--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# $Id: GraphViz.pm,v 1.1 2003-04-24 16:15:13 kycl4rk Exp $
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Ken Y. Clark <kclark@cpan.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307 USA
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use GraphViz;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(debug);
+use vars qw[ $VERSION $DEBUG ];
+$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
+use constant VALID_LAYOUT => {
+ dot => 1,
+ neato => 1,
+ twopi => 1,
+use constant VALID_NODE_SHAPE => {
+ record => 1,
+ plaintext => 1,
+ ellipse => 1,
+ circle => 1,
+ egg => 1,
+ triangle => 1,
+ box => 1,
+ diamond => 1,
+ trapezium => 1,
+ parallelogram => 1,
+ house => 1,
+ hexagon => 1,
+ octagon => 1,
+use constant VALID_OUTPUT => {
+ canon => 1,
+ text => 1,
+ ps => 1,
+ hpgl => 1,
+ pcl => 1,
+ mif => 1,
+ pic => 1,
+ gd => 1,
+ gd2 => 1,
+ gif => 1,
+ jpeg => 1,
+ png => 1,
+ wbmp => 1,
+ cmap => 1,
+ ismap => 1,
+ imap => 1,
+ vrml => 1,
+ vtx => 1,
+ mp => 1,
+ fig => 1,
+ svg => 1,
+ plain => 1,
+sub produce {
+ my ($t, $data) = @_;
+ my $args = $t->producer_args;
+ local $DEBUG = $t->debug;
+ debug("Data =\n", Dumper( $data ));
+ debug("Producer args =\n", Dumper( $args ));
+ my $out_file = $args->{'out_file'};
+ my $layout = $args->{'layout'};
+ my $node_shape = $args->{'node_shape'};
+ my $output_type = $args->{'output_type'};
+ my $add_color = $args->{'add_color'};
+ my $natural_join = $args->{'natural_join'};
+ my $join_pk_only = $args->{'join_pk_only'};
+ my $skip_fields = $args->{'skip_fields'};
+ my %skip = map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $_, 1 }
+ split ( /,/, $skip_fields );
+ $natural_join ||= $join_pk_only;
+ die "Invalid layout '$layout'" unless VALID_LAYOUT->{ $layout };
+ die "Invalid output type: '$output_type'"
+ unless VALID_OUTPUT->{ $output_type };
+ die "Invalid node shape'$node_shape'"
+ unless VALID_NODE_SHAPE->{ $node_shape };
+ #
+ # Create GraphViz and see if we can produce the output type.
+ #
+ my $gv = GraphViz->new(
+ directed => $natural_join ? 0 : 1,
+ layout => $layout,
+ no_overlap => 1,
+ bgcolor => $add_color ? 'lightgoldenrodyellow' : 'white',
+ node => {
+ shape => $node_shape,
+ style => 'filled',
+ fillcolor => 'white'
+ },
+ ) or die "Can't create GraphViz object\n";
+ my %nj_registry; # for locations of fields for natural joins
+ my @fk_registry; # for locations of fields for foreign keys
+ #
+ # If necessary, pre-process fields to find foreign keys.
+ #
+ if ( $natural_join ) {
+ my ( %common_keys, %pk );
+ for my $table ( values %$data ) {
+ for my $index (
+ @{ $table->{'indices'} || [] },
+ @{ $table->{'constraints'} || [] },
+ ) {
+ my @fields = @{ $index->{'fields'} || [] } or next;
+ if ( $index->{'type'} eq 'primary_key' ) {
+ $pk{ $_ } = 1 for @fields;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $field ( values %{ $table->{'fields'} } ) {
+ push @{ $common_keys{ $field->{'name'} } },
+ $table->{'table_name'};
+ }
+ }
+ for my $field ( keys %common_keys ) {
+ my @tables = @{ $common_keys{ $field } };
+ next unless scalar @tables > 1;
+ for my $table ( @tables ) {
+ next if $join_pk_only and !defined $pk{ $field };
+ $data->{ $table }{'fields'}{ $field }{'is_fk'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for my $table ( values %$data ) {
+ for my $field ( values %{ $table->{'fields'} } ) {
+ for my $constraint (
+ grep { $_->{'type'} eq 'foreign_key' }
+ @{ $field->{'constraints'} }
+ ) {
+ my $ref_table = $constraint->{'reference_table'} or next;
+ my @ref_fields = @{ $constraint->{'reference_fields'}||[] };
+ unless ( @ref_fields ) {
+ for my $field (
+ values %{ $data->{ $ref_table }{'fields'} }
+ ) {
+ for my $pk (
+ grep { $_->{'type'} eq 'primary_key' }
+ @{ $field->{'constraints'} }
+ ) {
+ push @ref_fields, @{ $pk->{'fields'} };
+ }
+ }
+ $constraint->{'reference_fields'} = [ @ref_fields ];
+ }
+ for my $ref_field (@{$constraint->{'reference_fields'}}) {
+ $data->{$ref_table}{'fields'}{$ref_field}{'is_fk'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $table (
+ map { $_->[1] }
+ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
+ map { [ $_->{'order'}, $_ ] }
+ values %$data
+ ) {
+ my $table_name = $table->{'table_name'};
+ $gv->add_node( $table_name );
+ debug("Processing table '$table_name'");
+ my @fields =
+ map { $_->[1] }
+ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
+ map { [ $_->{'order'}, $_ ] }
+ values %{ $table->{'fields'} };
+ debug("Fields = ", join(', ', map { $_->{'name'} } @fields));
+ my ( %pk, %unique );
+ for my $index (
+ @{ $table->{'indices'} || [] },
+ @{ $table->{'constraints'} || [] },
+ ) {
+ my @fields = @{ $index->{'fields'} || [] } or next;
+ if ( $index->{'type'} eq 'primary_key' ) {
+ $pk{ $_ } = 1 for @fields;
+ }
+ elsif ( $index->{'type'} eq 'unique' ) {
+ $unique{ $_ } = 1 for @fields;
+ }
+ }
+ debug("Primary keys = ", join(', ', sort keys %pk));
+ debug("Unique = ", join(', ', sort keys %unique));
+ for my $f ( @fields ) {
+ my $name = $f->{'name'} or next;
+ my $is_pk = $pk{ $name };
+ my $is_unique = $unique{ $name };
+ #
+ # Decide if we should skip this field.
+ #
+ if ( $natural_join ) {
+ next unless $is_pk || $f->{'is_fk'};
+ }
+ else {
+ next unless $is_pk ||
+ grep { $_->{'type'} eq 'foreign_key' }
+ @{ $f->{'constraints'} }
+ ;
+ }
+ my $constraints = $f->{'constraints'};
+ if ( $natural_join && !$skip{ $name } ) {
+ push @{ $nj_registry{ $name } }, $table_name;
+ }
+ elsif ( @{ $constraints || [] } ) {
+ for my $constraint ( @$constraints ) {
+ next unless $constraint->{'type'} eq 'foreign_key';
+ for my $fk_field (
+ @{ $constraint->{'reference_fields'} || [] }
+ ) {
+ my $fk_table = $constraint->{'reference_table'};
+ next unless defined $data->{ $fk_table };
+ push @fk_registry, [ $table_name, $fk_table ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Make the connections.
+ #
+ my @table_bunches;
+ if ( $natural_join ) {
+ for my $field_name ( keys %nj_registry ) {
+ my @table_names = @{ $nj_registry{ $field_name } || [] } or next;
+ next if scalar @table_names == 1;
+ push @table_bunches, [ @table_names ];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @table_bunches = @fk_registry;
+ }
+ my %done;
+ for my $bunch ( @table_bunches ) {
+ my @tables = @$bunch;
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $#tables ) {
+ my $table1 = $tables[ $i ];
+ for my $j ( 0 .. $#tables ) {
+ my $table2 = $tables[ $j ];
+ next if $table1 eq $table2;
+ next if $done{ $table1 }{ $table2 };
+ $gv->add_edge( $table1, $table2 );
+ $done{ $table1 }{ $table2 } = 1;
+ $done{ $table2 }{ $table1 } = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Print the image.
+ #
+ my $output_method = "as_$output_type";
+ if ( $out_file ) {
+ open my $fh, ">$out_file" or die "Can't write '$out_file': $!\n";
+ print $fh $gv->$output_method;
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $gv->$output_method;
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz - GraphViz producer for SQL::Translator
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ken Y. Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>