use Config;
-# Make sure when we run `perl` we get this perl
-$ENV{'PATH'} = '.' . $Config{'path_sep'} . $ENV{'PATH'};
use Test::More tests => 5;
use File::Spec;
+# Change 'perl' to './perl' so the shell doesn't go looking through PATH.
+sub safe_rel {
+ return File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir, $_[0]);
# Here we make sure File::Spec can properly deal with executables.
# VMS has some trouble with these.
my $perl = File::Spec->rel2abs($^X);
$perl = File::Spec->canonpath($perl);
is( `$perl -le "print 'ok'"`, "ok\n", 'canonpath on abs executable' );
-$perl = File::Spec->abs2rel($perl);
+$perl = safe_rel($perl);
is( `$perl -le "print 'ok'"`, "ok\n", 'abs2rel()' );
$perl = File::Spec->canonpath($^X);