# total_size([]) will NOT return the size of the ref + the array, it will only
# return the size of the array alone!
-use Test::More tests => 3 + 4 *12;
+use Test::More tests => 16 + 4 *12;
use strict;
use Devel::Size ':all';
# verify that pointer sizes in array slots are sensible:
# create an array with 4 slots, 2 of them used
is ($full_hash, $element_size + $hash_size, 'properly handles undef/non-undef inside arrays');
} # end for different sizes
+sub cmp_array_ro {
+ my($got, $want, $desc) = @_;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ is(@$got, @$want, "$desc (same element count)");
+ my $i = @$want;
+ while ($i--) {
+ is($got->[$i], $want->[$i], "$desc (element $i)");
+ }
+ my $undef;
+ my $undef_size = total_size($undef);
+ cmp_ok($undef_size, '>', 0, 'non-zero size for NULL');
+ my $iv_size = total_size(1);
+ cmp_ok($iv_size, '>', 0, 'non-zero size for IV');
+ # Force the array to allocate storage for elements.
+ # This avoids making the assumption that just because it doesn't happen
+ # initially now, it won't stay that way forever.
+ my @array = 42;
+ my $array_1_size = total_size(\@array);
+ cmp_ok($array_1_size, '>', 0, 'non-zero size for array with 1 element');
+ $array[2] = 6 * 9;
+ my @copy = @array;
+ # This might be making too many assumptions about the current implementation
+ my $array_2_size = total_size(\@array);
+ is($array_2_size, $array_1_size + $iv_size,
+ "gaps in arrays don't allocate scalars");
+ # Avoid using is_deeply() as that will read $#array, which is a write
+ # action prior to 5.12. (Different writes on 5.10 and 5.8-and-earlier, but
+ # a write either way, allocating memory.
+ cmp_array_ro(\@array, \@copy, 'two arrays compare the same');
+ # A write action:
+ $array[1] = undef;
+ is(total_size(\@array), $array_2_size + $undef_size,
+ "assigning undef to a gap in an array allocates a scalar");
+ cmp_array_ro(\@array, \@copy, 'two arrays compare the same');