package SQL::Translator::Producer::XML::SQLFairy;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $Id:,v 1.6 2003-10-20 11:50:38 dlc Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.7 2003-10-20 13:15:23 grommit Exp $
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2003 Ken Y. Clark <>,
# darren chamberlain <>,
use strict;
use vars qw[ $VERSION @EXPORT_OK ];
-$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.6 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.7 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
use Exporter;
use base qw(Exporter);
$xml->endTag( [ $Namespace => 'table' ] );
+ #
+ # Views
+ #
+ for my $foo ( $schema->get_views ) {
+ xml_obj($xml, $foo, tag => "view",
+ methods => [qw/name sql fields order/], end_tag => 1 );
+ }
+ #
+ # Tiggers
+ #
+ for my $foo ( $schema->get_triggers ) {
+ xml_obj($xml, $foo, tag => "trigger",
+ methods => [qw/name perform_action_when database_event fields on_table
+ action order/], end_tag => 1 );
+ }
+ #
+ # Procedures
+ #
+ for my $foo ( $schema->get_procedures ) {
+ xml_obj($xml, $foo, tag => "procedure",
+ methods => [qw/name sql parameters owner comments order/], end_tag=>1 );
+ }
$xml->endTag([ $Namespace => 'schema' ]);
plan skip_all => "You need Test::Differences for this test.";
use Test::Differences;
-plan tests => 9;
+plan tests => 18;
use SQL::Translator;
use SQL::Translator::Producer::XML::SQLFairy;
-my ($obj,$ans,$xml);
# emit_empty_tags => 0
+my ($obj,$ans,$xml);
$ans = <<EOXML;
<sqlt:schema xmlns:sqlt="">
$xml =~ s/^([^\n]*\n){7}//m;
eq_or_diff $xml, $ans ,"XML looks right";
+} # end emit_empty_tags=>0
# emit_empty_tags => 1
+my ($obj,$ans,$xml);
$ans = <<EOXML;
<sqlt:schema xmlns:sqlt="">
-undef $obj;
$obj = SQL::Translator->new(
debug => DEBUG,
trace => TRACE,
$xml =~ s/^([^\n]*\n){7}//m;
eq_or_diff $xml, $ans ,"XML looks right";
+} # end emit_empty_tags => 1
# attrib_values => 1
+my ($obj,$ans,$xml);
$ans = <<EOXML;
<sqlt:schema database="" name="" xmlns:sqlt="">
<sqlt:table order="3" name="Basic">
- <sqlt:field comments="comment on id field" is_primary_key="1" data_type="integer" name="id" is_foreign_key="0" is_auto_increment="1" is_nullable="0" order="9" size="10" />
- <sqlt:field comments="" is_primary_key="0" data_type="varchar" name="title" is_foreign_key="0" is_nullable="0" is_auto_increment="0" order="10" size="100" default_value="hello" />
- <sqlt:field comments="" is_primary_key="0" data_type="text" name="description" is_foreign_key="0" is_nullable="1" is_auto_increment="0" order="11" size="65535" default_value="" />
- <sqlt:field comments="" is_primary_key="0" data_type="varchar" name="email" is_foreign_key="0" is_nullable="1" is_auto_increment="0" order="12" size="255" />
+ <sqlt:field is_primary_key="1" is_foreign_key="0" name="id" comments="comment on id field" size="10" data_type="integer" is_auto_increment="1" order="9" is_nullable="0" />
+ <sqlt:field is_primary_key="0" is_foreign_key="0" name="title" comments="" size="100" is_auto_increment="0" data_type="varchar" order="10" default_value="hello" is_nullable="0" />
+ <sqlt:field is_primary_key="0" is_foreign_key="0" name="description" comments="" size="65535" is_auto_increment="0" data_type="text" order="11" default_value="" is_nullable="1" />
+ <sqlt:field is_primary_key="0" is_foreign_key="0" name="email" comments="" size="255" is_auto_increment="0" data_type="varchar" order="12" is_nullable="1" />
<sqlt:index options="" name="titleindex" fields="title" type="NORMAL" />
- <sqlt:constraint reference_table="" options="" deferrable="1" name="" fields="id" on_delete="" expression="" on_update="" match_type="" type="PRIMARY KEY" />
- <sqlt:constraint reference_table="" options="" deferrable="1" name="" fields="email" on_delete="" expression="" on_update="" match_type="" type="UNIQUE" />
+ <sqlt:constraint options="" match_type="" deferrable="1" name="" on_update="" reference_table="" on_delete="" fields="id" expression="" type="PRIMARY KEY" />
+ <sqlt:constraint options="" match_type="" deferrable="1" name="" on_update="" reference_table="" on_delete="" fields="email" expression="" type="UNIQUE" />
$xml =~ s/^([^\n]*\n){7}//m;
eq_or_diff $xml, $ans ,"XML looks right";
+} # end attrib_values => 1
+# View
+# Thanks to Ken for the schema setup lifted from 13schema.t
+my ($obj,$ans,$xml);
+$ans = <<EOXML;
+<sqlt:schema xmlns:sqlt="">
+ <sqlt:database></sqlt:database>
+ <sqlt:name></sqlt:name>
+ <sqlt:view>
+ <sqlt:fields>name,age</sqlt:fields>
+ <sqlt:name>foo_view</sqlt:name>
+ <sqlt:order>1</sqlt:order>
+ <sqlt:sql>select name, age from person</sqlt:sql>
+ </sqlt:view>
+ $obj = SQL::Translator->new(
+ debug => DEBUG,
+ trace => TRACE,
+ show_warnings => 1,
+ add_drop_table => 1,
+ from => "MySQL",
+ to => "XML-SQLFairy",
+ );
+ my $s = $obj->schema;
+ my $name = 'foo_view';
+ my $sql = 'select name, age from person';
+ my $fields = 'name, age';
+ my $v = $s->add_view(
+ name => $name,
+ sql => $sql,
+ fields => $fields,
+ schema => $s,
+ ) or die $s->error;
+ # As we have created a Schema we give translate a dummy string so that
+ # it will run the produce.
+ lives_ok {$xml =$obj->translate("FOO");} "Translate (View) ran";
+ ok("$xml" ne "" ,"Produced something!");
+ print "XML attrib_values=>1:\n$xml" if DEBUG;
+ # Strip sqlf header with its variable date so we diff safely
+ $xml =~ s/^([^\n]*\n){7}//m;
+ eq_or_diff $xml, $ans ,"XML looks right";
+} # end View
+# Trigger
+# Thanks to Ken for the schema setup lifted from 13schema.t
+my ($obj,$ans,$xml);
+$ans = <<EOXML;
+<sqlt:schema xmlns:sqlt="">
+ <sqlt:database></sqlt:database>
+ <sqlt:name></sqlt:name>
+ <sqlt:trigger>
+ <sqlt:action>update modified=timestamp();</sqlt:action>
+ <sqlt:database_event>insert</sqlt:database_event>
+ <sqlt:name>foo_trigger</sqlt:name>
+ <sqlt:on_table>foo</sqlt:on_table>
+ <sqlt:order>1</sqlt:order>
+ <sqlt:perform_action_when>after</sqlt:perform_action_when>
+ </sqlt:trigger>
+ $obj = SQL::Translator->new(
+ debug => DEBUG,
+ trace => TRACE,
+ show_warnings => 1,
+ add_drop_table => 1,
+ from => "MySQL",
+ to => "XML-SQLFairy",
+ );
+ my $s = $obj->schema;
+ my $name = 'foo_trigger';
+ my $perform_action_when = 'after';
+ my $database_event = 'insert';
+ my $on_table = 'foo';
+ my $action = 'update modified=timestamp();';
+ my $t = $s->add_trigger(
+ name => $name,
+ perform_action_when => $perform_action_when,
+ database_event => $database_event,
+ on_table => $on_table,
+ action => $action,
+ ) or die $s->error;
+ # As we have created a Schema we give translate a dummy string so that
+ # it will run the produce.
+ lives_ok {$xml =$obj->translate("FOO");} "Translate (Trigger) ran";
+ ok("$xml" ne "" ,"Produced something!");
+ print "XML attrib_values=>1:\n$xml" if DEBUG;
+ # Strip sqlf header with its variable date so we diff safely
+ $xml =~ s/^([^\n]*\n){7}//m;
+ eq_or_diff $xml, $ans ,"XML looks right";
+} # end Trigger
+# Procedure
+# Thanks to Ken for the schema setup lifted from 13schema.t
+my ($obj,$ans,$xml);
+$ans = <<EOXML;
+<sqlt:schema xmlns:sqlt="">
+ <sqlt:database></sqlt:database>
+ <sqlt:name></sqlt:name>
+ <sqlt:procedure>
+ <sqlt:comments>Go Sox!</sqlt:comments>
+ <sqlt:name>foo_proc</sqlt:name>
+ <sqlt:order>1</sqlt:order>
+ <sqlt:owner>Nomar</sqlt:owner>
+ <sqlt:parameters>foo,bar</sqlt:parameters>
+ <sqlt:sql>select foo from bar</sqlt:sql>
+ </sqlt:procedure>
+ $obj = SQL::Translator->new(
+ debug => DEBUG,
+ trace => TRACE,
+ show_warnings => 1,
+ add_drop_table => 1,
+ from => "MySQL",
+ to => "XML-SQLFairy",
+ );
+ my $s = $obj->schema;
+ my $name = 'foo_proc';
+ my $sql = 'select foo from bar';
+ my $parameters = 'foo, bar';
+ my $owner = 'Nomar';
+ my $comments = 'Go Sox!';
+ my $p = $s->add_procedure(
+ name => $name,
+ sql => $sql,
+ parameters => $parameters,
+ owner => $owner,
+ comments => $comments,
+ ) or die $s->error;
+ # As we have created a Schema we give translate a dummy string so that
+ # it will run the produce.
+ lives_ok {$xml =$obj->translate("FOO");} "Translate (Procedure) ran";
+ ok("$xml" ne "" ,"Produced something!");
+ print "XML attrib_values=>1:\n$xml" if DEBUG;
+ # Strip sqlf header with its variable date so we diff safely
+ $xml =~ s/^([^\n]*\n){7}//m;
+ eq_or_diff $xml, $ans ,"XML looks right";
+} # end Procedure