# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
-# basic.t
-# -------
-# Tests that;
+# Run script with -d for debug.
use strict;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use Test::More;
+use Test::SQL::Translator;
use Test::Exception;
-use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
+use SQL::Translator;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
+# Simple options. -d for debug
my %opt;
BEGIN { map { $opt{$_}=1 if s/^-// } @ARGV; }
use constant DEBUG => (exists $opt{d} ? 1 : 0);
-local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { diag "[warn] ", @_; };
-use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
-# Usefull test subs for the schema objs
-$ATTRIBUTES{field} = [qw/
-sub test_field {
- my ($fld,$test) = @_;
- die "test_field needs a least a name!" unless $test->{name};
- my $name = $test->{name};
- is $fld->name, $name, "$name - Name right";
- foreach my $attr ( @{$ATTRIBUTES{field}} ) {
- if ( exists $test->{$attr} ) {
- my $ans = $test->{$attr};
- if ( $attr =~ m/^is_/ ) {
- if ($ans) { ok $fld->$attr, "$name - $attr true"; }
- else { ok !$fld->$attr, "$name - $attr false"; }
- }
- else {
- is $fld->$attr, $ans, "$name - $attr = '"
- .(defined $ans ? $ans : "NULL" )."'";
- }
- }
- else {
- ok !$fld->$attr, "$name - $attr not set";
- }
- }
-# TODO test_constraint, test_index
# Testing 1,2,3,4...
-plan tests => 198;
-use SQL::Translator;
-use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
+plan tests => 274;
foreach (
filename => $testschema,
print $sql if DEBUG;
- #print "Debug:", Dumper($obj) if DEBUG;
# Test the schema objs generted from the XML
is_deeply( [map {$_->name} $tbl->get_fields], [qw/
id title description email explicitnulldef explicitemptystring emptytagdef
/] , "Table Basic's fields");
- test_field($tbl->get_field("id"),{
- name => "id",
- data_type => "int",
- default_value => undef,
- is_nullable => 0,
- size => 10,
- is_primary_key => 1,
- is_auto_increment => 1,
- });
- test_field($tbl->get_field("title"),{
- name => "title",
- data_type => "varchar",
- is_nullable => 0,
- default_value => "hello",
- size => 100,
- });
- test_field($tbl->get_field("description"),{
- name => "description",
- data_type => "text",
- is_nullable => 1,
- default_value => "",
- });
- test_field($tbl->get_field("email"),{
- name => "email",
- data_type => "varchar",
- size => 255,
- is_unique => 1,
- default_value => undef,
- is_nullable => 1,
- });
- test_field($tbl->get_field("explicitnulldef"),{
- name => "explicitnulldef",
- data_type => "varchar",
- default_value => undef,
- is_nullable => 1,
- });
- test_field($tbl->get_field("explicitemptystring"),{
- name => "explicitemptystring",
- data_type => "varchar",
- default_value => "",
- is_nullable => 1,
- });
- test_field($tbl->get_field("emptytagdef"),{
- name => "emptytagdef",
- data_type => "varchar",
- default_value => "",
- is_nullable => 1,
- });
- my @indices = $tbl->get_indices;
- is scalar(@indices), 1, "Table basic has 1 index";
- my @constraints = $tbl->get_constraints;
- is scalar(@constraints), 2, "Table basic has 2 constraints";
- my $con = shift @constraints;
- is $con->table, $tbl, "Constaints table right";
- is $con->name, "", "Constaints table right";
- is $con->type, PRIMARY_KEY, "Constaint is primary key";
- is_deeply [$con->fields], ["id"], "Constaint fields";
- $con = shift @constraints;
- is $con->table, $tbl, "Constaints table right";
- is $con->type, UNIQUE, "Constaint UNIQUE";
- is_deeply [$con->fields], ["email"], "Constaint fields";
+ table_ok( $scma->get_table("Basic"), {
+ name => "Basic",
+ fields => [
+ {
+ name => "id",
+ data_type => "int",
+ default_value => undef,
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ size => 10,
+ is_primary_key => 1,
+ is_auto_increment => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => "title",
+ data_type => "varchar",
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ default_value => "hello",
+ size => 100,
+ },
+ {
+ name => "description",
+ data_type => "text",
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ default_value => "",
+ },
+ {
+ name => "email",
+ data_type => "varchar",
+ size => 255,
+ is_unique => 1,
+ default_value => undef,
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => "explicitnulldef",
+ data_type => "varchar",
+ default_value => undef,
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => "explicitemptystring",
+ data_type => "varchar",
+ default_value => "",
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ {
+ name => "emptytagdef",
+ data_type => "varchar",
+ default_value => "",
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ constraints => [
+ {
+ type => PRIMARY_KEY,
+ fields => ["id"],
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'emailuniqueindex',
+ type => UNIQUE,
+ fields => ["email"],
+ }
+ ],
+ indices => [
+ {
+ name => "titleindex",
+ fields => ["title"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
# View
- #
+ #
my @views = $scma->get_views;
- is( scalar @views, 1, 'Number of views is 1' );
- my $v = $views[0];
- isa_ok( $v, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::View', 'View' );
- is( $v->name, 'email_list', "View's Name is 'email_list'" );
- is( $v->sql, "SELECT email FROM Basic WHERE email IS NOT NULL",
- "View's sql" );
- is( join(",",$v->fields), 'email', "View's Fields" );
+ view_ok( $views[0], {
+ name => 'email_list',
+ sql => "SELECT email FROM Basic WHERE email IS NOT NULL",
+ fields => ['email'],
+ });
+ my @triggs = $scma->get_triggers;
+ trigger_ok( $triggs[0], {
+ name => 'foo_trigger',
+ perform_action_when => 'after',
+ database_event => 'insert',
+ on_table => 'foo',
+ action => 'update modified=timestamp();',
+ });
- #
- # Trigger
- #
- {
- my $name = 'foo_trigger';
- my $perform_action_when = 'after';
- my $database_event = 'insert';
- my $on_table = 'foo';
- my $action = 'update modified=timestamp();';
- my @triggs = $scma->get_triggers;
- is( scalar @triggs, 1, 'Number of triggers is 1' );
- my $t = $triggs[0];
- isa_ok( $t, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger', 'Trigger' );
- is( $t->name, $name, qq[Name is "$name"] );
- is( $t->perform_action_when, $perform_action_when,
- qq[Perform action when is "$perform_action_when"] );
- is( $t->database_event, $database_event,
- qq[Database event is "$database_event"] );
- is( $t->on_table, $on_table, qq[Table is "$on_table"] );
- is( $t->action, $action, qq[Action is "$action"] );
- }
# Procedure
- {
- my $name = 'foo_proc';
- my $sql = 'select foo from bar';
- my $parameters = 'foo, bar';
- my $owner = 'Nomar';
- my $comments = 'Go Sox!';
- my @procs = $scma->get_procedures;
- is( scalar @procs, 1, 'Number of procedures is 1' );
- my $p = $procs[0];
- isa_ok( $p, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure', 'Procedure' );
- is( $p->name, $name, qq[Name is "$name"] );
- is( $p->sql, $sql, qq[SQL is "$sql"] );
- is( join(',', $p->parameters), 'foo,bar', qq[Params = 'foo,bar'] );
- is( $p->comments, $comments, qq[Comments = "$comments"] );
- }
+ my @procs = $scma->get_procedures;
+ procedure_ok( $procs[0], {
+ name => 'foo_proc',
+ sql => 'select foo from bar',
+ parameters => ['foo', 'bar'],
+ owner => 'Nomar',
+ comments => 'Go Sox!',
+ });
+ print "Debug:", Dumper($obj) if DEBUG;
} # /Test of schema