If you chomp a list, each element is chomped, and the total number of
characters removed is returned.
+Note that parentheses are necessary when you're chomping anything
+that is not a simple variable. This is because C<chomp $cwd = `pwd`;>
+is interpreted as C<(chomp $cwd) = `pwd`;>, rather than as
+C<chomp( $cwd = `pwd` )> which you might expect. Similarly,
+C<chomp $a, $b> is interpreted as C<chomp($a), $b> rather than
+as C<chomp($a, $b)>.
=item chop VARIABLE
=item chop( LIST )
Note that C<chop> returns the last character. To return all but the last
character, use C<substr($string, 0, -1)>.
+See also L</chomp>.
=item chown LIST
Changes the owner (and group) of a list of files. The first two