-Within your L<MooseX::Types> declared library module:
+The follow is example usage.
- use Set::Scalar;
+ use Moose;
use MooseX::Types::Parameterizable qw(Parameterizable);
- use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Int );
- use MooseX::Types -declare=>[qw(Set UniqueInt PositiveSet)];
- subtype Set,
- as class_type("Set::Scalar");
- subtype UniqueInt,
- as Parameterizable[Int, Set],
- where {
- my ($int, $set) = @_;
- return !$set->has($int);
- };
- subtype PositiveSet,
- as Set,
- where {
- my ($set) = @_;
- return !grep {$_ <0 } $set->members;
- };
- subtype PositiveUniqueInt,
- as UniqueInt[PositiveSet];
- my $set = Set::Scalar->new(1,2,3);
+ use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Int);
+ use MooseX::Types -declare=>[qw(Varchar)];
- UniqueInt([$set])->check(100); ## Okay, 100 isn't in (1,2,3)
- UniqueInt([$set])->check(-99); ## Okay, -99 isn't in (1,2,3)
- UniqueInt([$set])->check(2); ## Not OK, 2 is in (1,2,3)
- PositiveUniqueInt([$set])->check(100); ## Okay, 100 isn't in (1,2,3)
- PositiveUniqueInt([$set])->check(-99); ## Not OK, -99 not Positive Int
- PositiveUniqueInt([$set])->check(2); ## Not OK, 2 is in (1,2,3)
- my $negative_set = Set::Scalar->new(-1,-2,-3);
- UniqueInt([$negative_set])->check(100); ## Throws exception
+ subtype Varchar,
+ as Parameterizable[Str,Int],
+ where {
+ my($string, $int) = @_;
+ $int >= length($string) ? 1:0;
+ },
+ message {
+ "'$_' is too long"
+ };
+ has varchar_five => (isa=>Varchar[5], is=>'ro');
+ has varchar_ten => (isa=>Varchar[10], is=>'ro');
+ ## This works fine
+ my $object1 = __PACKAGE__->new(
+ varchar_five => '1234',
+ varchar_ten => '123456789',
+ );
+ ## This explodes with a type constraint error
+ my $object2 = __PACKAGE__->new(
+ varchar_five => '12345678', ## Too long string
+ varchar_ten => '123456789',
+ );
+See t/05-pod-examples.t for runnable versions of all POD code
A L<MooseX::Types> library for creating parameterizable types. A parameterizable type
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Set::Scalar"; if($@) {
+ plan skip_all => 'Set::Scalar not installed';
+ package Test::MooseX::Types::Parameterizable::Synopsis;
+ use Moose;
+ use MooseX::Types::Parameterizable qw(Parameterizable);
+ use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Int);
+ use MooseX::Types -declare=>[qw(Varchar)];
+ subtype Varchar,
+ as Parameterizable[Str,Int],
+ where {
+ my($string, $int) = @_;
+ $int >= length($string) ? 1:0;
+ },
+ message { "'$_' is too long" };
+ my $varchar_five = Varchar[5];
+ Test::More::ok $varchar_five->check('four');
+ Test::More::ok ! $varchar_five->check('verylongstrong');
+ my $varchar_ten = Varchar[10];
+ Test::More::ok $varchar_ten->check( 'X' x 9 );
+ Test::More::ok ! $varchar_ten->check( 'X' x 12 );
+ has varchar_five => (isa=>Varchar[5], is=>'ro');
+ has varchar_ten => (isa=>Varchar[10], is=>'ro');
+ my $object1 = __PACKAGE__->new(
+ varchar_five => '1234',
+ varchar_ten => '123456789',
+ );
+ eval {
+ my $object2 = __PACKAGE__->new(
+ varchar_five => '12345678',
+ varchar_ten => '123456789',
+ );
+ };
+ Test::More::ok $@, 'There was an error';
+ Test::More::like $@, qr('12345678' is too long), 'Correct custom error';
+use MooseX::Types -declare=>[qw(Set UniqueInt PositiveSet PositiveUniqueInt )];
+subtype Set,
+ as class_type("Set::Scalar");
+subtype UniqueInt,
+ as Parameterizable[Int, Set],
+ where {
+ my ($int, $set) = @_;
+ !$set->has($int);
+ };
+subtype PositiveSet,
+ as Set,
+ where {
+ my ($set) = @_;
+ ! grep { $_ < 0 } $set->members;
+ };
+subtype PositiveUniqueInt,
+ as UniqueInt[PositiveSet];
+my $set = Set::Scalar->new(-1,-2,1,2,3);
+my $positive_set = Set::Scalar->new(1,2,3);
+my $negative_set = Set::Scalar->new(-1,-2,-3);
+ok Set->check($set),
+ 'Is a Set';
+ok Set->check($positive_set),
+ 'Is a Set';
+ok Set->check($negative_set),
+ 'Is a Set';
+ok !PositiveSet->check($set),
+ 'Is Not a Positive Set';
+ok PositiveSet->check($positive_set),
+ 'Is a Positive Set';
+ok !PositiveSet->check($negative_set),
+ 'Is Not a Positive Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$set])->check(100),
+ '100 not in Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$positive_set])->check(100),
+ '100 not in Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$negative_set])->check(100),
+ '100 not in Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$set])->check(-99),
+ '-99 not in Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$positive_set])->check(-99),
+ '-99 not in Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$negative_set])->check(-99),
+ '-99 not in Set';
+ok !UniqueInt([$set])->check(2),
+ '2 in Set';
+ok !UniqueInt([$positive_set])->check(2),
+ '2 in Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$negative_set])->check(2),
+ '2 not in Set';
+ok UniqueInt([$set])->check(100); ## Okay, 100 isn't in (1,2,3)
+ok UniqueInt([$set])->check(-99); ## Okay, -99 isn't in (1,2,3)
+ok !UniqueInt([$set])->check(2); ## Not OK, 2 is in (1,2,3)
+ok PositiveUniqueInt([$set])->check(100); ## Okay, 100 isn't in (1,2,3)
+ok !PositiveUniqueInt([$set])->check(-99); ## Not OK, -99 not Positive Int
+ok !PositiveUniqueInt([$set])->check(2); ## Not OK, 2 is in (1,2,3)
+my $negative_set = Set::Scalar->new(-1,-2,-3);
+ok UniqueInt([$negative_set])->check(100); ## Throws exception