+=begin testing-SETUP
+ package MyApp::Meta::Class::Trait::HasTable;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ has table => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ );
+=end testing-SETUP
+ # in lib/MyApp/Meta/Class/Trait/HasTable.pm
package MyApp::Meta::Class::Trait::HasTable;
use Moose::Role;
package Moose::Meta::Class::Custom::Trait::HasTable;
sub register_implementation { 'MyApp::Meta::Class::Trait::HasTable' }
+ # in lib/MyApp/User.pm
package MyApp::User;
use Moose -traits => 'HasTable';
=head2 Using this Metaclass Trait in Practice
Accessing this new C<table> attribute is quite simple. Given a class
named C<MyApp::User>, we could simply write the following:
its C<table> method from a I<different> trait. In practice, you are unlikely
to encounter this sort of problem.
+This recipe doesn't work when you paste it all into a single file. This is
+because the C<< use Moose -traits => 'HasTable'; >> line ends up being
+executed before the C<table> attribute is defined.
+When the two packages are separate files, this just works.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Labeled_AttributeTrait> - Labels implemented via
attribute traits
+=begin testing
+can_ok( MyApp::User->meta, 'table' );
+is( MyApp::User->meta->table, 'User', 'My::User table is User' );
+=end testing