* Moose::Object::does no longer checks the entire inheritance tree, since
Moose::Meta::Class::does_role already does this. (doy)
- * Moose::Object now has stubs for BUILD and DEMOLISH, so they can be safely
- wrapped in roles without needing to provide your own stubs. (doy)
* Moose::Util::add_method_modifier (and subsequently the sugar functions Moose::before,
Moose::after, and Moose::around) can now accept arrayrefs, with the same
behavior as lists. Types other than arrayref and regexp result in an error.
# NOTE: we ask Perl if we even
# need to do this first, to avoid
# extra meta level calls
- return if $_[0]->can('BUILD') == \&BUILD;
+ return unless $_[0]->can('BUILD');
my ($self, $params) = @_;
foreach my $method (reverse Class::MOP::class_of($self)->find_all_methods_by_name('BUILD')) {
- next if $method->{class} eq __PACKAGE__;
$method->{code}->execute($self, $params);
-sub BUILD { }
my $self = shift;
my ($in_global_destruction) = @_;
# NOTE: we ask Perl if we even
# need to do this first, to avoid
# extra meta level calls
- return if $self->can('DEMOLISH') == \&DEMOLISH;
+ return unless $self->can('DEMOLISH');
my @isa;
if ( my $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($self ) ) {
foreach my $class (@isa) {
no strict 'refs';
- next if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
my $demolish = *{"${class}::DEMOLISH"}{CODE};
if defined $demolish;
-sub DEMOLISH { }
my $self = shift;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
-use Test::Moose;
eval "use Test::Output;";
plan skip_all => "Test::Output is required for this test" if $@;
# role: sub BUILD, after BUILD
# continues to work to run code after object initialization, whether the class
# has a BUILD method or not
-# note: as of moose 0.95, this idiom is no longer necessary ('after BUILD' on
-# its own is sufficient) -doy
my @CALLS;
with 'TestRole';
-do {
- package TestRoleWithoutBUILD;
- use Moose::Role;
- before BUILD => sub { push @CALLS, 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD::BUILD:before' };
- after BUILD => sub { push @CALLS, 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD::BUILD:after' };
-do {
- package AnotherClassWithBUILD;
- use Moose;
- ::stderr_is {
- with 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD';
- } '';
- sub BUILD { push @CALLS, 'AnotherClassWithBUILD::BUILD' }
-do {
- package AnotherClassWithoutBUILD;
- use Moose;
- ::stderr_is {
- with 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD';
- } '';
-with_immutable {
is_deeply([splice @CALLS], [], "no calls to BUILD yet");
- AnotherClassWithBUILD->new;
- is_deeply([splice @CALLS], [
- 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD::BUILD:before',
- 'AnotherClassWithBUILD::BUILD',
- 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD::BUILD:after',
- ]);
- AnotherClassWithoutBUILD->new;
- is_deeply([splice @CALLS], [
- 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD::BUILD:before',
- 'TestRoleWithoutBUILD::BUILD:after',
- ]);
-} qw(ClassWithBUILD ClassWithoutBUILD
- AnotherClassWithBUILD AnotherClassWithoutBUILD);
+ if (ClassWithBUILD->meta->is_mutable) {
+ ClassWithBUILD->meta->make_immutable;
+ ClassWithoutBUILD->meta->make_immutable;
+ redo;
+ }