Revision history for {{$dist->name}}
+ * replaced last use of Best (held over since 2010!) to YAML::Any
0.39 2013-07-26 17:02:26 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
* re-release as stable (full working Dist::Zilla conversion)
sub _inflate_yaml {
my ($self, $yaml) = @_;
- require Best;
- eval { Best->import([[ qw[YAML::Syck YAML] ]]) };
+ eval { require YAML::Any; YAML::Any->import };
confess "Could not load YAML module because : $@" if $@;
- my $inflater = Best->which('YAML::Syck')->can('Load');
- (defined $inflater)
- || confess "Could not load the YAML inflator";
- my $data = eval { $inflater->($yaml) };
+ my $data = eval { Load($yaml) };
if ($@) {
confess "There was an error when attempting to peek at YAML : $@";
my $classname = eval {
MooseX::Storage::Util->peek($yaml => ('format' => 'YAML'))
- if ($@ =~ /^Could not load YAML module because/
- or $@ =~ /^Can't locate Best/
- ) {
+ if ($@ =~ /^Could not load YAML module because/) {
die 'No YAML module found' if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING};
skip "No YAML module found", 1;