my $parent = shift;
my $check = shift;
- my ($message, $optimized);
+ my ( $message, $optimized );
for (@_) {
$message = $_->{message} if exists $_->{message};
$optimized = $_->{optimized} if exists $_->{optimized};
- my $pkg_defined_in = scalar(caller(0));
+ my $pkg_defined_in = scalar( caller(0) );
- if (defined $name) {
+ if ( defined $name ) {
my $type = $REGISTRY->get_type_constraint($name);
( $type->_package_defined_in eq $pkg_defined_in )
. $pkg_defined_in )
if defined $type;
- ## Here are the basic options we will use to create the constraint. These
- ## may be altered depending on the parent type, etc.
my %opts = (
name => $name || '__ANON__',
package_defined_in => $pkg_defined_in,
- ($check ? (constraint => $check) : ()),
- ($message ? (message => $message) : ()),
- ($optimized ? (optimized => $optimized) : ()),
+ ( $check ? ( constraint => $check ) : () ),
+ ( $message ? ( message => $message ) : () ),
+ ( $optimized ? ( optimized => $optimized ) : () ),
- ## If we have a parent we make sure to instantiate this new type constraint
- ## as a subclass of the parents meta class. We need to see if the $parent
- ## is already a blessed TC or if we need to go make it based on it's name
my $constraint;
- if(
- defined $parent
- and $parent = blessed $parent ? $parent:find_or_parse_type_constraint($parent)
- ) {
- ## creating the child is a job we delegate to the parent, since each
- ## parent may have local customization needs to influence it's child.
+ if ( defined $parent
+ and $parent
+ = blessed $parent ? $parent : find_or_parse_type_constraint($parent) )
+ {
$constraint = $parent->create_child_type(%opts);
- } else {
- ## If for some reason the above couldn't create a type constraint, let's
- ## make sure to create something.
- $constraint = Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(%opts);
+ }
+ else {
+ $constraint = Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(%opts);
- ## Unless we have a request to make an anonynmous constraint, let's add it
- ## to the $REGISTRY so that it gets cached for quicker lookups next time
if defined $name;