Revision history for Perl extension Moose
!! This release has an incompatible change regarding !!
how roles add methods to a class !!
This means that methods added by a role now show up when
looking at a class's method list/map. (Dave Rolsky)
+ * Makefile.PL
+ - From this release on, we'll try to maintain a list of
+ conflicting modules, and warn you if you have one
+ installed. For example, this release conflicts with ...
+ - MooseX::Singleton <= 0.11
+ - MooseX::Params::Validate <= 0.05
+ - Fey::ORM <= 0.10
+ In general, we try to not break backwards compatibility for
+ most Moose users, but MooseX modules and other code which
+ extends Moose's metaclasses is often affected by very small
+ changes in the Moose internals.
* Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation
* Moose::Meta::Attribute
- Delegation methods now have their own method class. (Dave