use Test::More;
+ if (!eval {require Capture::Tiny}) {
+ plan skip_all => 'Capture::Tiny required to test bootstrapping';
+ }
use File::Temp;
use File::Spec;
use local::lib ();
for my $module (@modules) {
my $version = check_version($module->[0]);
if ($version && $version >= $module->[1]) {
- warn "Can't test bootstrap of $module->[0], version $version already meets requirement of $module->[1]\n";
+ diag "Can't test bootstrap of $module->[0], version $version already meets requirement of $module->[1]";
$ENV{HOME} = my $home = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+mkdir my $ll = File::Spec->catdir($home, 'perl5');
-system($^X, 'Makefile.PL', '--bootstrap');
-is $?, 0, 'Makefile.PL ran successfully';
+my $result;
+my $out = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged {
+ $result = system($^X, 'Makefile.PL', '--bootstrap');
+is $result, 0, 'Makefile.PL ran successfully'
+ or diag $out;
for my $module (@modules) {
my $version = check_version($module->[0]);