t/lib/compress/tied.pl Compress::Zlib
t/lib/compress/truncate.pl Compress::Zlib
t/lib/compress/zlib-generic.pl Compress::Zlib
+t/lib/contains_bad_pod.xr Pod-Parser test file
t/lib/contains_pod.xr Pod-Parser test file
t/lib/cygwin.t Builtin cygwin function tests
t/lib/Devel/switchd.pm Module for t/run/switchd.t
t/pod/pod2usage2.t Test Pod::Usage
t/pod/pod2usage.t Test Pod::Usage
t/pod/pod2usage.xr Expected results for pod2usage.t
+t/pod/podchkenc.t Validate =encoding support
+t/pod/podchkenc.xr Expected results for the above
t/pod/poderrs.t Test POD errors
t/pod/poderrs.xr Expected results for poderrs.t
t/pod/podselect.t Test Pod::Select
t/pod/testpchk.pl Module to test Pod::Checker for a given file
t/pod/testpods/lib/Pod/Stuff.pm Sample data for find.t
t/pod/twice.t Test Pod::Parser
+t/pod/usage.pod Test POD for pod2usage tests
+t/pod/usage2.pod Test POD for pod2usage tests
t/README Instructions for regression tests
t/run/cloexec.t Test close-on-exec.
t/run/exit.t Test perl's exit status.
'Pod::Parser' => {
'MAINTAINER' => 'marekr',
- 'FILES' => q[lib/Pod/{InputObjects,Parser,ParseUtils,Select,PlainText,Usage,Checker,Find}.pm pod/pod{select,2usage,checker}.PL t/pod/testcmp.pl t/pod/testp2pt.pl t/pod/testpchk.pl t/pod/emptycmd.* t/pod/find.t t/pod/for.* t/pod/headings.* t/pod/include.* t/pod/included.* t/pod/lref.* t/pod/multiline_items.* t/pod/nested_items.* t/pod/nested_seqs.* t/pod/oneline_cmds.* t/pod/poderrs.* t/pod/pod2usage.* t/pod/podselect.* t/pod/special_seqs.*],
+ 'FILES' => q[lib/Pod/{Checker,Find,InputObjects,Parser,ParseUtils,PlainText,Select,Usage}.pm lib/Pod/t/contains_pod.t pod/pod{2usage,checker,select}.PL t/lib/contains_bad_pod.xr t/lib/contains_pod.xr t/pod/emptycmd.* t/pod/find.t t/pod/for.* t/pod/headings.* t/pod/include.* t/pod/included.* t/pod/lref.* t/pod/multiline_items.* t/pod/nested_items.* t/pod/nested_seqs.* t/pod/oneline_cmds.* t/pod/pod2usage.* t/pod/podchkenc.* t/pod/poderrs.* t/pod/podselect.* t/pod/special_seqs.* t/pod/testcmp.pl t/pod/testp2pt.pl t/pod/testpchk.pl t/pod/usage*.pod],
'CPAN' => 1,
'UPSTREAM' => undef,
package Pod::Checker;
+use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = "1.43_01"; ## Current version of this package
+$VERSION = '1.44_01'; ## Current version of this package
require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
use Pod::ParseUtils; ## for hyperlinks and lists
=item *
-Check for same nested interior-sequences (e.g.
+Check for same nested interior-sequences (e.g.
=item *
=item * Unknown interior-sequence "I<SEQ>"
An invalid markup command has been encountered. Valid are:
-C<BE<lt>E<gt>>, C<CE<lt>E<gt>>, C<EE<lt>E<gt>>, C<FE<lt>E<gt>>,
-C<IE<lt>E<gt>>, C<LE<lt>E<gt>>, C<SE<lt>E<gt>>, C<XE<lt>E<gt>>,
+C<BE<lt>E<gt>>, C<CE<lt>E<gt>>, C<EE<lt>E<gt>>, C<FE<lt>E<gt>>,
+C<IE<lt>E<gt>>, C<LE<lt>E<gt>>, C<SE<lt>E<gt>>, C<XE<lt>E<gt>>,
=item * nested commands I<CMD>E<lt>...I<CMD>E<lt>...E<gt>...E<gt>
=item * empty section in previous paragraph
The previous section (introduced by a C<=head> command) does not contain
-any text. This usually indicates that something is missing. Note: A
+any text. This usually indicates that something is missing. Note: A
C<=head1> followed immediately by C<=head2> does not trigger this warning.
=item * Verbatim paragraph in NAME section
=item * ignoring leading/trailing whitespace in link
-There is whitespace at the beginning or the end of the contents of
+There is whitespace at the beginning or the end of the contents of
=item * (section) in '$page' deprecated
of execution time, but allows for very robust conversions.
Since PodParser-1.24 the B<Pod::Checker> module uses only the B<poderror>
-method to print errors and warnings. The summary output (e.g.
+method to print errors and warnings. The summary output (e.g.
"Pod syntax OK") has been dropped from the module and has been included in
B<podchecker> (the script). This allows users of B<Pod::Checker> to
control completely the output behavior. Users of B<podchecker> (the script)
-use strict;
#use diagnostics;
-use Carp;
+use Carp qw(croak);
use Exporter;
use Pod::Parser;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Pod::Parser);
@EXPORT = qw(&podchecker);
'pod' => 1,
'cut' => 1,
'for' => 1,
'begin' => 1,
'end' => 1,
- 'encoding' => '1',
+ 'encoding' => 1,
# stolen from HTML::Entities
my %ENTITIES = (
# Some normal chars that have special meaning in SGML context
- amp => '&', # ampersand
+ amp => '&', # ampersand
'gt' => '>', # greater than
'lt' => '<', # less than
quot => '"', # double quote
# PUBLIC ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML
- AElig => 'Æ', # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
- Aacute => 'Á', # capital A, acute accent
- Acirc => 'Â', # capital A, circumflex accent
- Agrave => 'À', # capital A, grave accent
- Aring => 'Å', # capital A, ring
- Atilde => 'Ã', # capital A, tilde
- Auml => 'Ä', # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Ccedil => 'Ç', # capital C, cedilla
- ETH => 'Ð', # capital Eth, Icelandic
- Eacute => 'É', # capital E, acute accent
- Ecirc => 'Ê', # capital E, circumflex accent
- Egrave => 'È', # capital E, grave accent
- Euml => 'Ë', # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Iacute => 'Í', # capital I, acute accent
- Icirc => 'Î', # capital I, circumflex accent
- Igrave => 'Ì', # capital I, grave accent
- Iuml => 'Ï', # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Ntilde => 'Ñ', # capital N, tilde
- Oacute => 'Ó', # capital O, acute accent
- Ocirc => 'Ô', # capital O, circumflex accent
- Ograve => 'Ò', # capital O, grave accent
- Oslash => 'Ø', # capital O, slash
- Otilde => 'Õ', # capital O, tilde
- Ouml => 'Ö', # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
- THORN => 'Þ', # capital THORN, Icelandic
- Uacute => 'Ú', # capital U, acute accent
- Ucirc => 'Û', # capital U, circumflex accent
- Ugrave => 'Ù', # capital U, grave accent
- Uuml => 'Ü', # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Yacute => 'Ý', # capital Y, acute accent
- aacute => 'á', # small a, acute accent
- acirc => 'â', # small a, circumflex accent
- aelig => 'æ', # small ae diphthong (ligature)
- agrave => 'à', # small a, grave accent
- aring => 'å', # small a, ring
- atilde => 'ã', # small a, tilde
- auml => 'ä', # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
- ccedil => 'ç', # small c, cedilla
- eacute => 'é', # small e, acute accent
- ecirc => 'ê', # small e, circumflex accent
- egrave => 'è', # small e, grave accent
- eth => 'ð', # small eth, Icelandic
- euml => 'ë', # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
- iacute => 'í', # small i, acute accent
- icirc => 'î', # small i, circumflex accent
- igrave => 'ì', # small i, grave accent
- iuml => 'ï', # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
- ntilde => 'ñ', # small n, tilde
- oacute => 'ó', # small o, acute accent
- ocirc => 'ô', # small o, circumflex accent
- ograve => 'ò', # small o, grave accent
- oslash => 'ø', # small o, slash
- otilde => 'õ', # small o, tilde
- ouml => 'ö', # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
- szlig => 'ß', # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
- thorn => 'þ', # small thorn, Icelandic
- uacute => 'ú', # small u, acute accent
- ucirc => 'û', # small u, circumflex accent
- ugrave => 'ù', # small u, grave accent
- uuml => 'ü', # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
- yacute => 'ý', # small y, acute accent
- yuml => 'ÿ', # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ AElig => 'Æ', # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
+ Aacute => 'Á', # capital A, acute accent
+ Acirc => 'Â', # capital A, circumflex accent
+ Agrave => 'À', # capital A, grave accent
+ Aring => 'Å', # capital A, ring
+ Atilde => 'Ã', # capital A, tilde
+ Auml => 'Ä', # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ Ccedil => 'Ç', # capital C, cedilla
+ ETH => 'Ð', # capital Eth, Icelandic
+ Eacute => 'É', # capital E, acute accent
+ Ecirc => 'Ê', # capital E, circumflex accent
+ Egrave => 'È', # capital E, grave accent
+ Euml => 'Ë', # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ Iacute => 'Í', # capital I, acute accent
+ Icirc => 'Î', # capital I, circumflex accent
+ Igrave => 'Ì', # capital I, grave accent
+ Iuml => 'Ï', # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ Ntilde => 'Ñ', # capital N, tilde
+ Oacute => 'Ó', # capital O, acute accent
+ Ocirc => 'Ô', # capital O, circumflex accent
+ Ograve => 'Ò', # capital O, grave accent
+ Oslash => 'Ø', # capital O, slash
+ Otilde => 'Õ', # capital O, tilde
+ Ouml => 'Ö', # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ THORN => 'Þ', # capital THORN, Icelandic
+ Uacute => 'Ú', # capital U, acute accent
+ Ucirc => 'Û', # capital U, circumflex accent
+ Ugrave => 'Ù', # capital U, grave accent
+ Uuml => 'Ü', # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ Yacute => 'Ý', # capital Y, acute accent
+ aacute => 'á', # small a, acute accent
+ acirc => 'â', # small a, circumflex accent
+ aelig => 'æ', # small ae diphthong (ligature)
+ agrave => 'à', # small a, grave accent
+ aring => 'å', # small a, ring
+ atilde => 'ã', # small a, tilde
+ auml => 'ä', # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ ccedil => 'ç', # small c, cedilla
+ eacute => 'é', # small e, acute accent
+ ecirc => 'ê', # small e, circumflex accent
+ egrave => 'è', # small e, grave accent
+ eth => 'ð', # small eth, Icelandic
+ euml => 'ë', # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ iacute => 'í', # small i, acute accent
+ icirc => 'î', # small i, circumflex accent
+ igrave => 'ì', # small i, grave accent
+ iuml => 'ï', # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ ntilde => 'ñ', # small n, tilde
+ oacute => 'ó', # small o, acute accent
+ ocirc => 'ô', # small o, circumflex accent
+ ograve => 'ò', # small o, grave accent
+ oslash => 'ø', # small o, slash
+ otilde => 'õ', # small o, tilde
+ ouml => 'ö', # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ szlig => 'ß', # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
+ thorn => 'þ', # small thorn, Icelandic
+ uacute => 'ú', # small u, acute accent
+ ucirc => 'û', # small u, circumflex accent
+ ugrave => 'ù', # small u, grave accent
+ uuml => 'ü', # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
+ yacute => 'ý', # small y, acute accent
+ yuml => 'ÿ', # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
# Some extra Latin 1 chars that are listed in the HTML3.2 draft (21-May-96)
copy => '©', # copyright sign
## Function definitions begin here
-sub podchecker( $ ; $ % ) {
+sub podchecker {
my ($infile, $outfile, %options) = @_;
local $_;
my %opts = (ref $_[0]) ? %{shift()} : ();
## Retrieve options
- chomp( my $msg = ($opts{-msg} || "")."@_" );
- my $line = (exists $opts{-line}) ? " at line $opts{-line}" : "";
- my $file = (exists $opts{-file}) ? " in file $opts{-file}" : "";
+ chomp( my $msg = ($opts{-msg} || '')."@_" );
+ my $line = (exists $opts{-line}) ? " at line $opts{-line}" : '';
+ my $file = (exists $opts{-file}) ? " in file $opts{-file}" : '';
unless (exists $opts{-severity}) {
## See if can find severity in message prefix
$opts{-severity} = $1 if ( $msg =~ s/^\**\s*([A-Z]{3,}):\s+// );
- my $severity = (exists $opts{-severity}) ? "*** $opts{-severity}: " : "";
+ my $severity = (exists $opts{-severity}) ? "*** $opts{-severity}: " : '';
## Increment error count and print message "
- ++($self->{_NUM_ERRORS})
+ ++($self->{_NUM_ERRORS})
if(!%opts || ($opts{-severity} && $opts{-severity} eq 'ERROR'));
if(!%opts || ($opts{-severity} && $opts{-severity} eq 'WARNING'));
sub name {
return (@_ > 1 && $_[1]) ?
- ($_[0]->{-name} = $_[1]) : $_[0]->{-name};
+ ($_[0]->{-name} = $_[1]) : $_[0]->{-name};
while(($list = $self->_close_list('EOF',$infile)) &&
$list->indent() ne 'auto') {
$self->poderror({ -line => 'EOF', -file => $infile,
- -severity => 'ERROR', -msg => "=over on line " .
- $list->start() . " without closing =back" }); #"
+ -severity => 'ERROR', -msg => '=over on line ' .
+ $list->start() . ' without closing =back' });
# check a POD command directive
-sub command {
+sub command {
my ($self, $cmd, $paragraph, $line_num, $pod_para) = @_;
my ($file, $line) = $pod_para->file_line;
## Check the command syntax
##### following check disabled due to strong request
#if(!$self->{_commands}++ && $cmd !~ /^head/) {
# $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- # -severity => 'WARNING',
+ # -severity => 'WARNING',
# -msg => "file does not start with =head" });
# are we in a list?
unless(@{$self->{_list_stack}}) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "=item without previous =over" });
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => '=item without previous =over' });
# auto-open in case we encounter many more
if(defined $self->{_list_item_contents} &&
$self->{_list_item_contents} == 0) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
- -msg => "previous =item has no contents" });
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -msg => 'previous =item has no contents' });
if($list->{_has_par}) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
- -msg => "preceding non-item paragraph(s)" });
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -msg => 'preceding non-item paragraph(s)' });
delete $list->{_has_par};
# check for argument
my $first = $list->type();
if($first && $first ne $type) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
-msg => "=item type mismatch ('$first' vs. '$type')"});
else { # first item
else {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
- -msg => "No argument for =item" });
- $arg = ' '; # empty
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -msg => 'No argument for =item' });
+ $arg = ' '; # empty
$self->{_list_item_contents} = 0;
# add this item
# check if we have an open list
unless(@{$self->{_list_stack}}) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "=back without previous =over" });
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => '=back without previous =over' });
else {
# check for spurious characters
$arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
if($arg && $arg =~ /\S/) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "Spurious character(s) after =back" });
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => 'Spurious character(s) after =back' });
# close list
my $list = $self->_close_list($line,$file);
# check for empty lists
if(!$list->item() && $self->{-warnings}) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
- -msg => "No items in =over (at line " .
- $list->start() . ") / =back list"}); #"
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -msg => 'No items in =over (at line ' .
+ $list->start() . ') / =back list'});
elsif($cmd =~ /^head(\d+)/) {
my $hnum = $1;
$self->{"_have_head_$hnum"}++; # count head types
- if($hnum > 1 && !$self->{"_have_head_".($hnum -1)}) {
+ if($hnum > 1 && !$self->{'_have_head_'.($hnum -1)}) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
-msg => "=head$hnum without preceding higher level"});
# check whether the previous =head section had some contents
defined $self->{_last_head} &&
$self->{_last_head} >= $hnum) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
- -msg => "empty section in previous paragraph"});
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -msg => 'empty section in previous paragraph'});
$self->{_commands_in_head} = -1;
$self->{_last_head} = $hnum;
while(($list = $self->_close_list($line,$file)) &&
$list->indent() ne 'auto') {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "=over on line ". $list->start() .
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => '=over on line '. $list->start() .
" without closing =back (at $cmd)" });
unless(length($arg)) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
-msg => "empty =$cmd"});
if($cmd eq 'head1') {
if($self->{_have_begin}) {
# already have a begin
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "Nested =begin's (first at line " .
- $self->{_have_begin} . ")"});
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => q{Nested =begin's (first at line } .
+ $self->{_have_begin} . ')'});
else {
# check for argument
$arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
unless($arg && $arg =~ /(\S+)/) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "No argument for =begin"});
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => 'No argument for =begin'});
# remember the =begin
$self->{_have_begin} = "$line:$1";
# the closing argument is optional
#if($arg && $arg =~ /\S/) {
# $self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- # -severity => 'WARNING',
+ # -severity => 'WARNING',
# -msg => "Spurious character(s) after =end" });
else {
# don't have a matching =begin
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "=end without =begin" });
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => '=end without =begin' });
elsif($cmd eq 'for') {
unless($paragraph =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*/) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "=for without formatter specification" });
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => '=for without formatter specification' });
$arg = ''; # do not expand paragraph below
$arg = $self->interpolate_and_check($paragraph, $line,$file);
if($arg && $arg =~ /(\S+)/) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
-msg => "Spurious text after =$cmd"});
if(defined $self->{_list_item_contents} &&
$self->{_list_item_contents} == 0) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
- -msg => "previous =item has no contents" });
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -msg => 'previous =item has no contents' });
undef $self->{_list_item_contents};
my $count;
if($count = tr/<>/<>/) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
-msg => "$count unescaped <> in paragraph" });
# check for valid tag
if (! $VALID_SEQUENCES{$cmd}) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
-msg => qq(Unknown interior-sequence '$cmd')});
# expand it anyway
$text .= $self->_check_ptree($contents, $line, $file, "$nestlist$cmd");
if($nestlist =~ /$cmd/) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
-msg => "nested commands $cmd<...$cmd<...>...>"});
# _TODO_ should we add the contents anyway?
# expand it anyway, see below
# preserve entities
if(@$contents > 1 || ref $$contents[0] || $$contents[0] !~ /^\w+$/) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "garbled entity " . $_->raw_text()});
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => 'garbled entity ' . $_->raw_text()});
my $ent = $$contents[0];
else {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "Entity number out of range " . $_->raw_text()});
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => 'Entity number out of range ' . $_->raw_text()});
elsif($ENTITIES{$ent}) {
else {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
- -msg => "Unknown entity " . $_->raw_text()});
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -msg => 'Unknown entity ' . $_->raw_text()});
$text .= "E<$ent>";
my $link = Pod::Hyperlink->new($contents->raw_text());
unless(defined $link) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "malformed link " . $_->raw_text() ." : $@"});
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => 'malformed link ' . $_->raw_text() ." : $@"});
$link->line($line); # remember line
if($self->{-warnings}) {
foreach my $w ($link->warning()) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'WARNING',
+ -severity => 'WARNING',
-msg => $w });
elsif($cmd eq 'Z') {
if(length($contents->raw_text())) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "Nonempty Z<>"});
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => 'Nonempty Z<>'});
elsif($cmd eq 'X') {
my $idx = $self->_check_ptree($contents, $line, $file, "$nestlist$cmd");
if($idx =~ /^\s*$/s) {
$self->poderror({ -line => $line, -file => $file,
- -severity => 'ERROR',
- -msg => "Empty X<>"});
+ -severity => 'ERROR',
+ -msg => 'Empty X<>'});
else {
# remember this node
else {
# not reached
- die "internal error";
+ croak 'internal error';
# process a block of verbatim text
-sub verbatim {
+sub verbatim {
## Nothing particular to check
my ($self, $paragraph, $line_num, $pod_para) = @_;
# process a block of regular text
-sub textblock {
+sub textblock {
my ($self, $paragraph, $line_num, $pod_para) = @_;
my ($file, $line) = $pod_para->file_line;
package Pod::Find;
+use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.34; ## Current version of this package
+$VERSION = '1.35'; ## Current version of this package
require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
use Carp;
+ if ($] < 5.006) {
+ require Symbol;
+ import Symbol;
+ }
=head1 NAME
-use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use Exporter;
use File::Spec;
Search for PODs in the current Perl interpreter's I<@INC> paths. This
automatically considers paths specified in the C<PERL5LIB> environment
-as this is prepended to I<@INC> by the Perl interpreter itself.
+as this is included in I<@INC> by the Perl interpreter itself.
for (@new_INC) {
if ( $_ eq '.' ) {
$_ = ':';
- } elsif ( $_ =~ s|^((?:\.\./)+)|':' x (length($1)/3)|e ) {
+ } elsif ( $_ =~ s{^((?:\.\./)+)}{':' x (length($1)/3)}e ) {
$_ = ':'. $_;
} else {
- $_ =~ s|^\./|:|;
+ $_ =~ s{^\./}{:};
push(@search, grep($_ ne File::Spec->curdir, @new_INC));
}, $try); # end of File::Find::find
chdir $pwd;
- %pods;
+ return %pods;
sub _check_for_duplicates {
my ($file, $name, $names_ref, $pods_ref) = @_;
if($$names_ref{$name}) {
warn "Duplicate POD found (shadowing?): $name ($file)\n";
- warn " Already seen in ",
+ warn ' Already seen in ',
join(' ', grep($$pods_ref{$_} eq $name, keys %$pods_ref)),"\n";
else {
$$names_ref{$name} = 1;
- $$pods_ref{$file} = $name;
+ return $$pods_ref{$file} = $name;
sub _check_and_extract_name {
# check extension or executable flag
# this involves testing the .bat extension on Win32!
unless(-f $file && -T $file && ($file =~ /\.(pod|pm|plx?)\z/i || -x $file )) {
- return undef;
+ return;
- return undef unless contains_pod($file,$verbose);
+ return unless contains_pod($file,$verbose);
# strip non-significant path components
# TODO what happens on e.g. Win32?
my $name = $file;
if(defined $root_rx) {
- $name =~ s!$root_rx!!s;
- $name =~ s!$SIMPLIFY_RX!!os if(defined $SIMPLIFY_RX);
+ $name =~ s/$root_rx//s;
+ $name =~ s/$SIMPLIFY_RX//s if(defined $SIMPLIFY_RX);
else {
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
$name =~ s/^.*://s;
} else {
- $name =~ s:^.*/::s;
+ $name =~ s{^.*/}{}s;
- $name =~ s!/+!::!g; #/
+ $name =~ s{/+}{::}g;
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- $name =~ s!:+!::!g; # : -> ::
+ $name =~ s{:+}{::}g; # : -> ::
} else {
- $name =~ s!/+!::!g; # / -> ::
+ $name =~ s{/+}{::}g; # / -> ::
- $name;
+ return $name;
=head2 C<simplify_name( $str )>
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
$str =~ s/^.*://s;
} else {
- $str =~ s:^.*/::s;
+ $str =~ s{^.*/}{}s;
- $str;
+ return $str;
# internal sub only
for (@new_INC) {
if ( $_ eq '.' ) {
$_ = ':';
- } elsif ( $_ =~ s|^((?:\.\./)+)|':' x (length($1)/3)|e ) {
+ } elsif ( $_ =~ s{^((?:\.\./)+)}{':' x (length($1)/3)}e ) {
$_ = ':'. $_;
} else {
- $_ =~ s|^\./|:|;
+ $_ =~ s{^\./}{:};
push (@search_dirs, @new_INC);
if -d $Config::Config{'scriptdir'};
- warn "Search path is: ".join(' ', @search_dirs)."\n"
+ warn 'Search path is: '.join(' ', @search_dirs)."\n"
if $options{'-verbose'};
# Loop over directories
# Don't bother if can't find the directory
if (-d $dir) {
- warn "Looking in directory $dir\n"
+ warn "Looking in directory $dir\n"
if $options{'-verbose'};
# Now concatenate this directory with the pod we are searching for
# Loop over possible extensions
foreach my $ext ('', '.pod', '.pm', '.pl') {
my $fullext = $fullname . $ext;
- if (-f $fullext &&
+ if (-f $fullext &&
contains_pod($fullext, $options{'-verbose'}) ) {
warn "FOUND: $fullext\n" if $options{'-verbose'};
return $fullext;
# No match;
- return undef;
+ return;
=head2 C<contains_pod( $file , $verbose )>
$verbose = shift if @_;
# check for one line of POD
- unless(open(POD,"<$file")) {
+ my $podfh;
+ if ($] < 5.006) {
+ $podfh = gensym();
+ }
+ unless(open($podfh,"<$file")) {
warn "Error: $file is unreadable: $!\n";
- return undef;
+ return;
local $/ = undef;
- my $pod = <POD>;
- close(POD) || die "Error closing $file: $!\n";
- unless($pod =~ /^=(head\d|pod|over|item)\b/m) {
+ my $pod = <$podfh>;
+ close($podfh) || die "Error closing $file: $!\n";
+ unless($pod =~ /^=(head\d|pod|over|item|cut)\b/m) {
warn "No POD in $file, skipping.\n"
return 0;
package Pod::InputObjects;
+use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.30; ## Current version of this package
+$VERSION = '1.31'; ## Current version of this package
require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
-use strict;
-#use diagnostics;
-#use Carp;
package Pod::InputSource;
sub text {
(@_ > 1) and $_[0]->{'-text'} = $_[1];
return $_[0]->{'-text'};
sub raw_text {
return $_[0]->{'-text'} unless (defined $_[0]->{'-name'});
- return $_[0]->{'-prefix'} . $_[0]->{'-name'} .
+ return $_[0]->{'-prefix'} . $_[0]->{'-name'} .
$_[0]->{'-separator'} . $_[0]->{'-text'};
sub parse_tree {
(@_ > 1) and $_[0]->{'-ptree'} = $_[1];
return $_[0]->{'-ptree'};
## let ptree() be an alias for parse_tree()
*ptree = \&parse_tree;
_set_child2parent_links($self, @_);
return $self;
_set_child2parent_links($self, @_);
return $self;
sub parse_tree {
(@_ > 1) and $_[0]->{'-ptree'} = $_[1];
return $_[0]->{'-ptree'};
## let ptree() be an alias for parse_tree()
*ptree = \&parse_tree;
local *ptree = $self;
for (@_) {
next unless length;
- if (@ptree and !(ref $ptree[0]) and !(ref $_)) {
+ if (@ptree && !(ref $ptree[0]) && !(ref $_)) {
$ptree[0] = $_ . $ptree[0];
else {
sub raw_text {
my $self = shift;
- my $text = "";
+ my $text = '';
for ( @$self ) {
$text .= (ref $_) ? $_->raw_text : $_;
package Pod::ParseUtils;
+use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.35; ## Current version of this package
+$VERSION = '1.36'; ## Current version of this package
require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
=head1 NAME
else {
# called with L<> contents
- return undef unless($self->parse($_[0]));
+ return unless($self->parse($_[0]));
return $self;
# strip leading/trailing whitespace
if(s/^[\s\n]+//) {
- $self->warning("ignoring leading whitespace in link");
+ $self->warning('ignoring leading whitespace in link');
if(s/[\s\n]+$//) {
- $self->warning("ignoring trailing whitespace in link");
+ $self->warning('ignoring trailing whitespace in link');
unless(length($_)) {
- _invalid_link("empty link");
- return undef;
+ _invalid_link('empty link');
+ return;
## Check for different possibilities. This is tedious and error-prone
# to point to an internal funtion...
my $page_rx = '[\w.-]+(?:::[\w.-]+)*(?:[(](?:\d\w*|)[)]|)';
# page name only
- if(m!^($page_rx)$!o) {
+ if(/^($page_rx)$/o) {
$page = $1;
$type = 'page';
# alttext, page and "section"
- elsif(m!^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*($page_rx)\s*/\s*"(.+)"$!o) {
+ elsif(m{^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*($page_rx)\s*/\s*"(.+)"$}o) {
($alttext, $page, $node) = ($1, $2, $3);
$type = 'section';
$quoted = 1; #... therefore | and / are allowed
# alttext and page
- elsif(m!^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*($page_rx)$!o) {
+ elsif(/^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*($page_rx)$/o) {
($alttext, $page) = ($1, $2);
$type = 'page';
# alttext and "section"
- elsif(m!^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*(?:/\s*|)"(.+)"$!) {
+ elsif(m{^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*(?:/\s*|)"(.+)"$}) {
($alttext, $node) = ($1,$2);
$type = 'section';
$quoted = 1;
# page and "section"
- elsif(m!^($page_rx)\s*/\s*"(.+)"$!o) {
+ elsif(m{^($page_rx)\s*/\s*"(.+)"$}o) {
($page, $node) = ($1, $2);
$type = 'section';
$quoted = 1;
# page and item
- elsif(m!^($page_rx)\s*/\s*(.+)$!o) {
+ elsif(m{^($page_rx)\s*/\s*(.+)$}o) {
($page, $node) = ($1, $2);
$type = 'item';
# only "section"
- elsif(m!^/?"(.+)"$!) {
+ elsif(m{^/?"(.+)"$}) {
$node = $1;
$type = 'section';
$quoted = 1;
# only item
- elsif(m!^\s*/(.+)$!) {
+ elsif(m{^\s*/(.+)$}) {
$node = $1;
$type = 'item';
# non-standard: Hyperlink with alt-text - doesn't remove protocol prefix, maybe it should?
- elsif(m!^ \s* (.*?) \s* [|] \s* (\w+:[^:\s] [^\s|]*?) \s* $!ix) {
+ elsif(/^ \s* (.*?) \s* [|] \s* (\w+:[^:\s] [^\s|]*?) \s* $/ix) {
($alttext,$node) = ($1,$2);
$type = 'hyperlink';
# non-standard: Hyperlink
- elsif(m!^(\w+:[^:\s]\S*)$!i) {
+ elsif(/^(\w+:[^:\s]\S*)$/i) {
$node = $1;
$type = 'hyperlink';
# alttext, page and item
- elsif(m!^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*($page_rx)\s*/\s*(.+)$!o) {
+ elsif(m{^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*($page_rx)\s*/\s*(.+)$}o) {
($alttext, $page, $node) = ($1, $2, $3);
$type = 'item';
# alttext and item
- elsif(m!^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*/(.+)$!) {
+ elsif(m{^(.*?)\s*[|]\s*/(.+)$}) {
($alttext, $node) = ($1,$2);
# must be an item or a "malformed" section (without "")
# empty alternative text expands to node name
if(defined $alttext) {
if(!length($alttext)) {
- $alttext = $node | $page;
+ $alttext = $node || $page;
else {
if($page =~ /[(]\w*[)]$/) {
$self->warning("(section) in '$page' deprecated");
- if(!$quoted && $node =~ m:[|/]: && $type ne 'hyperlink') {
+ if(!$quoted && $node =~ m{[|/]} && $type ne 'hyperlink') {
$self->warning("node '$node' contains non-escaped | or /");
- if($alttext =~ m:[|/]:) {
+ if($alttext =~ m{[|/]}) {
$self->warning("alternative text '$node' contains non-escaped | or /");
$self->{-page} = $page;
# The complete link's text
sub text {
- $_[0]->{_text};
+ return $_[0]->{_text};
=item $link-E<gt>warning()
$_[0]->{-page} = $_[1];
- $_[0]->{-page};
+ return $_[0]->{-page};
=item $link-E<gt>node()
$_[0]->{-node} = $_[1];
- $_[0]->{-node};
+ return $_[0]->{-node};
=item $link-E<gt>alttext()
$_[0]->{-alttext} = $_[1];
- $_[0]->{-alttext};
+ return $_[0]->{-alttext};
=item $link-E<gt>type()
my $link = $self->page() || '';
if($self->node()) {
my $node = $self->node();
- $text =~ s/\|/E<verbar>/g;
- $text =~ s:/:E<sol>:g;
+ $node =~ s/\|/E<verbar>/g;
+ $node =~ s{/}{E<sol>}g;
if($self->type() eq 'section') {
$link .= ($link ? '/' : '') . '"' . $node . '"';
if($self->alttext()) {
my $text = $self->alttext();
$text =~ s/\|/E<verbar>/g;
- $text =~ s:/:E<sol>:g;
+ $text =~ s{/}{E<sol>}g;
$link = "$text|$link";
- $link;
+ return $link;
sub _invalid_link {
#eval { die "$msg\n" };
#chomp $@;
$@ = $msg; # this seems to work, too!
- undef;
+ return;
return $_;
- undef;
+ return;
package Pod::Cache::Item;
return $_->[1]; # id
- undef;
+ return;
=item $cacheitem-E<gt>idx()
package Pod::Parser;
+use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.35; ## Current version of this package
+## These "variables" are used as local "glob aliases" for performance
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA %myData %myOpts @input_stack);
+$VERSION = '1.36_01'; ## Current version of this package
require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
methods for your subclass (to perform any needed per-file and/or
per-document initialization or cleanup).
-If you need to perform any preprocesssing of input before it is parsed
+If you need to perform any preprocessing of input before it is parsed
you may want to override one or more of B<preprocess_line()> and/or
-use vars qw(@ISA);
-use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use Pod::InputObjects;
use Carp;
use Exporter;
- if ($] < 5.6) {
+ if ($] < 5.006) {
require Symbol;
import Symbol;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-## These "variables" are used as local "glob aliases" for performance
-use vars qw(%myData %myOpts @input_stack);
sub new {
## Determine if we were called via an object-ref or a classname
- my $this = shift;
+ my ($this,%params) = @_;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
## Any remaining arguments are treated as initial values for the
## hash that is used to represent this object.
- my %params = @_;
my $self = { %params };
## Bless ourselves into the desired class and perform any initialization
bless $self, $class;
## more than just the sequence object, we also need to pass the
## sequence name and text.
$xseq_sub = sub {
- my ($self, $iseq) = @_;
- my $args = join("", $iseq->parse_tree->children);
- return $self->interior_sequence($iseq->name, $args, $iseq);
+ my ($sself, $iseq) = @_;
+ my $args = join('', $iseq->parse_tree->children);
+ return $sself->interior_sequence($iseq->name, $args, $iseq);
ref $xseq_sub or $xseq_sub = sub { shift()->$expand_seq(@_) };
## Look for sequence ending
elsif ( @seq_stack > 1 ) {
## Make sure we match the right kind of closing delimiter
- my ($seq_end, $post_seq) = ("", "");
+ my ($seq_end, $post_seq) = ('', '');
if ( ($ldelim eq '<' and /\A(.*?)(>)/s)
or /\A(.*?)(\s+$rdelim)/s )
" at line $line in file $file\n";
(ref $errorsub) and &{$errorsub}($errmsg)
or (defined $errorsub) and $self->$errorsub($errmsg)
- or warn($errmsg);
+ or carp($errmsg);
$seq_stack[-1]->append($expand_seq ? &$xseq_sub($self,$seq) : $seq);
$seq = $seq_stack[-1];
my($self, $text, $line_num) = @_;
my %parse_opts = ( -expand_seq => 'interior_sequence' );
my $ptree = $self->parse_text( \%parse_opts, $text, $line_num );
- return join "", $ptree->children();
+ return join '', $ptree->children();
## and whatever sequence of characters was used to separate them
$pfx = $1;
$_ = substr($text, length $pfx);
- ($cmd, $sep, $text) = split /(\s+)/, $_, 2;
+ ($cmd, $sep, $text) = split /(\s+)/, $_, 2;
## If this is a "cut" directive then we dont need to do anything
## except return to "cutting" mode.
if ($cmd eq 'cut') {
If the special input filename "-" or "<&STDIN" is given then the STDIN
filehandle is used for input (and no open or close is performed). If no
-input filename is specified then "-" is implied.
+input filename is specified then "-" is implied. Filehandle references,
+or objects that support the regular IO operations (like C<E<lt>$fhE<gt>>
+or C<$fh-<Egt>getline>) are also accepted; the handles must already be
If a second argument is given then it should be the name of the desired
output file. If the special output filename "-" or ">&STDOUT" is given
STDERR filehandle is used for output (and no open or close is
performed). If no output filehandle is currently in use and no output
filename is specified, then "-" is implied.
-Alternatively, an L<IO::String> object is also accepted as an output
-file handle.
+Alternatively, filehandle references or objects that support the regular
+IO operations (like C<print>, e.g. L<IO::String>) are also accepted;
+the object must already be opened.
This method does I<not> usually need to be overridden by subclasses.
## Not a filename, just a string implying STDIN
$infile ||= '-';
- $myData{_INFILE} = "<standard input>";
+ $myData{_INFILE} = '<standard input>';
$in_fh = \*STDIN;
else {
else {
## Not a filename, just a string implying STDOUT
$outfile ||= '-';
- $myData{_OUTFILE} = "<standard output>";
+ $myData{_OUTFILE} = '<standard output>';
$out_fh = \*STDOUT;
elsif ($outfile =~ /^>&(STDERR|2)$/i) {
## Not a filename, just a string implying STDERR
- $myData{_OUTFILE} = "<standard error>";
+ $myData{_OUTFILE} = '<standard error>';
$out_fh = \*STDERR;
else {
## have to parse the input and close the handles when we're finished.
$self->parse_from_filehandle(\%opts, $in_fh, $out_fh);
- $close_input and
+ $close_input and
close($in_fh) || croak "Can't close $infile after reading: $!\n";
$close_output and
close($out_fh) || croak "Can't close $outfile after writing: $!\n";
Specifies the method or subroutine to use when printing error messages
about POD syntax. The supplied method/subroutine I<must> return TRUE upon
-successful printing of the message. If C<undef> is given, then the B<warn>
+successful printing of the message. If C<undef> is given, then the B<carp>
builtin is used to issue error messages (this is the default behavior).
my $errorsub = $parser->errorsub()
my $errmsg = "This is an error message!\n"
(ref $errorsub) and &{$errorsub}($errmsg)
or (defined $errorsub) and $parser->$errorsub($errmsg)
- or warn($errmsg);
+ or carp($errmsg);
Returns a method name, or else a reference to the user-supplied subroutine
-used to print error messages. Returns C<undef> if the B<warn> builtin
+used to print error messages. Returns C<undef> if the B<carp> builtin
is used to issue error messages (this is the default behavior).
Based on code for B<Pod::Text> written by
Tom Christiansen E<lt>tchrist@mox.perl.comE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+Pod-Parser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the Artistic License distributed with Perl version
+5.000 or (at your option) any later version. Please refer to the
+Artistic License that came with your Perl distribution for more
+details. If your version of Perl was not distributed under the
+terms of the Artistic License, than you may distribute PodParser
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Pod::PlainText;
+use strict;
require 5.005;
use Carp qw(carp croak);
use Pod::Select ();
-use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA %ESCAPES $VERSION);
# We inherit from Pod::Select instead of Pod::Parser so that we can be used
# by Pod::Usage.
@ISA = qw(Pod::Select);
-$VERSION = '2.02';
+$VERSION = '2.03';
+ if ($] < 5.006) {
+ require Symbol;
+ import Symbol;
+ }
# Table of supported E<> escapes
$$self{INDENTS} = []; # Stack of indentations.
$$self{MARGIN} = $$self{indent}; # Current left margin in spaces.
- $self->SUPER::initialize;
+ return $self->SUPER::initialize;
my $command = shift;
return if $command eq 'pod';
return if ($$self{EXCLUDE} && $command ne 'end');
- $self->item ("\n") if defined $$self{ITEM};
+ if (defined $$self{ITEM}) {
+ $self->item ("\n");
+ local $_ = "\n";
+ $self->output($_) if($command eq 'back');
+ }
$command = 'cmd_' . $command;
- $self->$command (@_);
+ return $self->$command (@_);
# Called for a verbatim paragraph. Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
local $_ = shift;
return if /^\s*$/;
s/^(\s*\S+)/(' ' x $$self{MARGIN}) . $1/gme;
- $self->output ($_);
+ return $self->output($_);
# Called for a regular text block. Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
sub textblock {
my $self = shift;
return if $$self{EXCLUDE};
- $self->output ($_[0]), return if $$self{VERBATIM};
+ if($$self{VERBATIM}) {
+ $self->output($_[0]);
+ return;
+ }
local $_ = shift;
my $line = shift;
# Now actually interpolate and output the paragraph.
$_ = $self->interpolate ($_, $line);
- s/\s+$/\n/;
+ s/\s*$/\n/s;
if (defined $$self{ITEM}) {
$self->item ($_ . "\n");
} else {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
1 while s/^(.*?)(\t+)/$1 . ' ' x (length ($2) * 8 - length ($1) % 8)/me;
- $_;
+ return $_;
sub cmd_head1 {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
- s/\s+$//;
+ s/\s+$//s;
$_ = $self->interpolate ($_, shift);
if ($$self{alt}) {
$self->output ("\n==== $_ ====\n\n");
sub cmd_head2 {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
- s/\s+$//;
+ s/\s+$//s;
$_ = $self->interpolate ($_, shift);
if ($$self{alt}) {
$self->output ("\n== $_ ==\n\n");
} else {
- $self->output (' ' x ($$self{indent} / 2) . $_ . "\n\n");
+ $self->output (' ' x ($$self{indent} / 2) . $_ . "\n");
sub cmd_head3 {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
- s/\s+$//;
+ s/\s+$//s;
$_ = $self->interpolate ($_, shift);
if ($$self{alt}) {
$self->output ("\n= $_ =\n");
my $self = shift;
$$self{MARGIN} = pop @{ $$self{INDENTS} };
unless (defined $$self{MARGIN}) {
- carp "Unmatched =back";
+ carp 'Unmatched =back';
$$self{MARGIN} = $$self{indent};
my $self = shift;
if (defined $$self{ITEM}) { $self->item }
local $_ = shift;
- s/\s+$//;
+ s/\s+$//s;
$$self{ITEM} = $self->interpolate ($_);
my $self = shift;
$$self{EXCLUDE} = 0;
$$self{VERBATIM} = 0;
# One paragraph for a particular translator. Ignore it unless it's intended
# for text, in which case we treat it as a verbatim text block.
$section = '"' . $1 . '"';
} elsif (m/^[-:.\w]+(?:\(\S+\))?$/) {
($manpage, $section) = ($_, '');
- } elsif (m%/%) {
+ } elsif (m{/}) {
($manpage, $section) = split (/\s*\/\s*/, $_, 2);
} elsif ($section =~ /^[:\w]+(?:\(\))?/) {
$text .= 'the ' . $section . ' entry';
$text .= (length $manpage) ? " in the $manpage manpage"
- : " elsewhere in this document";
+ : ' elsewhere in this document';
} else {
$section =~ s/^\"\s*//;
$section =~ s/\s*\"$//;
$text .= 'the section on "' . $section . '"';
$text .= " in the $manpage manpage" if length $manpage;
- $text;
+ return $text;
local $_ = shift;
my $tag = $$self{ITEM};
unless (defined $tag) {
- carp "item called without tag";
+ carp 'item called without tag';
undef $$self{ITEM};
$_ = $self->reformat ($_);
s/^ /:/ if ($$self{alt} && $indent > 0);
my $tagspace = ' ' x length $tag;
- s/^($space)$tagspace/$1$tag/ or warn "Bizarre space in item";
+ s/^($space)$tagspace/$1$tag/ or carp 'Bizarre space in item';
$self->output ($_);
$output .= $spaces . $_;
$output =~ s/\s+$/\n\n/;
- $output;
+ return $output;
# Reformat a paragraph of text for the current margin. Takes the text to
} else {
s/\s+/ /g;
- $self->wrap ($_);
+ return $self->wrap($_);
# Output text to the output device.
# means we need to turn the first argument into a file handle. Magic
# open will handle the <&STDIN case automagically.
if (defined $_[1]) {
- local *IN;
- unless (open (IN, $_[0])) {
+ my $infh;
+ if ($] < 5.006) {
+ $infh = gensym();
+ }
+ unless (open ($infh, $_[0])) {
croak ("Can't open $_[0] for reading: $!\n");
- return;
- $_[0] = \*IN;
+ $_[0] = $infh;
return $parser->parse_from_filehandle (@_);
} else {
return $parser->parse_from_file (@_);
package Pod::Select;
+use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 1.35; ## Current version of this package
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL %myData @section_headings @selected_sections);
+$VERSION = '1.36'; ## Current version of this package
require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
-use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use Carp;
use Pod::Parser 1.04;
@ISA = qw(Pod::Parser);
@EXPORT = qw(&podselect);
## =end _PRIVATE_
-use vars qw(%myData @section_headings);
sub _init_headings {
my $self = shift;
local *myData = $self;
-use vars qw(@selected_sections);
sub select {
- my $self = shift;
- my @sections = @_;
+ my ($self, @sections) = @_;
local *myData = $self;
local $_;
## it seems incredibly unlikely that "+" would ever correspond to
## a legitimate section heading
- my $add = ($sections[0] eq "+") ? shift(@sections) : "";
+ my $add = ($sections[0] eq '+') ? shift(@sections) : '';
## Reset the set of sections to use
- unless (@sections > 0) {
+ unless (@sections) {
delete $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} unless ($add);
local *selected_sections = $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS};
## Compile each spec
- my $spec;
- for $spec (@sections) {
- if ( defined($_ = &_compile_section_spec($spec)) ) {
+ for my $spec (@sections) {
+ if ( defined($_ = _compile_section_spec($spec)) ) {
## Store them in our sections array
push(@selected_sections, $_);
else {
- carp "Ignoring section spec \"$spec\"!\n";
+ carp qq{Ignoring section spec "$spec"!\n};
sub add_selection {
my $self = shift;
- $self->select("+", @_);
+ return $self->select('+', @_);
sub clear_selections {
my $self = shift;
- $self->select();
+ return $self->select();
Returns a value of true if the given section and subsection heading
titles match any of the currently selected section specifications in
effect from prior calls to B<select()> and B<add_selection()> (or if
-there are no explictly selected/deselected sections).
+there are no explicitly selected/deselected sections).
The arguments C<$heading1>, C<$heading2>, etc. are the heading titles of
the corresponding sections, subsections, etc. to try and match. If
## Return true if no restrictions were explicitly specified
my $selections = (exists $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS})
? $myData{_SELECTED_SECTIONS} : undef;
- return 1 unless ((defined $selections) && (@{$selections} > 0));
+ return 1 unless ((defined $selections) && @{$selections});
## Default any unspecified sections to the current one
my @current_headings = $self->curr_headings();
## Look for a match against the specified section expressions
- my ($section_spec, $regex, $negated, $match);
- for $section_spec ( @{$selections} ) {
+ for my $section_spec ( @{$selections} ) {
## Each portion of this spec must match in order for
## the spec to be matched. So we will start with a
## match-value of 'true' and logically 'and' it with
## the results of matching a given element of the spec.
- $match = 1;
+ my $match = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
- $regex = $section_spec->[$i];
- $negated = ($regex =~ s/^\!//);
+ my $regex = $section_spec->[$i];
+ my $negated = ($regex =~ s/^\!//);
$match &= ($negated ? ($headings[$i] !~ /${regex}/)
: ($headings[$i] =~ /${regex}/));
last unless ($match);
my %defaults = ();
my $pod_parser = new Pod::Select(%defaults);
my $num_inputs = 0;
- my $output = ">&STDOUT";
+ my $output = '>&STDOUT';
my %opts;
local $_;
for (@argv) {
$key =~ s/^(?=\w)/-/;
$key =~ /^-se[cl]/ and $key = '-sections';
#! $key eq '-range' and $key .= 's';
- ($key => $val);
+ ($key => $val);
} (keys %opts);
## Process the options
- $pod_parser->parse_from_file("-") unless ($num_inputs > 0);
+ $pod_parser->parse_from_file('-') unless ($num_inputs > 0);
## Compile the spec into a list of regexs
local $_ = $section_spec;
- s|\\\\|\001|g; ## handle escaped backward slashes
- s|\\/|\002|g; ## handle escaped forward slashes
+ s{\\\\}{\001}g; ## handle escaped backward slashes
+ s{\\/}{\002}g; ## handle escaped forward slashes
## Parse the regexs for the heading titles
- @regexs = split('/', $_, $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL);
+ @regexs = split(/\//, $_, $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL);
## Set default regex for ommitted levels
for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
my $bad_regexs = 0;
for (@regexs) {
$_ .= '.+' if ($_ eq '!');
- s|\001|\\\\|g; ## restore escaped backward slashes
- s|\002|\\/|g; ## restore escaped forward slashes
- $negated = s/^\!//; ## check for negation
- eval "/$_/"; ## check regex syntax
+ s{\001}{\\\\}g; ## restore escaped backward slashes
+ s{\002}{\\/}g; ## restore escaped forward slashes
+ $negated = s/^\!//; ## check for negation
+ eval "m{$_}"; ## check regex syntax
if ($@) {
- carp "Bad regular expression /$_/ in \"$section_spec\": $@\n";
+ carp qq{Bad regular expression /$_/ in "$section_spec": $@\n};
else {
## Add the forward and rear anchors (and put the negator back)
package Pod::Usage;
+use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = "1.35"; ## Current version of this package
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
+$VERSION = '1.36'; ## Current version of this package
require 5.005; ## requires this Perl version or later
=head1 NAME
A string representing a selection list for sections to be printed
when -verbose is set to 99, e.g. C<"NAME|SYNOPSIS|DESCRIPTION|VERSION">.
+Alternatively, an array reference of section specifications can be used:
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 99,
+ -sections => [ qw(fred fred/subsection) ] );
=item C<-output>
A reference to a filehandle, or the pathname of a file to which the
invoking script's pod documentation should be read. It defaults to the
file indicated by C<$0> (C<$PROGRAM_NAME> for users of F<English.pm>).
+If you are calling B<pod2usage()> from a module and want to display
+that module's POD, you can use this:
+ use Pod::Find qw(pod_where);
+ pod2usage( -input => pod_where({-inc => 1}, __PACKAGE__) );
=item C<-pathlist>
A list of directory paths. If the input file does not exist, then it
Please report bugs using L<http://rt.cpan.org>.
+Marek Rouchal E<lt>marekr@cpan.orgE<gt>
Brad Appleton E<lt>bradapp@enteract.comE<gt>
Based on code for B<Pod::Text::pod2text()> written by
Steven McDougall E<lt>swmcd@world.std.comE<gt> for his help and patience
with re-writing this manpage.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Pod::Parser>, L<Getopt::Long>, L<Pod::Find>
-use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use Carp;
use Config;
use Exporter;
use File::Spec;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@EXPORT = qw(&pod2usage);
if ( $] >= 5.005_58 ) {
+require Pod::Select;
%opts = ($_, @_);
elsif (!defined $_) {
- $_ = "";
+ $_ = '';
elsif (ref $_) {
## User passed a ref to a hash
elsif (/^[-+]?\d+$/) {
## User passed in the exit value to use
- $opts{"-exitval"} = $_;
+ $opts{'-exitval'} = $_;
else {
## User passed in a message to print before issuing usage.
- $_ and $opts{"-message"} = $_;
+ $_ and $opts{'-message'} = $_;
## Need this for backward compatibility since we formerly used
## looked like Unix command-line options.
## to be uppercase keywords)
%opts = map {
- my $val = $opts{$_};
- s/^(?=\w)/-/;
- /^-msg/i and $_ = '-message';
- /^-exit/i and $_ = '-exitval';
- lc($_) => $val;
+ my ($key, $val) = ($_, $opts{$_});
+ $key =~ s/^(?=\w)/-/;
+ $key =~ /^-msg/i and $key = '-message';
+ $key =~ /^-exit/i and $key = '-exitval';
+ lc($key) => $val;
} (keys %opts);
## Now determine default -exitval and -verbose values to use
- if ((! defined $opts{"-exitval"}) && (! defined $opts{"-verbose"})) {
- $opts{"-exitval"} = 2;
- $opts{"-verbose"} = 0;
+ if ((! defined $opts{'-exitval'}) && (! defined $opts{'-verbose'})) {
+ $opts{'-exitval'} = 2;
+ $opts{'-verbose'} = 0;
- elsif (! defined $opts{"-exitval"}) {
- $opts{"-exitval"} = ($opts{"-verbose"} > 0) ? 1 : 2;
+ elsif (! defined $opts{'-exitval'}) {
+ $opts{'-exitval'} = ($opts{'-verbose'} > 0) ? 1 : 2;
- elsif (! defined $opts{"-verbose"}) {
- $opts{"-verbose"} = (lc($opts{"-exitval"}) eq "noexit" ||
- $opts{"-exitval"} < 2);
+ elsif (! defined $opts{'-verbose'}) {
+ $opts{'-verbose'} = (lc($opts{'-exitval'}) eq 'noexit' ||
+ $opts{'-exitval'} < 2);
## Default the output file
- $opts{"-output"} = (lc($opts{"-exitval"}) eq "noexit" ||
- $opts{"-exitval"} < 2) ? \*STDOUT : \*STDERR
- unless (defined $opts{"-output"});
+ $opts{'-output'} = (lc($opts{'-exitval'}) eq 'noexit' ||
+ $opts{'-exitval'} < 2) ? \*STDOUT : \*STDERR
+ unless (defined $opts{'-output'});
## Default the input file
- $opts{"-input"} = $0 unless (defined $opts{"-input"});
+ $opts{'-input'} = $0 unless (defined $opts{'-input'});
## Look up input file in path if it doesnt exist.
- unless ((ref $opts{"-input"}) || (-e $opts{"-input"})) {
- my ($dirname, $basename) = ('', $opts{"-input"});
- my $pathsep = ($^O =~ /^(?:dos|os2|MSWin32)$/) ? ";"
- : (($^O eq 'MacOS' || $^O eq 'VMS') ? ',' : ":");
- my $pathspec = $opts{"-pathlist"} || $ENV{PATH} || $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ unless ((ref $opts{'-input'}) || (-e $opts{'-input'})) {
+ my $basename = $opts{'-input'};
+ my $pathsep = ($^O =~ /^(?:dos|os2|MSWin32)$/i) ? ';'
+ : (($^O eq 'MacOS' || $^O eq 'VMS') ? ',' : ':');
+ my $pathspec = $opts{'-pathlist'} || $ENV{PATH} || $ENV{PERL5LIB};
my @paths = (ref $pathspec) ? @$pathspec : split($pathsep, $pathspec);
- for $dirname (@paths) {
+ for my $dirname (@paths) {
$_ = File::Spec->catfile($dirname, $basename) if length;
- last if (-e $_) && ($opts{"-input"} = $_);
+ last if (-e $_) && ($opts{'-input'} = $_);
## Now create a pod reader and constrain it to the desired sections.
my $parser = new Pod::Usage(USAGE_OPTIONS => \%opts);
- if ($opts{"-verbose"} == 0) {
- $parser->select('SYNOPSIS\s*');
+ if ($opts{'-verbose'} == 0) {
+ $parser->select('(?:SYNOPSIS|USAGE)\s*');
- elsif ($opts{"-verbose"} == 1) {
+ elsif ($opts{'-verbose'} == 1) {
my $opt_re = '(?i)' .
- $parser->select( 'SYNOPSIS', $opt_re, "DESCRIPTION/$opt_re" );
+ $parser->select( '(?:SYNOPSIS|USAGE)\s*', $opt_re, "DESCRIPTION/$opt_re" );
- elsif ($opts{"-verbose"} >= 2 && $opts{"-verbose"} != 99) {
+ elsif ($opts{'-verbose'} >= 2 && $opts{'-verbose'} != 99) {
- elsif ($opts{"-verbose"} == 99) {
- $parser->select( $opts{"-sections"} );
- $opts{"-verbose"} = 1;
+ elsif ($opts{'-verbose'} == 99) {
+ my $sections = $opts{'-sections'};
+ $parser->select( (ref $sections) ? @$sections : $sections );
+ $opts{'-verbose'} = 1;
## Now translate the pod document and then exit with the desired status
- if ( !$opts{"-noperldoc"}
- and $opts{"-verbose"} >= 2
- and !ref($opts{"-input"})
- and $opts{"-output"} == \*STDOUT )
+ if ( !$opts{'-noperldoc'}
+ and $opts{'-verbose'} >= 2
+ and !ref($opts{'-input'})
+ and $opts{'-output'} == \*STDOUT )
## spit out the entire PODs. Might as well invoke perldoc
- my $progpath = File::Spec->catfile($Config{scriptdir}, "perldoc");
- system($progpath, $opts{"-input"});
- if($?) {
- # RT16091: fall back to more if perldoc failed
- system($ENV{PAGER} || 'more', $opts{"-input"});
+ my $progpath = File::Spec->catfile($Config{scriptdir}, 'perldoc');
+ print { $opts{'-output'} } ($opts{'-message'}, "\n") if($opts{'-message'});
+ if(defined $opts{-input} && $opts{-input} =~ /^\s*(\S.*?)\s*$/) {
+ # the perldocs back to 5.005 should all have -F
+ # without -F there are warnings in -T scripts
+ system($progpath, '-F', $1);
+ if($?) {
+ # RT16091: fall back to more if perldoc failed
+ system(($Config{pager} || $ENV{PAGER} || '/bin/more'), $1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ croak "Unspecified input file or insecure argument.\n";
else {
- $parser->parse_from_file($opts{"-input"}, $opts{"-output"});
+ $parser->parse_from_file($opts{'-input'}, $opts{'-output'});
- exit($opts{"-exitval"}) unless (lc($opts{"-exitval"}) eq 'noexit');
+ exit($opts{'-exitval'}) unless (lc($opts{'-exitval'}) eq 'noexit');
sub select {
- my ($self, @res) = @_;
+ my ($self, @sections) = @_;
if ($ISA[0]->can('select')) {
- $self->SUPER::select(@_);
+ $self->SUPER::select(@sections);
} else {
- $self->{USAGE_SELECT} = \@res;
+ # we're using Pod::Simple - need to mimic the behavior of Pod::Select
+ my $add = ($sections[0] eq '+') ? shift(@sections) : '';
+ ## Reset the set of sections to use
+ unless (@sections) {
+ delete $self->{USAGE_SELECT} unless ($add);
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->{USAGE_SELECT} = []
+ unless ($add && $self->{USAGE_SELECT});
+ my $sref = $self->{USAGE_SELECT};
+ ## Compile each spec
+ for my $spec (@sections) {
+ my $cs = Pod::Select::_compile_section_spec($spec);
+ if ( defined $cs ) {
+ ## Store them in our sections array
+ push(@$sref, $cs);
+ } else {
+ carp qq{Ignoring section spec "$spec"!\n};
+ }
+ }
sub _handle_element_end {
my ($self, $element) = @_;
if ($element eq 'head1') {
- $$self{USAGE_HEAD1} = $$self{PENDING}[-1][1];
+ $self->{USAGE_HEADINGS} = [ $$self{PENDING}[-1][1] ];
if ($self->{USAGE_OPTIONS}->{-verbose} < 2) {
$$self{PENDING}[-1][1] =~ s/^\s*SYNOPSIS\s*$/USAGE/;
- } elsif ($element eq 'head2') {
- $$self{USAGE_HEAD2} = $$self{PENDING}[-1][1];
+ } elsif ($element =~ /^head(\d+)$/ && $1) { # avoid 0
+ my $idx = $1 - 1;
+ $self->{USAGE_HEADINGS} = [] unless($self->{USAGE_HEADINGS});
+ $self->{USAGE_HEADINGS}->[$idx] = $$self{PENDING}[-1][1];
- if ($element eq 'head1' || $element eq 'head2') {
+ if ($element =~ /^head\d+$/) {
$$self{USAGE_SKIPPING} = 1;
- my $heading = $$self{USAGE_HEAD1};
- $heading .= '/' . $$self{USAGE_HEAD2} if defined $$self{USAGE_HEAD2};
if (!$$self{USAGE_SELECT} || !@{ $$self{USAGE_SELECT} }) {
- $$self{USAGE_SKIPPING} = 0;
+ $$self{USAGE_SKIPPING} = 0;
} else {
- for (@{ $$self{USAGE_SELECT} }) {
- if ($heading =~ /^$_\s*$/) {
+ my @headings = @{$$self{USAGE_HEADINGS}};
+ for my $section_spec ( @{$$self{USAGE_SELECT}} ) {
+ my $match = 1;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $Pod::Select::MAX_HEADING_LEVEL; ++$i) {
+ $headings[$i] = '' unless defined $headings[$i];
+ my $regex = $section_spec->[$i];
+ my $negated = ($regex =~ s/^\!//);
+ $match &= ($negated ? ($headings[$i] !~ /${regex}/)
+ : ($headings[$i] =~ /${regex}/));
+ last unless ($match);
+ } # end heading levels
+ if ($match) {
$$self{USAGE_SKIPPING} = 0;
- }
- }
+ }
+ } # end sections
# Try to do some lowercasing instead of all-caps in headings, and use
$$self{PENDING}[-1][1] = $_;
- if ($$self{USAGE_SKIPPING}) {
+ if ($$self{USAGE_SKIPPING} && $element !~ m/^over-/) {
pop @{ $$self{PENDING} };
} else {
+# required for Pod::Simple API
sub start_document {
my $self = shift;
print $out_fh "$msg\n";
+# required for old Pod::Parser API
sub begin_pod {
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::begin_pod(); ## Have to call superclass
-use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
use Pod::Find qw( contains_pod );
ok(contains_pod('lib/contains_pod.xr'), "contains pod");
+ ok(contains_pod('lib/contains_bad_pod.xr'), "contains bad pod");
use strict;
-use diagnostics;
+#use diagnostics;
=head1 NAME
=item I<file>
The pathname of a file containing pod documentation to be output in
-usage mesage format (defaults to standard input).
+usage message format (defaults to standard input).
B<pod2usage> will read the given input file looking for pod
documentation and will print the corresponding usage message.
-If no input file is specified than standard input is read.
+If no input file is specified then standard input is read.
B<pod2usage> invokes the B<pod2usage()> function in the B<Pod::Usage>
module. Please see L<Pod::Usage/pod2usage()>.
## Define options
my %options = ();
my @opt_specs = (
- "help",
- "man",
- "exit=i",
- "output=s",
- "pathlist=s",
- "verbose=i",
+ 'help',
+ 'man',
+ 'exit=i',
+ 'output=s',
+ 'pathlist=s',
+ 'verbose=i',
## Parse options
## Dont default to STDIN if connected to a terminal
pod2usage(2) if ((@ARGV == 0) && (-t STDIN));
-@ARGV = ("-") unless (@ARGV > 0);
+@ARGV = ('-') unless (@ARGV);
if (@ARGV > 1) {
print STDERR "pod2usage: Too many filenames given\n\n";
my %usage = ();
$usage{-input} = shift(@ARGV);
-$usage{-exitval} = $options{"exit"} if (defined $options{"exit"});
-$usage{-output} = $options{"output"} if (defined $options{"output"});
-$usage{-verbose} = $options{"verbose"} if (defined $options{"verbose"});
-$usage{-pathlist} = $options{"pathlist"} if (defined $options{"pathlist"});
+$usage{-exitval} = $options{'exit'} if (defined $options{'exit'});
+$usage{-output} = $options{'output'} if (defined $options{'output'});
+$usage{-verbose} = $options{'verbose'} if (defined $options{'verbose'});
+$usage{-pathlist} = $options{'pathlist'} if (defined $options{'pathlist'});
The status 2 indicates that at least one of the specified
files does not contain I<any> POD commands.
-Status 1 overrides status 2. If you want unambigouus
+Status 1 overrides status 2. If you want unambiguous
results, call B<podchecker> with one single argument only.
=head1 SEE ALSO
@ARGV = qw(-) unless(@ARGV);
for my $podfile (@ARGV) {
if($podfile eq '-') {
- $podfile = "<&STDIN";
+ $podfile = '<&STDIN';
elsif(-d $podfile) {
warn "podchecker: Warning: Ignoring directory '$podfile'\n";
- my $errors = podchecker($podfile, undef, '-warnings' => $options{warnings});
+ my $errors =
+ podchecker($podfile, undef, '-warnings' => $options{warnings});
if($errors > 0) {
# errors occurred
- printf STDERR ("%s has %d pod syntax %s.\n",
- $podfile, $errors, ($errors == 1) ? "error" : "errors");
$status = 1;
+ printf STDERR ("%s has %d pod syntax %s.\n",
+ $podfile, $errors,
+ ($errors == 1) ? 'error' : 'errors');
elsif($errors < 0) {
- print STDERR "$podfile does not contain any pod commands.\n";
# no pod found
$status = 2 unless($status);
+ print STDERR "$podfile does not contain any pod commands.\n";
else {
print STDERR "$podfile pod syntax OK.\n";
use strict;
-use diagnostics;
+#use diagnostics;
=head1 NAME
## Define options
my %options = (
- "help" => 0,
- "man" => 0,
- "sections" => [],
+ 'help' => 0,
+ 'man' => 0,
+ 'sections' => [],
## Parse options
-GetOptions(\%options, "help", "man", "sections|select=s@") || pod2usage(2);
+GetOptions(\%options, 'help', 'man', 'sections|select=s@') || pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if ($options{help});
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($options{man});
pod2usage(2) if ((@ARGV == 0) && (-t STDIN));
## Invoke podselect().
-if (@{ $options{"sections"} } > 0) {
- podselect({ -sections => $options{"sections"} }, @ARGV);
+if (@{ $options{'sections'} } > 0) {
+ podselect({ -sections => $options{'sections'} }, @ARGV);
else {
--- /dev/null
+=head foo
+bar baz.
my $lib_dir = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ?
File::Spec->catdir('pod', 'testpods', 'lib')
: File::Spec->catdir($THISDIR,'lib');
+my $vms_unix_rpt = 0;
+my $vms_efs = 0;
+my $unix_mode = 1;
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
$lib_dir = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ?
VMS::Filespec::unixify(File::Spec->catdir('pod', 'testpods', 'lib'))
: VMS::Filespec::unixify(File::Spec->catdir($THISDIR,'-','lib','pod'));
$Qlib_dir = $lib_dir;
$Qlib_dir =~ s#\/#::#g;
+ $unix_mode = 0;
+ if (eval 'require VMS::Feature') {
+ $vms_unix_rpt = VMS::Feature::current("filename_unix_report");
+ $vms_efs = VMS::Feature::current("efs_charset");
+ } else {
+ my $unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || '';
+ my $efs_charset = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CHARSET'} || '';
+ $vms_unix_rpt = $unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i;
+ $vms_efs = $efs_charset =~ /^[ET1]/i;
+ }
+ # Traditional VMS mode only if VMS is not in UNIX compatible mode.
+ $unix_mode = ($vms_efs && $vms_unix_rpt);
print "### searching $lib_dir\n";
require Config;
if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # privlib is perl_root:[lib] OK but not under mms
- $compare = "lib.File]Find.pm";
+ if ($unix_mode) {
+ $compare = "../lib/File/Find.pm";
+ } else {
+ $compare = "lib.File]Find.pm";
+ }
$result =~ s/perl_root:\[\-?\.?//i;
$result =~ s/\[\-?\.?//i; # needed under `mms test`
else {
$compare = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ?
File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, 'lib','File','Find.pm')
- : File::Spec->catfile($Config::Config{privlib},"File","Find.pm");
+ : File::Spec->catfile($Config::Config{privlibexp},"File","Find.pm");
This is a test.
on MSWin32 and DOS).
*file* The pathname of a file containing pod documentation to be output
- in usage mesage format (defaults to standard input).
+ in usage message format (defaults to standard input).
pod2usage will read the given input file looking for pod documentation
and will print the corresponding usage message. If no input file is
- specified than standard input is read.
+ specified then standard input is read.
pod2usage invokes the pod2usage() function in the Pod::Usage module.
Please see the pod2usage() entry in the Pod::Usage manpage.
plan skip_all => "Not portable on Win32 or VMS\n";
else {
- plan tests => 15;
+ plan tests => 34;
use_ok ("Pod::Usage");
sub getoutput
my ($code) = @_;
- my $pid = open(IN, "-|");
+ my $pid = open(TEST_IN, "-|");
unless(defined $pid) {
die "Cannot fork: $!";
if($pid) {
# parent
- my @out = <IN>;
- close(IN);
+ my @out = <TEST_IN>;
+ close(TEST_IN);
my $exit = $?>>8;
s/^/#/ for @out;
local $" = "";
# child
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
+ Test::More->builder->no_ending(1);
print "--NORMAL-RETURN--\n";
exit 0;
$left eq $right;
+SKIP: {
+if('Pod::Usage'->isa('Pod::Text') && $Pod::Text::VERSION < 2.18) {
+ skip("Formatting with Pod::Text $Pod::Text::VERSION not reliable", 33);
my ($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub { pod2usage() } );
is ($exit, 2, "Exit status pod2usage ()");
ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage ()");
-message => 'You naughty person, what did you say?',
-verbose => 1 ) });
is ($exit, 1, "Exit status pod2usage (-message => '...', -verbose => 1)");
-ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage (-message => '...', -verbose => 1)");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage (-message => '...', -verbose => 1)") or diag("Got:\n$text\n");
#You naughty person, what did you say?
# Usage:
# frobnicate [ -r | --recursive ] [ -f | --force ] file ...
+# does the __DATA__ work ok as input
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub { system($^X, '-Mblib', File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod p2u_data.pl))); exit($? >> 8); } );
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 17, "Exit status pod2usage (-verbose => 2, -input => \*DATA)");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage (-verbose => 2, -input => \*DATA)") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# Test
+# perl podusagetest.pl
+# This is a test.
+# test that SYNOPSIS and USAGE are printed
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub { pod2usage(-input => File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod usage.pod)),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 0); });
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with USAGE");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with USAGE") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# This is a test for CPAN#33020
+# And this will be also printed.
+# test that SYNOPSIS and USAGE are printed with options
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub { pod2usage(-input => File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod usage.pod)),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 1); });
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with USAGE and verbose=1");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with USAGE and verbose=1") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# This is a test for CPAN#33020
+# And this will be also printed.
+# And this with verbose == 1
+# test that only USAGE is printed when requested
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub { pod2usage(-input => File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod usage.pod)),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 99, -sections => 'USAGE'); });
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with USAGE and verbose=99");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with USAGE and verbose=99") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# This is a test for CPAN#33020
+# test with pod_where
+use_ok('Pod::Find', qw(pod_where));
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub { pod2usage( -input => pod_where({-inc => 1}, 'Pod::Usage'),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 0) } );
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with Pod::Find");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with Pod::Find") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# use Pod::Usage
+# my $message_text = "This text precedes the usage message.";
+# my $exit_status = 2; ## The exit status to use
+# my $verbose_level = 0; ## The verbose level to use
+# my $filehandle = \*STDERR; ## The filehandle to write to
+# pod2usage($message_text);
+# pod2usage($exit_status);
+# pod2usage( { -message => $message_text ,
+# -exitval => $exit_status ,
+# -verbose => $verbose_level,
+# -output => $filehandle } );
+# pod2usage( -msg => $message_text ,
+# -exitval => $exit_status ,
+# -verbose => $verbose_level,
+# -output => $filehandle );
+# pod2usage( -verbose => 2,
+# -noperldoc => 1 )
+# verify that sections are correctly found after nested headings
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub { pod2usage(-input => File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod usage2.pod)),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 99,
+ -sections => [qw(BugHeader BugHeader/.*')]) });
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with nested headings");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with nested headings") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# Some text
+# BugHeader2:
+# More
+# Still More
+# Verify that =over =back work OK
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub {
+ pod2usage(-input => File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod usage2.pod)),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 99, -sections => 'BugHeader/BugHeader2') } );
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with over/back");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with over/back") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# BugHeader2:
+# More
+# Still More
+# new array API for -sections
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub {
+ pod2usage(-input => File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod usage2.pod)),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 99, -sections => [qw(Heading-1/!.+ Heading-2/.+)]) } );
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with -sections => []");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with -sections => []") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+# One
+# Two
+# Heading-2.2:
+# More text.
+# allow subheadings in OPTIONS and ARGUMENTS
+($exit, $text) = getoutput( sub {
+ pod2usage(-input => File::Spec->catfile(qw(t pod usage2.pod)),
+ -exitval => 0, -verbose => 1) } );
+$text =~ s{#Using.*/blib.*\n}{}; # older blib's emit something to STDERR
+$text =~ s{[*](destination|files)[*]}{$1}g; # strip * chars
+is ($exit, 0, "Exit status pod2usage with subheadings in OPTIONS");
+ok (compare ($text, <<'EOT'), "Output test pod2usage with subheadings in OPTIONS") or diag "Got:\n$text\n";
+#Options and Arguments:
+# Arguments:
+# The required arguments (which typically follow any options on the
+# command line) are:
+# destination
+# files
+# Options:
+# Options may be abbreviated. Options which take values may be separated
+# from the values by whitespace or the "=" character.
+} # end SKIP
--- /dev/null
+ use File::Basename;
+ my $THISDIR = dirname $0;
+ unshift @INC, $THISDIR;
+ require "testpchk.pl";
+ import TestPodChecker;
+# this tests Pod::Checker accepts =encoding directive
+my %options = map { $_ => 1 } @ARGV; ## convert cmdline to options-hash
+my $passed = testpodchecker \%options, $0;
+exit( ($passed == 1) ? 0 : -1 ) unless $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+=encoding utf8
+=encode utf8
+dummy error
+=head1 An example.
+'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
--- /dev/null
+*** ERROR: Unknown command 'encode' at line 20 in file t/pod/podchkenc.t
--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+usage.pod - example for testing USAGE and SYNOPSIS
+=head1 USAGE
+This is a test for CPAN#33020
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+And this will be also printed.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+And this with verbose == 1
--- /dev/null
+=head1 Heading-1\r
+=over 100\r
+=item One\r
+=item Two\r
+=head2 Heading 2\r
+Some text\r
+=head1 BugHeader\r
+Some text\r
+=head2 BugHeader2\r
+=over 4\r
+=item More\r
+=item Still More\r
+=head1 Heading-2\r
+=head2 Heading-2.2\r
+More text.\r
+=head2 Arguments\r
+The required arguments (which typically follow any options on the\r
+command line) are:\r
+=item I<destination>\r
+=item I<files>\r
+=head2 Options\r
+Options may be abbreviated. Options which take values may be separated\r
+from the values by whitespace or the "=" character.\r