my $theforce = The::Force->new('my $dummy = "use the force Luke"; $_[0] * 2');
is($theforce->(6), 12, 'check The::Force coderef');
+my $luke = The::Force->new('my $z = "I am your father"');
package Doubleena;
use Moo;
has a => (is => "rw", coerce => $darkside, isa => sub { 1 });
- has b => (is => "rw", coerce => $theforce, isa => The::Force->new('my $z = "I am your father"'));
+ has b => (is => "rw", coerce => $theforce, isa => $luke);
my $o = Doubleena->new(a => 11, b => 12);
unlike($constructor, qr{join the dark side}, 'non-Sub::Quoted coercion was not inlined');
like($constructor, qr{I am your father}, 'Sub::Quoted isa got inlined');
+require Scalar::Util;
+ Scalar::Util::refaddr($luke),
+ Scalar::Util::refaddr(
+ Moo->_constructor_maker_for("Doubleena")->all_attribute_specs->{"b"}{"isa"}
+ ),
+ '$spec->{isa} reference is not mutated',
+ Scalar::Util::refaddr($theforce),
+ Scalar::Util::refaddr(
+ Moo->_constructor_maker_for("Doubleena")->all_attribute_specs->{"b"}{"coerce"}
+ ),
+ '$spec->{coerce} reference is not mutated',