use constant PERL510 => ( $] >= 5.0100 );
use constant PERL5101 => ( $] >= 5.0101 );
+use constant PERL5102 => ( $] >= 5.0102 );
+# File::Copy states that all subroutines return '0' on failure.
+# However both Windows and VMS may return other false values
+# (notably empty-string) on failure. This constant indicates
+# whether we should skip some tests because the return values
+# from File::Copy may not be what's in the documentation.
+use constant WEIRDO_FILE_COPY =>
+ ( ! PERL5102 and ( $^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "VMS" ));
use Hints_test qw(
fail_on_empty fail_on_false fail_on_undef
is($@->function, "File::Copy::copy", "Function should be original name");
- skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32 before 5.10.1", 1)
- if ( ! PERL5101 and $^O eq "MSWin32" );
+ skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32/VMS before 5.10.1", 1)
is($@->return, 0, "File::Copy returns zero on failure");
is($@->function, "File::Copy::copy", "Function should be original name");
- skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32 before 5.10.1", 1)
- if ( ! PERL5101 and $^O eq "MSWin32" );
+ skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32/VMS before 5.10.1", 1)
is_deeply($@->return, [0], "File::Copy returns zero on failure");