# default order for collapsing unless the user asked for something
$attrs->{order_by} = [ map { "$alias.$_" } $source->primary_columns ];
$attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse} = 1;
+ $attrs->{_order_is_artificial} = 1;
# if both page and offset are specified, produce a combined offset
my $inner_attrs = { %$attrs, _is_internal_subuery => 1 };
delete $inner_attrs->{$_} for qw/for collapse _prefetch_selector_range select as/;
+ # if the user did not request it, there is no point using it inside
+ delete $inner_attrs->{order_by} if delete $inner_attrs->{_order_is_artificial};
# generate the inner/outer select lists
# for inside we consider only stuff *not* brought in by the prefetch
# on the outside we substitute any function for its alias