+# add a TODO to catch when Text::Balanced is finally fixed
+# https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74994
+# while it doesn't matter much for DBIC itself, this particular bug
+# is a *BANE*, and DBIC is to bump its dep as soon as possible
+ require Text::Balanced;
+ my $great_success;
+ {
+ local $TODO = 'RT#74994 *STILL* not fixed';
+ lives_ok {
+ # this is what poisons $@
+ Text::Balanced::extract_bracketed( '(foo', '()' );
+ my $s = DBICTest->init_schema( deploy => 0 );
+ my $g = $s->txn_scope_guard;
+ $g->commit;
+ $great_success++;
+ } 'Text::Balanced is no longer screwing up $@';
+ }
+ # delete all of this when T::B dep is bumped
+ unless ($great_success) {
+# hacky workaround for desperate folk
+# intended to be copypasted into your app
+ {
+ require Text::Balanced;
+ require overload;
+ local $@;
+ # this is what poisons $@
+ Text::Balanced::extract_bracketed( '(foo', '()' );
+ if ($@ and overload::Overloaded($@) and ! overload::Method($@,'fallback') ) {
+ my $class = ref $@;
+ eval "package $class; overload->import(fallback => 1);"
+ }
+ }
+# end of hacky workaround
+ lives_ok {
+ # this is what poisons $@
+ Text::Balanced::extract_bracketed( '(foo', '()' );
+ my $s = DBICTest->init_schema( deploy => 0 );
+ my $g = $s->txn_scope_guard;
+ $g->commit;
+ } 'Monkeypatched Text::Balanced is no longer screwing up $@';
+ }