use MooseX::Declare;
-use MooseX::Method::Signatures;
class SQL::Abstract {
- method BUILD( $ast ) {
- croak "AST version @{[$self->ast_version]} is greater than supported version of $AST_VERSION"
- if $self->ast_version > $AST_VERSION;
+ # TODO: once MXMS supports %args, use that here
+ method create(ClassName $class: Int $ver) {
+ croak "AST version $ver is greater than supported version of $AST_VERSION"
+ if $ver > $AST_VERSION;
+ my $name = "${class}::AST::v$ver";
+ Class::MOP::load_class($name);
+ return $name->new(ast_version => $ver);
# Main entry point
my (undef, $ver) = splice(@$ast, 0, 2);
- my $self = $class->new(ast_version => $ver);
+ # TODO: once MXMS supports %args, use that here
+ my $self = $class->create($ver);
return ($self->dispatch($ast), $self->binds);
- method dispatch (ArrayRef $ast) {
- local $_ = $ast->[0];
- s/^-/_/g or croak "Unknown type tag '$_'";
- my $meth = $self->can($_) || \&_generic_func;
- return $meth->($self, $ast);
- }
- method _select(ArrayRef $ast) {
- }
- method _where(ArrayRef $ast) {
- my (undef, @clauses) = @$ast;
- return 'WHERE ' . $self->_recurse_where(\@clauses);
- }
- method _order_by(ArrayRef $ast) {
- my (undef, @clauses) = @$ast;
- my @output;
- for (@clauses) {
- if ($_->[0] =~ /^-(asc|desc)$/) {
- my $o = $1;
- push @output, $self->dispatch($_->[1]) . " " . uc($o);
- next;
- }
- push @output, $self->dispatch($_);
- }
- return "ORDER BY " . join(", ", @output);
- }
- method _name(ArrayRef $ast) {
- my (undef, @names) = @$ast;
- my $sep = $self->name_separator;
- return $sep->[0] .
- join( $sep->[1] . $sep->[0], @names ) .
- $sep->[1]
- if (@$sep > 1);
- return join($sep->[0], @names);
- }
- method _join(ArrayRef $ast) {
- }
- method _list(ArrayRef $ast) {
- my (undef, @items) = @$ast;
- return join(
- $self->list_separator,
- map { $self->dispatch($_) } @items);
- }
- method _alias(ArrayRef $ast) {
- my (undef, $alias, $as) = @$ast;
- return $self->dispatch($alias) . " AS $as";
- }
- method _value(ArrayRef $ast) {
- my ($undef, $value) = @$ast;
- $self->add_bind($value);
- return "?";
- }
- method _recurse_where($clauses) {
- my $OP = 'AND';
- my $prio = $PRIO{and};
- my $first = $clauses->[0];
- if (!ref $first && $first =~ /^-(and|or)$/) {
- $OP = uc($1);
- $prio = $PRIO{$1};
- shift @$clauses;
- }
- my @output;
- foreach (@$clauses) {
- croak "invalid component in where clause" unless ArrayRef->check($_);
- my $op = $_->[0];
- unless (substr($op, 0, 1) eq '-') {
- # A simple comparison op (==, >, etc.)
- push @output, $self->_binop(@$_);
- } elsif ($op =~ /^-(and|or)$/) {
- my $sub_prio = $PRIO{$1};
- if ($sub_prio <= $prio) {
- push @output, $self->_recurse_where($_);
- } else {
- push @output, '(' . $self->_recurse_where($_) . ')';
- }
- } else {
- push @output, $self->dispatch($_);
- }
- }
- return join(" $OP ", @output);
- }
- method _binop($op, $lhs, $rhs) {
- join (' ', $self->dispatch($lhs),
- $OP_MAP{$op} || croak("Unknown binary operator $op"),
- $self->dispatch($rhs)
- );
- }
- method _in($ast) {
- my (undef, $field, @values) = @$ast;
- return $self->dispatch($field) .
- " IN (" .
- join(", ", map { $self->dispatch($_) } @values ) .
- ")";
- }
- method _generic_func(ArrayRef $ast) {
- }
--- /dev/null
+use MooseX::Declare;
+class SQL::Abstract::AST::v1 extends SQL::Abstract {
+ use Carp qw/croak/;
+ use Data::Dump qw/pp/;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw/NameSeparator/];
+ use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/ArrayRef Str Int/;
+ use MooseX::AttributeHelpers;
+ clean;
+ method dispatch (ArrayRef $ast) {
+ local $_ = $ast->[0];
+ s/^-/_/g or croak "Unknown type tag '$_'";
+ my $meth = $self->can($_) || \&_generic_func;
+ return $meth->($self, $ast);
+ }
+ method _select(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ }
+ method _where(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ my (undef, @clauses) = @$ast;
+ return 'WHERE ' . $self->_recurse_where(\@clauses);
+ }
+ method _order_by(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ my (undef, @clauses) = @$ast;
+ my @output;
+ for (@clauses) {
+ if ($_->[0] =~ /^-(asc|desc)$/) {
+ my $o = $1;
+ push @output, $self->dispatch($_->[1]) . " " . uc($o);
+ next;
+ }
+ push @output, $self->dispatch($_);
+ }
+ return "ORDER BY " . join(", ", @output);
+ }
+ method _name(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ my (undef, @names) = @$ast;
+ my $sep = $self->name_separator;
+ return $sep->[0] .
+ join( $sep->[1] . $sep->[0], @names ) .
+ $sep->[1]
+ if (@$sep > 1);
+ return join($sep->[0], @names);
+ }
+ method _join(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ }
+ method _list(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ my (undef, @items) = @$ast;
+ return join(
+ $self->list_separator,
+ map { $self->dispatch($_) } @items);
+ }
+ method _alias(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ my (undef, $alias, $as) = @$ast;
+ return $self->dispatch($alias) . " AS $as";
+ }
+ method _value(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ my ($undef, $value) = @$ast;
+ $self->add_bind($value);
+ return "?";
+ }
+ method _recurse_where($clauses) {
+ my $OP = 'AND';
+ my $prio = $SQL::Abstract::PRIO{and};
+ my $first = $clauses->[0];
+ if (!ref $first && $first =~ /^-(and|or)$/) {
+ $OP = uc($1);
+ $prio = $SQL::Abstract::PRIO{$1};
+ shift @$clauses;
+ }
+ my @output;
+ foreach (@$clauses) {
+ croak "invalid component in where clause" unless ArrayRef->check($_);
+ my $op = $_->[0];
+ unless (substr($op, 0, 1) eq '-') {
+ # A simple comparison op (==, >, etc.)
+ push @output, $self->_binop(@$_);
+ } elsif ($op =~ /^-(and|or)$/) {
+ my $sub_prio = $SQL::Abstract::PRIO{$1};
+ if ($sub_prio <= $prio) {
+ push @output, $self->_recurse_where($_);
+ } else {
+ push @output, '(' . $self->_recurse_where($_) . ')';
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @output, $self->dispatch($_);
+ }
+ }
+ return join(" $OP ", @output);
+ }
+ method _binop($op, $lhs, $rhs) {
+ join (' ', $self->dispatch($lhs),
+ $SQL::Abstract::OP_MAP{$op} || croak("Unknown binary operator $op"),
+ $self->dispatch($rhs)
+ );
+ }
+ method _in($ast) {
+ my (undef, $field, @values) = @$ast;
+ return $self->dispatch($field) .
+ " IN (" .
+ join(", ", map { $self->dispatch($_) } @values ) .
+ ")";
+ }
+ method _generic_func(ArrayRef $ast) {
+ }