is( $f1->data_type, '', 'Field data type is blank' );
is( $f1->size, 0, 'Field size is "0"' );
is( $f1->is_primary_key, '0', 'Field is_primary_key is false' );
- is( $f1->nullable, 1, 'Field can be NULL' );
+ is( $f1->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be NULL' );
is( $f1->default_value, undef, 'Field default is undefined' );
my $f2 = SQL::Translator::Schema::Field->new (name => 'f2') or
$f2 = $person_table->add_field( $f2 );
isa_ok( $f1, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Field', 'f2' );
is( $f2->name, 'f2', 'Add field "f2"' );
- is( $f2->nullable(0), 0, 'Field cannot be NULL' );
- is( $f2->nullable(''), 0, 'Field cannot be NULL' );
- is( $f2->nullable('0'), 0, 'Field cannot be NULL' );
+ is( $f2->is_nullable(0), 0, 'Field cannot be NULL' );
+ is( $f2->is_nullable(''), 0, 'Field cannot be NULL' );
+ is( $f2->is_nullable('0'), 0, 'Field cannot be NULL' );
is( $f1->default_value(''), '', 'Field default is empty string' );
$person_table = $f2->table( $person_table );
my $redundant_field = $person_table->add_field(name => 'f2');
is( $redundant_field, undef, qq[Didn't create another "f2" field...] );
- like( $person_table->error, qr/can't create field/i,
+ like( $person_table->error, qr/can't use field/i,
'... because it exists' );
+ my @fields = $person_table->get_fields;
+ is( scalar @fields, 2, 'Table "foo" has 2 fields' );
+ is( $fields[0]->name, 'foo', 'First field is "foo"' );
+ is( $fields[1]->name, 'f2', 'Second field is "f2"' );
# Field methods
is( $age->size(10,2), '10,2', 'Field size still "10,2"' );
is( $age->size([10,2]), '10,2', 'Field size still "10,2"' );
is( $age->size(qw[ 10 2 ]), '10,2', 'Field size still "10,2"' );
+ is( join(':', $age->size), '10:2', 'Field size returns array' );
# Index
isa_ok( $index1, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Index', 'Index' );
is( $index1->name, 'foo', 'Index name is "foo"' );
+ is( $index1->is_valid, undef, 'Index name is not valid...' );
+ like( $index1->error, qr/no fields/i, '...because it has no fields' );
+ is( join(':', $index1->fields('foo,bar')), 'foo:bar',
+ 'Index accepts fields');
+ is( $index1->is_valid, undef, 'Index name is not valid...' );
+ like( $index1->error, qr/does not exist in table/i,
+ '...because it used fields not in the table' );
+ is( join(':', $index1->fields(qw[foo age])), 'foo:age',
+ 'Index accepts fields');
+ is( $index1->is_valid, 1, 'Index name is now valid' );
+ is( $index1->type, NORMAL, 'Index type is "normal"' );
my $index2 = SQL::Translator::Schema::Index->new( name => "bar" )
or warn SQL::Translator::Schema::Index->error;
$index2 = $person_table->add_index( $index2 );
$fields = join(',', $constraint1->fields( qw[ id name ] ) );
is( $fields, 'id,name', 'Constraint field = "id,name"' );
+ is( $constraint1->match_type, '', 'Constraint match type is empty' );
+ is( $constraint1->match_type('foo'), undef,
+ 'Constraint match type rejects bad arg...' );
+ like( $constraint1->error, qr/invalid match type/i,
+ '...because it is invalid');
+ is( $constraint1->match_type('FULL'), 'full',
+ 'Constraint match type = "full"' );
my $constraint2 = SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint->new( name => 'bar' );
$constraint2 = $person_table->add_constraint( $constraint2 );
isa_ok( $constraint2, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint', 'Constraint' );
is( $pet_id->name, 'pet_id', 'Added field "pet_id"' );
is( $c->is_valid, 1, 'Constraint now valid' );
# $table->primary_key test
is( join('', $c2->reference_fields), 'id', 'FK found PK ""' );
+# View
+ my $name = 'foo_view';
+ my $sql = 'select name, age from person';
+ my $fields = 'name, age';
+ my $s = SQL::Translator::Schema->new;
+ my $v = $s->add_view(
+ name => $name,
+ sql => $sql,
+ fields => $fields,
+ );
+ isa_ok( $v, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::View', 'View' );
+ is( $v->name, $name, qq[Name is "$name"] );
+ is( $v->sql, $sql, qq[Name is "$sql"] );
+ is( join(':', $v->fields), 'name:age', qq[Fields are "$fields"] );