str_obj\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Type1' failed with value Ref/;
+my $f1 = eval { Foo->new( obj_str => Obj2->new ) };
+isa_ok $f1, 'Foo';
+is $f1->obj_str, 'Ref';