As you craft each patch you intend to submit to the Perl core, it's
important to write a good commit message.
-Your commit message should start with a description of the problem that
-the patch corrects or new functionality that the patch adds.
+The first line of the commit message should be a short description and
+should skip the full stop. It should be no longer than the subject
+line of an E-Mail, 50 characters being a good rule of thumb.
+A lot of Git tools (Gitweb, GitHub, git log --pretty=oneline, ..) will
+only display the first line (cut off at 50 characters) when presenting
+commit summaries.
+The commit message should include description of the problem that the
+patch corrects or new functionality that the patch adds.
As a general rule of thumb, your commit message should let a programmer
with a reasonable familiarity with the Perl core quickly understand what