-# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.6 2003-04-01 18:08:02 kycl4rk Exp $
+# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.7 2003-04-02 01:45:45 kycl4rk Exp $
=head1 NAME
- -o|--output Output file name (default STDOUT)
- -i|--image Output image type (default PNG)
- -t|--title Title to give schema
- -c|--cols Number of columns
- -n|--no-lines Don't draw lines
- -s|--skip Fields to skip in natural joins
- -f|--font-size "small," "medium," "large," or "huge" (default "medium")
- --color Add colors
- --join-pk-only Perform natural joins from primary keys only
+ -o|--output Output file name (default STDOUT)
+ -i|--image Output image type (default PNG)
+ -t|--title Title to give schema
+ -c|--cols Number of columns
+ -n|--no-lines Don't draw lines
+ -f|--font-size "small," "medium," "large," or "huge"
+ (default "medium")
+ --color Add colors
+ --natural-join Perform natural joins
+ --natural-join-pk-only Perform natural joins from primary keys only
+ -s|--skip Fields to skip in natural joins
name is given, then image will be printed to STDOUT, so you should
redirect the output into a file.
+The default action is to assume the presence of foreign key
+relationships defined via "REFERNCES" or "FOREIGN KEY" constraints on
+the tables. If you are parsing the schema of a file that does not
+have these, you will find the natural join options helpful. With
+natural joins, like-named fields will be considered foreign keys.
+This can prove too permissive, however, as you probably don't want a
+field called "name" to be considered a foreign key, so you could
+include it in the "skip" option, and all fields called "name" will be
+excluded from natural joins. A more efficient method, however, might
+be to simply deduce the foriegn keys from primary keys to other fields
+named the same in other tables. Use the "natural-join-pk-only" option
+to acheive this.
use strict;
use Pod::Usage;
use SQL::Translator;
-my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.6 $)[-1];
+my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.7 $)[-1];
use constant VALID_FONT_SIZE => {
small => 1,
# Get arguments.
-my ( $out_file, $image_type, $db_driver, $title, $no_columns,
- $no_lines, $skip_fields, $font_size, $add_color, $join_pk_only );
+my (
+ $out_file, $image_type, $db_driver, $title, $no_columns,
+ $no_lines, $font_size, $add_color,
+ $natural_join, $join_pk_only, $skip_fields
- 'd|db=s' => \$db_driver,
- 'o|output:s' => \$out_file,
- 'i|image:s' => \$image_type,
- 't|title:s' => \$title,
- 'c|columns:i' => \$no_columns,
- 'n|no-lines' => \$no_lines,
- 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields,
- 'f|font-size:s' => \$font_size,
- 'color' => \$add_color,
- 'join-pk-only' => \$join_pk_only,
+ 'd|db=s' => \$db_driver,
+ 'o|output:s' => \$out_file,
+ 'i|image:s' => \$image_type,
+ 't|title:s' => \$title,
+ 'c|columns:i' => \$no_columns,
+ 'n|no-lines' => \$no_lines,
+ 'f|font-size:s' => \$font_size,
+ 'color' => \$add_color,
+ 'natural-join' => \$natural_join,
+ 'natural-join-pk-only' => \$join_pk_only,
+ 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields,
) or die pod2usage;
my $file = shift @ARGV or pod2usage( -message => 'No input file' );
pod2usage( -message => "No db driver specified" ) unless $db_driver;
-$image_type = $image_type ? lc $image_type : 'png';
-$title ||= $file;
-$font_size = 'medium' unless VALID_FONT_SIZE->{ $font_size };
-my %skip = map { $_, 1 } split ( /,/, $skip_fields );
+$image_type = $image_type ? lc $image_type : 'png';
+$title ||= $file;
+$font_size = 'medium' unless VALID_FONT_SIZE->{ $font_size };
+my %skip = map { $_, 1 } split ( /,/, $skip_fields );
+$natural_join ||= $join_pk_only;
# Parse file.
my $no_this_col = 0; # number of tables in current column
my $this_col_x = $x; # current column's x
my $gutter = 30; # distance b/w columns
-my %registry; # for locations of fields
+my %nj_registry; # for locations of fields for natural joins
+my @fk_registry; # for locations of fields for foreign keys
my %table_x; # for max x of each table
my $field_no; # counter to give distinct no. to each field
my %legend;
my $length = $this_col_x + ( $font->width * length( $desc ) );
$this_max_x = $length if $length > $this_max_x;
- unless ( $skip{ $orig_name } ) {
- my $y_link = $y - $font->height * .75;
- push @{ $registry{ $orig_name } }, {
- left => [ $this_col_x - 2, $y_link ],
- right => [ $length, $y_link ],
- table => $table_name,
- field_no => ++$field_no,
- is_pk => $is_pk,
- };
+ my $constraints = $table->{'fields'}{ $orig_name }{'constraints'};
+ if ( $natural_join && !$skip{ $orig_name } ) {
+ push @{ $nj_registry{ $orig_name } }, $table_name;
+ elsif ( @{ $constraints || [] } ) {
+ for my $constraint ( @$constraints ) {
+ next unless $constraint->{'type'} eq 'foreign_key';
+ for my $fk_field (
+ @{ $constraint->{'reference_fields'} || [] }
+ ) {
+ push @fk_registry, [
+ [ $constraint->{'reference_table'}, $fk_field ],
+ [ $table_name, $orig_name ],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $y_link = $y - $font->height * .75;
+ $table->{'fields'}{ $orig_name }{'coords'} = {
+ left => [ $this_col_x - 2, $y_link ],
+ right => [ $length, $y_link ],
+ table => $table_name,
+ field_no => ++$field_no,
+ is_pk => $is_pk,
+ };
$this_max_x += 5;
my %horz_taken;
my %done;
unless ( $no_lines ) {
- for my $field_name ( keys %registry ) {
- my @positions = @{ $registry{ $field_name } || [] } or next;
- next if scalar @positions == 1;
+ my @position_bunches;
+ if ( $natural_join ) {
+ for my $field_name ( keys %nj_registry ) {
+ my @positions;
+ my @table_names = @{ $nj_registry{ $field_name } || [] } or next;
+ next if scalar @table_names == 1;
+ for my $table_name ( @table_names ) {
+ push @positions,
+ $data->{ $table_name }{'fields'}{ $field_name }{'coords'};
+ }
+ push @position_bunches, [ @positions ];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for my $pair ( @fk_registry ) {
+ my $c1 =
+ $data->{ $pair->[0][0] }{'fields'}{ $pair->[0][1] }{'coords'};
+ my $c2 =
+ $data->{ $pair->[1][0] }{'fields'}{ $pair->[1][1] }{'coords'};
+ next unless %{ $c1 || {} } && %{ $c1 || {} };
+ push @position_bunches, [ $c1, $c2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ for my $bunch ( @position_bunches ) {
+ my @positions = @$bunch;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#positions ) {
my $pos1 = $positions[ $i ];