#b #
#b # for information about U/WIN see www.gtlinc.com
#b #
#b #ccflags=-D_BSDCOMPAT
#b # confusion in Configure over preprocessor
#b cppstdin=`pwd`/cppstdin
#dgk gcc on uwin also predefined _UWIN as does the borland and digital
#dgk mars compiler.
#dgk Only ncc does not define _UWIN and this is intentional. ncc is used
#dgk to build binaries that do not require the uwin runtime.
#dgk This could be used for building a native win32 perl using unix
#dgk makefiles. However, in this case you don't wan't _UWIN defined.
#dgk I have used _UWIN everywhere else in any uwin specific changes.
#dgk and _WIN32 on windows specific changes, and _MSVC on any compiler
#dgk Visual C specific changes. We also define _WINIX for any unix
#dgk Windows splits shared libraries into two parts; the part used
#dgk for linking and the part that is used for running.
#dgk Given a library foo, then the part you link with is named
-#dgk foo.lib
+#dgk foo.lib
#dgk and is in the lib directory. The part that you run with
#dgk is named
-#dgk foo.dll or foo#.dll
+#dgk foo.dll or foo#.dll
#dgk and is in the bin directory. This way when you set you PATH
#dgk variable, it automatically does the library search.
# lest it default to .exe, and then there's no perl in the test directory,
# t, just a perl.exe, and make test promptly dies. _exe gets set to .exe
-# by Configure (on 5/23/2003) if exe_ext is merely null, so clean it out, too.! exe_ext=''
+# by Configure (on 5/23/2003) if exe_ext is merely null, so clean it out, too.
# work around case-insensitive file names