# use secure tempfiles wherever possible
eval "require File::Temp;";
$::HaveTemp = ($@ eq "");
+ eval { require Module::CoreList; };
+ $::HaveCoreList = ($@ eq "");
-my $Version = "1.35";
+my $Version = "1.36";
# Changed in 1.06 to skip Mail::Send and Mail::Util if not available.
# Changed in 1.07 to see more sendmail execs, and added pipe output.
# Changed in 1.33 Don't require -t STDOUT for -ok.
# Changed in 1.34 Added Message-Id RFOLEY 18-06-2002
# Changed in 1.35 Use File::Temp (patch from Solar Designer) NWCLARK 28-02-2004
+# Changed in 1.36 Initial Module::CoreList support Alexandr Ciornii 11-07-2007
# TODO: - Allow the user to re-name the file on mail failure, and
# make sure failure (transmission-wise) of Mail::Send is
$ed = $entry;
+ my $report_about_module = '';
+ if ($::HaveCoreList) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+Is your report about a Perl module? If yes, enter its name. If not, skip.
+ print "Module []: ";
+ my $entry = scalar <>;
+ $entry =~ s/^\s+//s;
+ $entry =~ s/\s+$//s;
+ if ($entry ne q{}) {
+ $category ||= 'library';
+ $report_about_module = $entry;
+ my $first_release = Module::CoreList->first_release($entry);
+ unless ($first_release) {
+ paraprint <<EOF;
+Module $entry is not a core module. Please check that
+you entered its name correctly. If it is correct,
+abort this program, try searching for $entry on
+search.cpan.org, and report it there.
+ }
+ }
+ }
# Prompt for category of bug
$category ||= ask_for_alternatives('category');