my ($committer, $patch, $log);
use Getopt::Long;
-my ($rank, $ta, @authors, %authors, %untraced, %patchers, %committers);
+my ($rank, $percentage, $ta, @authors, %authors, %untraced, %patchers,
+ %committers);
my $result = GetOptions ("rank" => \$rank, # rank authors
"thanks-applied" => \$ta, # ranks committers
- "acknowledged=s" => \@authors); # authors files
+ "acknowledged=s" => \@authors , # authors files
+ "percentage" => \$percentage, # show as %age
+ );
if (!$result or (($rank||0) + ($ta||0) + (@authors ? 1 : 0) != 1) or !@ARGV) {
die <<"EOS";
$0 --rank Changelogs # rank authors by patches
$0 --acknowledged <authors file> Changelogs # Display unacknowledged authors
$0 --thanks-applied Changelogs # ranks committers
+$0 --percentage ... # show rankings as percentages
Specify stdin as - if needs be. Remember that option names can be abbreviated.
sub display_ordered {
my $what = shift;
my @sorted;
+ my $total;
while (my ($name, $count) = each %$what) {
push @{$sorted[$count]}, $name;
+ $total += $count;
my $i = @sorted;
return unless $i;
while (--$i) {
next unless $sorted[$i];
- print wrap ("$i:\t", "\t", join (" ", sort @{$sorted[$i]}), "\n");
+ my $prefix;
+ if ($percentage) {
+ $prefix = sprintf "% 6.2f:\t", 100 * $i / $total;
+ } else {
+ $prefix = "$i:\t";
+ }
+ print wrap ($prefix, "\t", join (" ", sort @{$sorted[$i]}), "\n");