+ - allow 'has \@attributes' like Moose does
1.000003 - 2012-08-09
- make setter for weak_ref attributes return the value
_install_tracked $target => has => sub {
- my ($name, %spec) = @_;
- $class->_constructor_maker_for($target)
- ->register_attribute_specs($name, \%spec);
- $class->_accessor_maker_for($target)
- ->generate_method($target, $name, \%spec);
- $class->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target);
+ my ($name_proto, %spec) = @_;
+ my $name_isref = ref $name_proto eq 'ARRAY';
+ foreach my $name ($name_isref ? @$name_proto : $name_proto) {
+ # Note that when $name_proto is an arrayref, each attribute
+ # needs a separate \%specs hashref
+ my $spec_ref = $name_isref ? +{%spec} : \%spec;
+ $class->_constructor_maker_for($target)
+ ->register_attribute_specs($name, $spec_ref);
+ $class->_accessor_maker_for($target)
+ ->generate_method($target, $name, $spec_ref);
+ $class->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target);
+ }
foreach my $type (qw(before after around)) {
ilmari - Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker (cpan:ILMARI) <ilmari@ilmari.org>
+tobyink - Toby Inkster (cpan:TOBYINK) <tobyink@cpan.org>
Copyright (c) 2010-2011 the Moo L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS>
# get symbol table reference
my $stash = do { no strict 'refs'; \%{"${target}::"} };
_install_tracked $target => has => sub {
- my ($name, %spec) = @_;
- ($INFO{$target}{accessor_maker} ||= do {
- require Method::Generate::Accessor;
- Method::Generate::Accessor->new
- })->generate_method($target, $name, \%spec);
- push @{$INFO{$target}{attributes}||=[]}, $name, \%spec;
- $me->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target);
+ my ($name_proto, %spec) = @_;
+ my $name_isref = ref $name_proto eq 'ARRAY';
+ foreach my $name ($name_isref ? @$name_proto : $name_proto) {
+ my $spec_ref = $name_isref ? +{%spec} : \%spec;
+ ($INFO{$target}{accessor_maker} ||= do {
+ require Method::Generate::Accessor;
+ Method::Generate::Accessor->new
+ })->generate_method($target, $name, $spec_ref);
+ push @{$INFO{$target}{attributes}||=[]}, $name, $spec_ref;
+ $me->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target);
+ }
# install before/after/around subs
foreach my $type (qw(before after around)) {
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+ok(eval {
+ package Local::Test::Role1;
+ use Moo::Role;
+ has [qw/ attr1 attr2 /] => (is => 'ro');
+ 1;
+}, 'has \@attrs works in roles')
+ or diag "EVAL FAILED: $@";
+ok eval {
+ package Local::Test::Class1;
+ use Moo;
+ with 'Local::Test::Role1';
+ has [qw/ attr3 attr4 /] => (is => 'ro');
+ 1;
+}, 'has \@attrs works in classes'
+ or diag "EVAL FAILED: $@";
+my $obj = new_ok 'Local::Test::Class1' => [
+ attr1 => 1,
+ attr2 => 2,
+ attr3 => 3,
+ attr4 => 4,
+ $obj,
+ qw( attr1 attr2 attr3 attr4 ),