Making a class immutable greatly increases the speed of accessors and
object construction.
-=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe8> - Managing complex relations with trigger (TODO)
-I<abstract goes here>
-Work off of this
-=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe9> - Builder methods and lazy_build
+=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe8> - Builder methods and lazy_build
The builder feature provides an inheritable and role-composable way to
provide a default attribute value.
-=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe10> - Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
+=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe9> - Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
Demonstrates using operator overloading, coercion, and subtypes to
model how eye color is determined during reproduction.
-=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe11> - Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
+=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe10> - Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
This recipe demonstrates the use of C<BUILDARGS> and C<BUILD> to hook
into object construction.
-=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe12> - Extending a non-Moose base class
+=item L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe11> - Extending a non-Moose base class
In this recipe, we make a Moose-based subclass of L<DateTime>, a
module which does not use Moose itself.
=head1 NAME
-Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe10 - Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
+Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe11 - Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
- package Human;
+ package Person;
- use Moose;
- use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
- subtype 'Gender'
- => as 'Str'
- => where { $_ =~ m{^[mf]$}s };
- has 'gender' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Gender', required => 1 );
- has 'mother' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
- has 'father' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
- use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;
+ has 'ssn' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ predicate => 'has_ssn',
+ );
- sub _overload_add {
- my ( $one, $two ) = @_;
+ has 'country_of_residence' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => 'usa'
+ );
- die('Only male and female humans may create children')
- if ( $one->gender() eq $two->gender() );
+ has 'first_name' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ );
- my ( $mother, $father )
- = ( $one->gender eq 'f' ? ( $one, $two ) : ( $two, $one ) );
+ has 'last_name' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ );
- my $gender = 'f';
- $gender = 'm' if ( rand() >= 0.5 );
+ my $class = shift;
- return Human->new(
- gender => $gender,
- mother => $mother,
- father => $father,
- );
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ return { ssn => $_[0] };
+ }
+ else {
+ return $class->SUPER::BUILDARGS(@_);
+ }
-This Moose cookbook recipe shows how operator overloading, coercion,
-and sub types can be used to mimic the human reproductive system
-(well, the selection of genes at least).
-Our C<Human> class uses operator overloading to allow us to "add" two
-humans together and produce a child. Our implementation does require
-that the two objects be of opposite genders. Remember, we're talking
-about biological reproduction, not marriage.
-While this example works as-is, we can take it a lot further by adding
-genes into the mix. We'll add the two genes that control eye color,
-and use overloading to combine the genes from the parent to model the
-=head2 What is Operator Overloading?
-Overloading is I<not> a Moose-specific feature. It's a general OO
-concept that is implemented in Perl with the C<overload>
-pragma. Overloading lets objects do something sane when used with
-Perl's built in operators, like addition (C<+>) or when used as a
-In this example we overload addition so we can write code like
-C<$child = $mother + $father>.
-=head1 GENES
-There are many genes which affect eye color, but there are two which
-are most important, I<gey> and I<bey2>. We will start by making a
-class for each gene.
-=head2 Human::Gene::bey2
- package Human::Gene::bey2;
- use Moose;
- use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
- type 'bey2_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:brown|blue)$} };
- has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'bey2_color' );
-This class is trivial, We have a type constraint for the allowed
-colors, and a C<color> attribute.
-=head2 Human::Gene::gey
- package Human::Gene::gey;
- use Moose;
- use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
- type 'gey_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:green|blue)$} };
- has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'gey_color' );
-This is nearly identical to the C<Humane::Gene::bey2> class, except
-that the I<gey> gene allows for different colors.
-=head1 EYE COLOR
-We could just give add four attributes (two of each gene) to the
-C<Human> class, but this is a bit messy. Instead, we'll abstract the
-genes into a container class, C<Human::EyeColor>. Then a C<Human> can
-have a single C<eye_color> attribute.
- package Human::EyeColor;
+ sub BUILD {
+ my $self = shift;
- use Moose;
- use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
- coerce 'Human::Gene::bey2'
- => from 'Str'
- => via { Human::Gene::bey2->new( color => $_ ) };
- coerce 'Human::Gene::gey'
- => from 'Str'
- => via { Human::Gene::gey->new( color => $_ ) };
- has [qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 )] =>
- ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::bey2', coerce => 1 );
- has [qw( gey_1 gey_2 )] =>
- ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::gey', coerce => 1 );
-The eye color class has two of each type of gene. We've also created a
-coercion for each class that coerces a string into a new object. Note
-that a coercion will fail if it attempts to coerce a string like
-"indigo", because that is not a valid color for either type of gene.
-As an aside, you can see that we can define several identical
-attributes at once by supply an array reference of names as the first
-argument to C<has>.
-We also need a method to calculate the actual eye color that results
-from a set of genes. The I<bey2> brown gene is dominant over both blue
-and green. The I<gey> green gene dominant over blue.
- sub color {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return 'brown'
- if ( $self->bey2_1->color() eq 'brown'
- or $self->bey2_2->color() eq 'brown' );
- return 'green'
- if ( $self->gey_1->color() eq 'green'
- or $self->gey_2->color() eq 'green' );
- return 'blue';
+ if ( $self->country_of_residence eq 'usa' ) {
+ die 'Cannot create a Person who lives in the USA without an ssn.'
+ unless $self->has_ssn;
+ }
-We'd like to be able to treat a C<Human::EyeColor> object as a string,
-so we define a string overloading for the class:
- use overload '""' => \&color, fallback => 1;
-Finally, we need to define overloading for addition. That way we can
-add together to C<Human::EyeColor> objects and get a new one with a
-new (genetically correct) eye color.
- use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;
+This recipe demonstrates the use of C<BUILDARGS> and C<BUILD>. By
+defining these methods, we can hook into the object construction
+process without overriding C<new>.
- sub _overload_add {
- my ( $one, $two ) = @_;
+The C<BUILDARGS> method is called I<before> an object has been
+created. It is called as a class method, and receives all of the
+parameters passed to the C<new> method. It is expected to do something
+with these arguments and return a hash reference. The keys of the hash
+must be attribute C<init_arg>s.
- my $one_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();
- my $two_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();
+The primary purpose of C<BUILDARGS> is to allow a class to accept
+something other than named arguments. In the case of our C<Person>
+class, we are allowing it to be called with a single argument, a
+social security number:
- my $one_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();
- my $two_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();
+ my $person = Person->new('123-45-6789');
- return Human::EyeColor->new(
- bey2_1 => $one->$one_bey2->color(),
- bey2_2 => $two->$two_bey2->color(),
- gey_1 => $one->$one_gey->color(),
- gey_2 => $two->$two_gey->color(),
- );
- }
+The key part of our C<BUILDARGS> is this conditional:
- sub _rand2 {
- return 1 + int( rand(2) );
- }
+ if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
+ return { ssn => $_[0] };
+ }
-When two eye color objects are added together the C<_overload_add()>
-method will be passed two C<Human::EyeColor> objects. These are the
-left and right side operands for the C<+> operator. This method
-returns a new C<Human::EyeColor> object.
+By default, Moose constructors accept a list of key-value pairs, or a
+hash reference. We need to make sure that C<$_[0]> is not a reference
+before assuming it is a social security number.
-=head1 ADDING EYE COLOR TO C<Human>s
+We call C<< $class->SUPER::BUILDARGS(@_) >> to handle all the other
+cases. You should always do this in your own C<BUILDARGS> methods,
+since L<Moose::Object> provides its own C<BUILDARGS> method that
+handles hash references and a list of key-value pairs.
-Our original C<Human> class requires just a few changes to incorporate
-our new C<Human::EyeColor> class.
+The C<BUILD> method is called I<after> the object is constructed, but
+before it is returned to the caller. The C<BUILD> method provides an
+opportunity to check the object state as a whole. This is a good place
+to put logic that cannot be expressed as a type constraint on a single
- use List::MoreUtils qw( zip );
+In the C<Person> class, we need to check the relationship between two
+attributes, C<ssn> and C<country_of_residence>. We throw an exception
+if the object is not logically consistent.
- coerce 'Human::EyeColor'
- => from 'ArrayRef'
- => via { my @genes = qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 gey_1 gey_2 );
- return Human::EyeColor->new( zip( @genes, @{$_} ) ); };
- has 'eye_color' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Human::EyeColor',
- coerce => 1,
- required => 1,
- );
-We also need to modify C<_overload_add()> in the C<Human> class to
-account for eye color:
- return Human->new(
- gender => $gender,
- eye_color => ( $one->eye_color() + $two->eye_color() ),
- mother => $mother,
- father => $father,
- );
+This recipe is made significantly simpler because all of the
+attributes are read-only. If the C<country_of_residence> attribute
+were settable, we would need to check that a Person had an C<ssn> if
+the new country was C<usa>. This could be done with a C<before>
-The three techniques we used, overloading, subtypes, and coercion,
-combine to provide a powerful interface.
-If you'd like to learn more about overloading, please read the
-documentation for the L<overload> pragma.
-To see all the code we created together, take a look at
-=head1 NEXT STEPS
-Has this been a real project we'd probably want to:
-=over 4
+We have repeatedly discouraged overriding C<new> in Moose
+classes. This recipe shows how you can use C<BUILDARGS> and C<BUILD>
+to hook into object construction without overriding C<new>
-=item Better Randomization with Crypt::Random
+The C<BUILDARGS> method lets us expand on Moose's built-in parameter
+handling for constructors. The C<BUILD> method lets us implement
+logical constraints across the whole object after it is created.
-=item Characteristic Base Class
-=item Mutating Genes
-=item More Characteristics
-=item Artificial Life
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Aran Clary Deltac <>
+=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
+Copyright 2006-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
-License details are at: L<>
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin testing-SETUP
+ eval 'use DateTime; use DateTime::Calendar::Mayan;';
+ if ($@) {
+ diag 'DateTime & DateTime::Calendar::Mayan required for this test';
+ ok(1);
+ exit 0;
+ }
+=end testing-SETUP
=head1 NAME
-Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe11 - Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
+Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe12 - Extending a non-Moose base class
- package Person;
+ package My::DateTime;
- has 'ssn' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Str',
- predicate => 'has_ssn',
- );
+ use Moose;
+ extends qw( DateTime Moose::Object );
- has 'country_of_residence' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Str',
- default => 'usa'
- );
- has 'first_name' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Str',
- );
+ use DateTime::Calendar::Mayan;
- has 'last_name' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Str',
+ has 'mayan_date' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'DateTime::Calendar::Mayan',
+ init_arg => undef,
+ lazy => 1,
+ builder => '_build_mayan_date',
+ clearer => '_clear_mayan_date',
+ predicate => 'has_mayan_date',
+ sub new {
my $class = shift;
- if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
- return { ssn => $_[0] };
- }
- else {
- return $class->SUPER::BUILDARGS(@_);
- }
+ my $obj = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ return $class->meta->new_object(
+ __INSTANCE__ => $obj,
+ @_,
+ );
- sub BUILD {
- my $self = shift;
+ after 'set' => sub {
+ $_[0]->_clear_mayan_date;
+ };
- if ( $self->country_of_residence eq 'usa' ) {
- die 'Cannot create a Person who lives in the USA without an ssn.'
- unless $self->has_ssn;
- }
+ sub _build_mayan_date {
+ DateTime::Calendar::Mayan->from_object( object => $_[0] );
-This recipe demonstrates the use of C<BUILDARGS> and C<BUILD>. By
-defining these methods, we can hook into the object construction
-process without overriding C<new>.
+This recipe demonstrates how to use Moose to subclass a parent which
+is not Moose based. This recipe only works if the parent class uses a
+blessed hash reference for object instances. If your parent is doing
+something funkier, you should check out L<MooseX::InsideOut>.
-The C<BUILDARGS> method is called I<before> an object has been
-created. It is called as a class method, and receives all of the
-parameters passed to the C<new> method. It is expected to do something
-with these arguments and return a hash reference. The keys of the hash
-must be attribute C<init_arg>s.
+You might also want to check out L<MooseX::NonMoose>, which does all
+the grunt work for you.
-The primary purpose of C<BUILDARGS> is to allow a class to accept
-something other than named arguments. In the case of our C<Person>
-class, we are allowing it to be called with a single argument, a
-social security number:
+There are a couple pieces worth noting:
- my $person = Person->new('123-45-6789');
+ use Moose;
+ extends qw( DateTime Moose::Object );
-The key part of our C<BUILDARGS> is this conditional:
+First, we C<use Moose> just like we always do. This lets us declare
+attributes and use all the Moose sugar to which we are accustomed.
- if ( @_ == 1 && ! ref $_[0] ) {
- return { ssn => $_[0] };
- }
+The C<extends> declaration explicitly include L<Moose::Object> as well
+as L<DateTime>. This lets us use methods which are provided by
+L<Moose::Object>, like C<does>.
-By default, Moose constructors accept a list of key-value pairs, or a
-hash reference. We need to make sure that C<$_[0]> is not a reference
-before assuming it is a social security number.
+The constructor demonstrates a particular hack/pattern (hacktern?) for
+working with non-Moose parent classes:
-We call C<< $class->SUPER::BUILDARGS(@_) >> to handle all the other
-cases. You should always do this in your own C<BUILDARGS> methods,
-since L<Moose::Object> provides its own C<BUILDARGS> method that
-handles hash references and a list of key-value pairs.
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
-The C<BUILD> method is called I<after> the object is constructed, but
-before it is returned to the caller. The C<BUILD> method provides an
-opportunity to check the object state as a whole. This is a good place
-to put logic that cannot be expressed as a type constraint on a single
+ my $obj = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
-In the C<Person> class, we need to check the relationship between two
-attributes, C<ssn> and C<country_of_residence>. We throw an exception
-if the object is not logically consistent.
+ return $class->meta->new_object(
+ __INSTANCE__ => $obj,
+ @_,
+ );
+ }
+We explicitly call C<< $class->meta->new_object >> and pass the
+already-created object in the C<__INSTANCE__> key. Internally, Moose
+will take the existing object and initialize any attributes defined in
+our subclass.
-This recipe is made significantly simpler because all of the
-attributes are read-only. If the C<country_of_residence> attribute
-were settable, we would need to check that a Person had an C<ssn> if
-the new country was C<usa>. This could be done with a C<before>
+The C<after> modifier works just like we'd expect. The fact that
+C<set> is defined in our non-Moose parent does not matter.
-We have repeatedly discouraged overriding C<new> in Moose
-classes. This recipe shows how you can use C<BUILDARGS> and C<BUILD>
-to hook into object construction without overriding C<new>
+Moose can play nice with non-Moose classes when you follow the pattern
+shown here. Your subclass has access to all the power of Moose,
+including attribute declaration, method modifiers, type constraints
+(for new attributes), and roles.
-The C<BUILDARGS> method lets us expand on Moose's built-in parameter
-handling for constructors. The C<BUILD> method lets us implement
-logical constraints across the whole object after it is created.
+However, you won't be able to easily override a parent's "attributes",
+since they're not Moose attributes. Nor will you be able to inline a
+constructor, since you need to explicitly use the metaclass's object
=head1 AUTHOR
-Copyright 2006-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
+Copyright 2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin testing
+my $dt = My::DateTime->new( year => 1970, month => 2, day => 24 );
+can_ok( $dt, 'mayan_date' );
+isa_ok( $dt->mayan_date, 'DateTime::Calendar::Mayan' );
+is( $dt->mayan_date->date, '', 'got expected mayan date' );
+$dt->set( year => 2009 );
+ok( ! $dt->has_mayan_date, 'mayan_date is cleared after call to ->set' );
+=end testing
+++ /dev/null
-=begin testing-SETUP
- eval 'use DateTime; use DateTime::Calendar::Mayan;';
- if ($@) {
- diag 'DateTime & DateTime::Calendar::Mayan required for this test';
- ok(1);
- exit 0;
- }
-=end testing-SETUP
-=head1 NAME
-Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe12 - Extending a non-Moose base class
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package My::DateTime;
- use Moose;
- extends qw( DateTime Moose::Object );
- use DateTime::Calendar::Mayan;
- has 'mayan_date' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'DateTime::Calendar::Mayan',
- init_arg => undef,
- lazy => 1,
- builder => '_build_mayan_date',
- clearer => '_clear_mayan_date',
- predicate => 'has_mayan_date',
- );
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $obj = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- return $class->meta->new_object(
- __INSTANCE__ => $obj,
- @_,
- );
- }
- after 'set' => sub {
- $_[0]->_clear_mayan_date;
- };
- sub _build_mayan_date {
- DateTime::Calendar::Mayan->from_object( object => $_[0] );
- }
-This recipe demonstrates how to use Moose to subclass a parent which
-is not Moose based. This recipe only works if the parent class uses a
-blessed hash reference for object instances. If your parent is doing
-something funkier, you should check out L<MooseX::InsideOut>.
-You might also want to check out L<MooseX::NonMoose>, which does all
-the grunt work for you.
-There are a couple pieces worth noting:
- use Moose;
- extends qw( DateTime Moose::Object );
-First, we C<use Moose> just like we always do. This lets us declare
-attributes and use all the Moose sugar to which we are accustomed.
-The C<extends> declaration explicitly include L<Moose::Object> as well
-as L<DateTime>. This lets us use methods which are provided by
-L<Moose::Object>, like C<does>.
-The constructor demonstrates a particular hack/pattern (hacktern?) for
-working with non-Moose parent classes:
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $obj = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- return $class->meta->new_object(
- __INSTANCE__ => $obj,
- @_,
- );
- }
-We explicitly call C<< $class->meta->new_object >> and pass the
-already-created object in the C<__INSTANCE__> key. Internally, Moose
-will take the existing object and initialize any attributes defined in
-our subclass.
-The C<after> modifier works just like we'd expect. The fact that
-C<set> is defined in our non-Moose parent does not matter.
-Moose can play nice with non-Moose classes when you follow the pattern
-shown here. Your subclass has access to all the power of Moose,
-including attribute declaration, method modifiers, type constraints
-(for new attributes), and roles.
-However, you won't be able to easily override a parent's "attributes",
-since they're not Moose attributes. Nor will you be able to inline a
-constructor, since you need to explicitly use the metaclass's object
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
-Copyright 2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=begin testing
-my $dt = My::DateTime->new( year => 1970, month => 2, day => 24 );
-can_ok( $dt, 'mayan_date' );
-isa_ok( $dt->mayan_date, 'DateTime::Calendar::Mayan' );
-is( $dt->mayan_date->date, '', 'got expected mayan date' );
-$dt->set( year => 2009 );
-ok( ! $dt->has_mayan_date, 'mayan_date is cleared after call to ->set' );
-=end testing
--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe9 - Builder methods and lazy_build
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package BinaryTree;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'node' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Any');
+ has 'parent' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'BinaryTree',
+ predicate => 'has_parent',
+ weak_ref => 1,
+ );
+ has 'left' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'BinaryTree',
+ predicate => 'has_left',
+ lazy => 1,
+ builder => '_build_child_tree',
+ );
+ has 'right' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'BinaryTree',
+ predicate => 'has_right',
+ lazy => 1,
+ builder => '_build_child_tree',
+ );
+ before 'right', 'left' => sub {
+ my ($self, $tree) = @_;
+ $tree->parent($self) if defined $tree;
+ };
+ sub _build_child_tree {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return BinaryTree->new( parent => $self );
+ }
+If you've already read L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe3>, then this
+example should look very familiar. In fact, all we've done here is
+replace the attribute's C<default> parameter with a C<builder>.
+In this particular case, the C<default> and C<builder> options act in
+exactly the same way. When the C<left> or C<right> attribute is read,
+Moose calls the builder method to initialize the attribute.
+Note that Moose calls the builder method I<on the object which has the
+attribute>. Here's an example:
+ my $tree = BinaryTree->new();
+ my $left = $tree->left();
+When C<< $tree->left() >> is called, Moose calls C<<
+$tree->_build_child_tree() >> in order to populate the C<left>
+attribute. If we had passed C<left> to the original constructor, the
+builder would not be called.
+There are some differences between C<default> and C<builder>. Notably,
+a builder is subclassable, and can be composed from a role. See
+L<Moose::Manual::Attributes> for more details.
+=head2 The lazy_build shortcut
+The C<lazy_build> attribute option can be used as sugar to specify
+a whole set of attribute options at once:
+ has 'animal' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Animal',
+ lazy_build => 1,
+ );
+This is a shorthand for:
+ has 'animal' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Animal',
+ required => 1,
+ lazy => 1,
+ builder => '_build_animal',
+ predicate => 'has_animal',
+ clearer => 'clear_animal',
+ );
+If your attribute starts with an underscore, Moose is smart and will
+do the right thing with the C<predicate> and C<clearer>, making them
+both start with an underscore. The C<builder> method I<always> starts
+with an underscore.
+You can read more about C<lazy_build> in L<Moose::Manual::Attributes>
+The C<builder> option is a more OO-friendly version of the C<default>
+functionality. It also separates the default-generating code into a
+well-defined method. Sprinkling your attribute definitions with
+anonymous subroutines can be quite ugly and hard to follow.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2006-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 NAME
-Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe9 - Builder methods and lazy_build
+Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe10 - Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
- package BinaryTree;
+ package Human;
use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
- has 'node' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Any');
+ subtype 'Gender'
+ => as 'Str'
+ => where { $_ =~ m{^[mf]$}s };
- has 'parent' => (
- is => 'rw',
- isa => 'BinaryTree',
- predicate => 'has_parent',
- weak_ref => 1,
- );
+ has 'gender' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Gender', required => 1 );
- has 'left' => (
- is => 'rw',
- isa => 'BinaryTree',
- predicate => 'has_left',
- lazy => 1,
- builder => '_build_child_tree',
- );
+ has 'mother' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
+ has 'father' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
- has 'right' => (
- is => 'rw',
- isa => 'BinaryTree',
- predicate => 'has_right',
- lazy => 1,
- builder => '_build_child_tree',
- );
+ use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;
+ sub _overload_add {
+ my ( $one, $two ) = @_;
- before 'right', 'left' => sub {
- my ($self, $tree) = @_;
- $tree->parent($self) if defined $tree;
- };
+ die('Only male and female humans may create children')
+ if ( $one->gender() eq $two->gender() );
- sub _build_child_tree {
- my $self = shift;
+ my ( $mother, $father )
+ = ( $one->gender eq 'f' ? ( $one, $two ) : ( $two, $one ) );
- return BinaryTree->new( parent => $self );
+ my $gender = 'f';
+ $gender = 'm' if ( rand() >= 0.5 );
+ return Human->new(
+ gender => $gender,
+ mother => $mother,
+ father => $father,
+ );
-If you've already read L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe3>, then this
-example should look very familiar. In fact, all we've done here is
-replace the attribute's C<default> parameter with a C<builder>.
+This Moose cookbook recipe shows how operator overloading, coercion,
+and sub types can be used to mimic the human reproductive system
+(well, the selection of genes at least).
-In this particular case, the C<default> and C<builder> options act in
-exactly the same way. When the C<left> or C<right> attribute is read,
-Moose calls the builder method to initialize the attribute.
-Note that Moose calls the builder method I<on the object which has the
-attribute>. Here's an example:
+Our C<Human> class uses operator overloading to allow us to "add" two
+humans together and produce a child. Our implementation does require
+that the two objects be of opposite genders. Remember, we're talking
+about biological reproduction, not marriage.
- my $tree = BinaryTree->new();
+While this example works as-is, we can take it a lot further by adding
+genes into the mix. We'll add the two genes that control eye color,
+and use overloading to combine the genes from the parent to model the
- my $left = $tree->left();
+=head2 What is Operator Overloading?
-When C<< $tree->left() >> is called, Moose calls C<<
-$tree->_build_child_tree() >> in order to populate the C<left>
-attribute. If we had passed C<left> to the original constructor, the
-builder would not be called.
+Overloading is I<not> a Moose-specific feature. It's a general OO
+concept that is implemented in Perl with the C<overload>
+pragma. Overloading lets objects do something sane when used with
+Perl's built in operators, like addition (C<+>) or when used as a
-There are some differences between C<default> and C<builder>. Notably,
-a builder is subclassable, and can be composed from a role. See
-L<Moose::Manual::Attributes> for more details.
+In this example we overload addition so we can write code like
+C<$child = $mother + $father>.
-=head2 The lazy_build shortcut
+=head1 GENES
-The C<lazy_build> attribute option can be used as sugar to specify
-a whole set of attribute options at once:
+There are many genes which affect eye color, but there are two which
+are most important, I<gey> and I<bey2>. We will start by making a
+class for each gene.
- has 'animal' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Animal',
- lazy_build => 1,
- );
+=head2 Human::Gene::bey2
+ package Human::Gene::bey2;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ type 'bey2_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:brown|blue)$} };
+ has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'bey2_color' );
+This class is trivial, We have a type constraint for the allowed
+colors, and a C<color> attribute.
+=head2 Human::Gene::gey
+ package Human::Gene::gey;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ type 'gey_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:green|blue)$} };
+ has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'gey_color' );
+This is nearly identical to the C<Humane::Gene::bey2> class, except
+that the I<gey> gene allows for different colors.
+=head1 EYE COLOR
+We could just give add four attributes (two of each gene) to the
+C<Human> class, but this is a bit messy. Instead, we'll abstract the
+genes into a container class, C<Human::EyeColor>. Then a C<Human> can
+have a single C<eye_color> attribute.
+ package Human::EyeColor;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ coerce 'Human::Gene::bey2'
+ => from 'Str'
+ => via { Human::Gene::bey2->new( color => $_ ) };
+ coerce 'Human::Gene::gey'
+ => from 'Str'
+ => via { Human::Gene::gey->new( color => $_ ) };
+ has [qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 )] =>
+ ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::bey2', coerce => 1 );
+ has [qw( gey_1 gey_2 )] =>
+ ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::gey', coerce => 1 );
+The eye color class has two of each type of gene. We've also created a
+coercion for each class that coerces a string into a new object. Note
+that a coercion will fail if it attempts to coerce a string like
+"indigo", because that is not a valid color for either type of gene.
+As an aside, you can see that we can define several identical
+attributes at once by supply an array reference of names as the first
+argument to C<has>.
+We also need a method to calculate the actual eye color that results
+from a set of genes. The I<bey2> brown gene is dominant over both blue
+and green. The I<gey> green gene dominant over blue.
+ sub color {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return 'brown'
+ if ( $self->bey2_1->color() eq 'brown'
+ or $self->bey2_2->color() eq 'brown' );
-This is a shorthand for:
+ return 'green'
+ if ( $self->gey_1->color() eq 'green'
+ or $self->gey_2->color() eq 'green' );
- has 'animal' => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Animal',
- required => 1,
- lazy => 1,
- builder => '_build_animal',
- predicate => 'has_animal',
- clearer => 'clear_animal',
+ return 'blue';
+ }
+We'd like to be able to treat a C<Human::EyeColor> object as a string,
+so we define a string overloading for the class:
+ use overload '""' => \&color, fallback => 1;
+Finally, we need to define overloading for addition. That way we can
+add together to C<Human::EyeColor> objects and get a new one with a
+new (genetically correct) eye color.
+ use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;
+ sub _overload_add {
+ my ( $one, $two ) = @_;
+ my $one_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();
+ my $two_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();
+ my $one_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();
+ my $two_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();
+ return Human::EyeColor->new(
+ bey2_1 => $one->$one_bey2->color(),
+ bey2_2 => $two->$two_bey2->color(),
+ gey_1 => $one->$one_gey->color(),
+ gey_2 => $two->$two_gey->color(),
+ );
+ }
+ sub _rand2 {
+ return 1 + int( rand(2) );
+ }
+When two eye color objects are added together the C<_overload_add()>
+method will be passed two C<Human::EyeColor> objects. These are the
+left and right side operands for the C<+> operator. This method
+returns a new C<Human::EyeColor> object.
+=head1 ADDING EYE COLOR TO C<Human>s
+Our original C<Human> class requires just a few changes to incorporate
+our new C<Human::EyeColor> class.
+ use List::MoreUtils qw( zip );
+ coerce 'Human::EyeColor'
+ => from 'ArrayRef'
+ => via { my @genes = qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 gey_1 gey_2 );
+ return Human::EyeColor->new( zip( @genes, @{$_} ) ); };
+ has 'eye_color' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Human::EyeColor',
+ coerce => 1,
+ required => 1,
-If your attribute starts with an underscore, Moose is smart and will
-do the right thing with the C<predicate> and C<clearer>, making them
-both start with an underscore. The C<builder> method I<always> starts
-with an underscore.
+We also need to modify C<_overload_add()> in the C<Human> class to
+account for eye color:
-You can read more about C<lazy_build> in L<Moose::Manual::Attributes>
+ return Human->new(
+ gender => $gender,
+ eye_color => ( $one->eye_color() + $two->eye_color() ),
+ mother => $mother,
+ father => $father,
+ );
-The C<builder> option is a more OO-friendly version of the C<default>
-functionality. It also separates the default-generating code into a
-well-defined method. Sprinkling your attribute definitions with
-anonymous subroutines can be quite ugly and hard to follow.
+The three techniques we used, overloading, subtypes, and coercion,
+combine to provide a powerful interface.
-=head1 AUTHOR
+If you'd like to learn more about overloading, please read the
+documentation for the L<overload> pragma.
-Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
+To see all the code we created together, take a look at
+=head1 NEXT STEPS
+Has this been a real project we'd probably want to:
+=over 4
+=item Better Randomization with Crypt::Random
+=item Characteristic Base Class
+=item Mutating Genes
-Copyright 2006-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
+=item More Characteristics
+=item Artificial Life
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Aran Clary Deltac <>
+Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
+License details are at: L<>