Revision history for DBIx::Class::Tree
+ - Fixed the parents (note the plural) relationship to
+ not have cascade_copy set by default
0.03000 2009-08-18
- Removed EXPERIMENTAL flags, because after 2 years there'd be bugs
if there were any serious problems. (Ian Wells)
my $primary_col = ($class->primary_columns())[0];
$class->belongs_to( '_parent' => $class => { "foreign.$primary_col" => "self.$parent_col" } );
$class->has_many( 'children' => $class => { "foreign.$parent_col" => "self.$primary_col" } );
- $class->has_many( 'parents' => $class => { "foreign.$primary_col" => "self.$parent_col" }, { cascade_delete => 0 } );
+ $class->has_many( 'parents' => $class => { "foreign.$primary_col" => "self.$parent_col" }, { cascade_delete => 0, cascade_copy => 0 } );
$class->_parent_column( $parent_col );
return 1;
$node->parent( $parent_id );
- lives_and ( sub {
- warn "BEGIN!!!!!\n\n";
- is( $nodes->find(3)->copy({name => 'special'})->name,'special','copy test');
- }, 'copy does not throw');
ok( ($nodes->count()==81), 'correct number of nodes in random tree' );
ok( ($nodes->find(3)->children->count()==7), 'node 3 has correct number of children' );
ok( ($nodes->find(22)->children->count()==3), 'node 22 has correct number of children' );
if( TreeTest::Schema::Node->can('position_column') ){
ok( check_positions(scalar $root->children()), 'positions are correct' );
+ lives_and ( sub {
+ is( $nodes->find(3)->copy({name => 'special'})->name,'special','copy test');
+ }, 'copy does not throw');
sub check_positions {