--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 81;
+use Test::Deep;
+use t::common qw( new_fh );
+use_ok( 'DBM::Deep' );
+# This testfile is in sections because the goal is to verify the behavior
+# when a reindex occurs during an active transaction, both as a result of the
+# transaction's actions as well as the result of the HEAD's actions. In order
+# to keep this test quick, it's easier to restart and hit the known
+# reindexing at 17 keys vs. attempting to hit the second-level reindex which
+# can occur as early as 18 keys and as late as 4097 (256*16+1) keys.
+ my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
+ my $db1 = DBM::Deep->new(
+ file => $filename,
+ locking => 1,
+ autoflush => 1,
+ );
+ my $db2 = DBM::Deep->new(
+ file => $filename,
+ locking => 1,
+ autoflush => 1,
+ );
+ $db1->{x} = 'y';
+ is( $db1->{x}, 'y', "Before transaction, DB1's X is Y" );
+ is( $db2->{x}, 'y', "Before transaction, DB2's X is Y" );
+ $db1->begin_work;
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db1 ], [qw( x )], "DB1 keys correct" );
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db2 ], [qw( x )], "DB2 keys correct" );
+ # Add enough keys to force a reindex
+ $db1->{"K$_"} = "V$_" for 1 .. 16;
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db1 ], ['x', (map { "K$_" } 1 .. 16)], "DB1 keys correct" );
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db2 ], [qw( x )], "DB2 keys correct" );
+ $db1->rollback;
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db1 ], [qw( x )], "DB1 keys correct" );
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db2 ], [qw( x )], "DB2 keys correct" );
+ ok( !exists $db1->{"K$_"}, "DB1: Key K$_ doesn't exist" ) for 1 .. 16;
+ ok( !exists $db2->{"K$_"}, "DB2: Key K$_ doesn't exist" ) for 1 .. 16;
+ my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
+ my $db1 = DBM::Deep->new(
+ file => $filename,
+ locking => 1,
+ autoflush => 1,
+ );
+ my $db2 = DBM::Deep->new(
+ file => $filename,
+ locking => 1,
+ autoflush => 1,
+ );
+ $db1->{x} = 'y';
+ is( $db1->{x}, 'y', "Before transaction, DB1's X is Y" );
+ is( $db2->{x}, 'y', "Before transaction, DB2's X is Y" );
+ $db1->begin_work;
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db1 ], [qw( x )], "DB1 keys correct" );
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db2 ], [qw( x )], "DB2 keys correct" );
+ # Add enough keys to force a reindex
+ $db1->{"K$_"} = "V$_" for 1 .. 16;
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db1 ], ['x', (map { "K$_" } 1 .. 16)], "DB1 keys correct" );
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db2 ], [qw( x )], "DB2 keys correct" );
+ $db1->commit;
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db1 ], ['x', (map { "K$_" } 1 .. 16)], "DB1 keys correct" );
+ cmp_bag( [ keys %$db2 ], ['x', (map { "K$_" } 1 .. 16)], "DB2 keys correct" );
+ ok( exists $db1->{"K$_"}, "DB1: Key K$_ doesn't exist" ) for 1 .. 16;
+ ok( exists $db2->{"K$_"}, "DB2: Key K$_ doesn't exist" ) for 1 .. 16;