The option also takes a hashref:
- naming => { relationships => 'v8', monikers => 'v8' }
+ naming => {
+ relationships => 'v8',
+ monikers => 'v8',
+ column_accessors => 'v8',
+ force_ascii => 1,
+ }
+ naming => { ALL => 'v8', force_ascii => 1 }
The keys are:
=over 4
+=item ALL
+Set L</relationships>, L</monikers> and L</column_accessors> to the specified
=item relationships
How to name relationship accessors.
column_accessors => $naming_ver,
+ elsif (ref $self->naming eq 'HASH' && exists $self->naming->{ALL}) {
+ my $val = delete $self->naming->{ALL};
+ $self->naming->{$_} = $val
+ foreach qw/relationships monikers column_accessors/;
+ }
if ($self->naming) {
- for (values %{ $self->naming }) {
- $_ = $CURRENT_V if $_ eq 'current';
+ foreach my $key (qw/relationships monikers column_accessors/) {
+ $self->naming->{$key} = $CURRENT_V if $self->naming->{$key} eq 'current';
$self->{naming} ||= {};