- package Bar;
- use Moose::Role;
+ package Bar;
+ use Moose::Role;
# this role eventually adds three methods, qw(foo bar xxy), but only one is
# known when it's still a role
- has foo => ( is => "rw" );
+ has foo => ( is => "rw" );
has gorch => ( reader => "bar" );
::lives_ok { with qw(Dancer::Robot) };
- package Foo;
- use Moose;
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
- with qw(Bar);
+ with qw(Bar);
has oink => (
is => "rw",
default => sub { Dancer::Ballerina->new },
- sub foo { 42 }
+ sub foo { 42 }
sub bar { 33 }