default => sub { {} }
+## required methods
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('required_methods' => (
+ reader => 'get_required_methods_map',
+ default => sub { {} }
## method modifiers
__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('before_method_modifiers' => (
return 0;
+## required methods
+sub add_required_methods {
+ my ($self, @methods) = @_;
+ $self->get_required_methods_map->{$_} = undef foreach @methods;
+sub get_required_method_list {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ keys %{$self->get_required_methods_map};
+sub requires_method {
+ my ($self, $method_name) = @_;
+ exists $self->get_required_methods_map->{$method_name} ? 1 : 0;
## methods
# should not be showing up in the list at all,
# but they do, so we need to switch Moose::Role
# and Moose to use Sub::Exporter to prevent this
- !/^(meta|has|extends|blessed|confess|augment|inner|override|super|before|after|around|with)$/
+ !/^(meta|has|extends|blessed|confess|augment|inner|override|super|before|after|around|with|requires)$/
} $self->_role_meta->get_method_list;
sub apply {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
+ # NOTE:
+ # we might need to move this down below the
+ # the attributes so that we can require any
+ # attribute accessors. However I am thinking
+ # that maybe those are somehow exempt from
+ # the require methods stuff.
+ foreach my $required_method_name ($self->get_required_method_list) {
+ ($other->has_method($required_method_name))
+ || confess "Role (" . $self->name . ") requires the method '$required_method_name'" .
+ "is implemented by the class '" . $other->name . "'";
+ }
foreach my $attribute_name ($self->get_attribute_list) {
# skip it if it has one already
next if $other->has_attribute($attribute_name);
) foreach $self->get_around_method_modifiers($method_name);
- ## add the roles and set does()
=over 4
+=item B<add_required_methods>
+=item B<get_required_method_list>
+=item B<get_required_methods_map>
+=item B<requires_method>
+=over 4
=item B<add_after_method_modifier>
=item B<add_around_method_modifier>
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 52;
+use Test::More tests => 54;
use Test::Exception;
use warnings;
use Moose::Role;
- sub equal_to { confess "equal must be implemented" }
+ requires 'equal_to';
sub not_equal_to {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
with 'Eq';
- sub compare { confess "compare must be implemented" }
+ requires 'compare';
sub equal_to {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
can_ok($fifty, 'amount');
is($fifty->amount, 50, '... got the right amount');
-ok($hundred->greater_than($fifty), '... 100 gt 50');
+ok($hundred->greater_than($fifty), '... 100 gt 50');
ok($hundred->greater_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... 100 ge 50');
-ok(!$hundred->less_than($fifty), '... !100 lt 50');
-ok(!$hundred->less_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... !100 le 50');
-ok(!$hundred->equal_to($fifty), '... !100 eq 50');
-ok($hundred->not_equal_to($fifty), '... 100 ne 50');
+ok(!$hundred->less_than($fifty), '... !100 lt 50');
+ok(!$hundred->less_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... !100 le 50');
+ok(!$hundred->equal_to($fifty), '... !100 eq 50');
+ok($hundred->not_equal_to($fifty), '... 100 ne 50');
-ok(!$fifty->greater_than($hundred), '... !50 gt 100');
+ok(!$fifty->greater_than($hundred), '... !50 gt 100');
ok(!$fifty->greater_than_or_equal_to($hundred), '... !50 ge 100');
-ok($fifty->less_than($hundred), '... 50 lt 100');
-ok($fifty->less_than_or_equal_to($hundred), '... 50 le 100');
-ok(!$fifty->equal_to($hundred), '... !50 eq 100');
-ok($fifty->not_equal_to($hundred), '... 50 ne 100');
+ok($fifty->less_than($hundred), '... 50 lt 100');
+ok($fifty->less_than_or_equal_to($hundred), '... 50 le 100');
+ok(!$fifty->equal_to($hundred), '... !50 eq 100');
+ok($fifty->not_equal_to($hundred), '... 50 ne 100');
-ok(!$fifty->greater_than($fifty), '... !50 gt 50');
+ok(!$fifty->greater_than($fifty), '... !50 gt 50');
ok($fifty->greater_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... !50 ge 50');
-ok(!$fifty->less_than($fifty), '... 50 lt 50');
-ok($fifty->less_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... 50 le 50');
-ok($fifty->equal_to($fifty), '... 50 eq 50');
-ok(!$fifty->not_equal_to($fifty), '... !50 ne 50');
+ok(!$fifty->less_than($fifty), '... 50 lt 50');
+ok($fifty->less_than_or_equal_to($fifty), '... 50 le 50');
+ok($fifty->equal_to($fifty), '... 50 eq 50');
+ok(!$fifty->not_equal_to($fifty), '... !50 ne 50');
## ... check some meta-stuff
my $eq_meta = Eq->meta;
isa_ok($eq_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Role');
-foreach my $method_name (qw(
- equal_to not_equal_to
- )) {
- ok($eq_meta->has_method($method_name), '... Eq has_method ' . $method_name);
+ok($eq_meta->has_method('not_equal_to'), '... Eq has_method not_equal_to');
+ok($eq_meta->requires_method('equal_to'), '... Eq requires_method not_equal_to');
# Ord
-my $comparable_meta = Ord->meta;
-isa_ok($comparable_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Role');
+my $ord_meta = Ord->meta;
+isa_ok($ord_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Role');
-ok($comparable_meta->does_role('Eq'), '... Ord does Eq');
+ok($ord_meta->does_role('Eq'), '... Ord does Eq');
foreach my $method_name (qw(
equal_to not_equal_to
- compare
greater_than greater_than_or_equal_to
less_than less_than_or_equal_to
)) {
- ok($comparable_meta->has_method($method_name), '... Ord has_method ' . $method_name);
+ ok($ord_meta->has_method($method_name), '... Ord has_method ' . $method_name);
+ok($ord_meta->requires_method('compare'), '... Ord requires_method compare');
# US::Currency
my $currency_meta = US::Currency->meta;
ok($currency_meta->has_method($method_name), '... US::Currency has_method ' . $method_name);
+# check some errors
+ package Foo;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Moose;
+ ::dies_ok { with('Eq') } '... no equal_to method implemented by Foo';
+ ::dies_ok { with('Ord') } '... no compare method implemented by Foo';