=head2 index
-The root page (/)
+The root page (/). Lists the traditions available in the DB to work on,
+and should also eventually have an 'Upload new' interface.
my $m = $c->model('Directory');
my @all_texts;
- foreach my $id ( $m->traditions ) {
+ foreach my $id ( $m->tradition_ids ) {
my $data = {
'id' => $id,
- 'name' => $m->tradition( $id )->name,
- 'has_stemma' => defined $m->stemma( $id ),
+ 'name' => $m->name( $id ),
push( @all_texts, $data );
$c->stash->{template} = 'frontpage.tt';
+=head2 tradition (TODO)
+The main page for a tradition, with information about it and links to the
+available tools.
+=head2 relationships
+The relationship editor tool.
sub relationships :Local {
my( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $m = $c->model('Directory');
$c->stash->{template} = 'relationships.tt';
+=head2 stexaminer
+The stemma analysis tool with the pretty colored table.
sub stexaminer :Local {
my( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $m = $c->model('Directory');
- my $id = $c->request->params->{'textid'};
- my $tradition = $m->tradition( $id );
- my $stemma = $m->stemma( $id );
- my $t = run_analysis( $tradition, $stemma );
+ my $tradition = $m->tradition( $c->request->params->{'textid'} );
+ my $stemma = $tradition->stemma;
+ # TODO Think about caching the stemma in a session
$c->stash->{svg} = $stemma->as_svg;
- $c->stash->{variants} = $t->{'variants'};
$c->stash->{text_title} = $tradition->name;
+ $c->stash->{template} = 'index.tt';
+ # TODO Run the analysis as AJAX from the loaded page.
+ my $t = run_analysis( $tradition );
+ $c->stash->{variants} = $t->{'variants'};
$c->stash->{total} = $t->{'variant_count'};
$c->stash->{genealogical} = $t->{'genealogical_count'};
$c->stash->{conflict} = $t->{'conflict_count'};
- $c->stash->{template} = 'index.tt';
+=head2 view_table
+Simple gadget to return the analysis table for the stexaminer
sub view_table :Local {
my( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $m = $c->model('Directory');
$c->stash->{template} = 'table_gadget.tt';
+=head2 view_svg
+Simple gadget to return the SVG for a given stemma
sub view_svg :Local {
my( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $m = $c->model('Directory');
- my $stemma = $m->stemma( $c->request->params->{'textid'} );
+ my $stemma = $m->tradition( $c->request->params->{'textid'} )->stemma;
if( $stemma ) {
$c->stash->{svg} = $stemma->as_svg;
my %sigil_for; # Save the XML IDs for witnesses.
my %apps; # Save the apparatus XML for a given ID.
my %has_ac; # Keep track of witnesses that have corrections.
+my %group_sigla = ( ## HACK HACK HACK
+ '#M38' => [ qw( #M23 #M24 #M25 #M27 #M30 #M26 #M31 #M32 #M33 ) ], # l -> L*
+ );
sub parse {
my( $tradition, $opts ) = @_;
my $id= $wit_el->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
my @sig_parts = $xpc->findnodes( './abbr/descendant::text()', $wit_el );
my $sig = _stringify_sigil( @sig_parts );
- $tradition->add_witness( sigil => $sig, source => $wit_el->toString() );
- $sigil_for{'#'.$id} = $sig; # Make life easy by keying on the ID ref syntax
+ unless( exists $group_sigla{'#'.$id} ) { ## More HACKY
+ $tradition->add_witness( sigil => $sig, source => $wit_el->toString() );
+ $sigil_for{'#'.$id} = $sig; # Make life easy by keying on the ID ref syntax
+ }
# Now go through the text and find the base tokens, apparatus tags, and
foreach my $item ( @base_text ) {
my $r;
if( $item->{'type'} eq 'token' ) {
- $r = $c->add_reading( 'n'.$counter++ );
- $r->text( $item->{'content'} );
+ $r = $c->add_reading( { id => 'n'.$counter++,
+ text => $item->{'content'} } );
} elsif ( $item->{'type'} eq 'anchor' ) {
- $r = $c->add_reading( '#ANCHOR_' . $item->{'content'} . '#' );
- $r->is_meta(1);
+ $r = $c->add_reading( { id => '#ANCHOR_' . $item->{'content'} . '#',
+ is_ph => 1 } );
} elsif ( $item->{'type'} eq 'app' ) {
my $tag = '#APP_' . $counter++ . '#';
- $r = $c->add_reading( $tag );
- $r->is_meta(1);
+ $r = $c->add_reading( { id => $tag, is_ph => 1 } );
$apps{$tag} = $item->{'content'};
$c->add_path( $last, $r, $c->baselabel );
my $ctr = 0;
my $tag = $app_id;
$tag =~ s/^\#APP_(.*)\#$/$1/;
- $DB::single = 1 if $tag < 2;
foreach my $rdg ( $xn->getChildrenByTagName( 'rdg' ) ) {
my @text;
foreach ( $rdg->childNodes ) {
push( @text, _get_base( $_ ) );
- my $interpreted = @text
- ? interpret( join( ' ', map { $_->{'content'} } @text ), $lemma_str )
- : '';
+ my( $interpreted, $flag ) = ( '', undef );
+ if( @text ) {
+ ( $interpreted, $flag ) = interpret(
+ join( ' ', map { $_->{'content'} } @text ), $lemma_str );
+ }
my @rdg_nodes;
foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $interpreted ) ) {
- my $r = $c->add_reading( $tag . "/" . $ctr++ );
- $r->text( $w );
+ my $r = $c->add_reading( { id => $tag . "/" . $ctr++,
+ text => $w } );
push( @rdg_nodes, $r );
# For each listed wit, save the reading.
foreach my $wit ( split( /\s+/, $rdg->getAttribute( 'wit' ) ) ) {
+ $wit .= $flag if $flag;
$wit_rdgs{$wit} = \@rdg_nodes;
# Does the reading have an ID? If so it probably has a witDetail
# attached, and we need to read it.
if( $rdg->hasAttribute( 'xml:id' ) ) {
+ warn "Witdetail on meta reading" if $flag; # this could get complicated.
my $rid = $rdg->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $xn );
my @details = $xpc->findnodes( './witDetail[@target="'.$rid.'"]' );
# Now collate the variant readings, since it is not done for us.
- collate_variants( $c, \@lemma, values %wit_rdgs );
+ collate_variants( $c, \@lemma, values %wit_rdgs );
+ # HACKY HACKY Expand "group" sigla.
+ # Does not work for nested groups; also does not work with a modifier
+ # on the group sigil.
+ foreach my $wit_id ( keys %group_sigla ) {
+ if ( exists $wit_rdgs{$wit_id} ) {
+ my $rdg = $wit_rdgs{$wit_id};
+ foreach my $w ( @{$group_sigla{$wit_id}} ) {
+ if( exists $wit_rdgs{$w} ) {
+ $DB::single = 1;
+ warn "Had reading for individual member $w of group $wit_id at $xn";
+ }
+ $wit_rdgs{$w} = $rdg;
+ }
+ delete $wit_rdgs{$wit_id};
+ }
+ }
# Now add the witness paths for each reading.
foreach my $wit_id ( keys %wit_rdgs ) {
sub _return_lemma {
my( $c, $app, $anchor ) = @_;
- my $app_node = $c->graph->node( $app );
- my $anchor_node = $c->graph->node( $anchor );
- my @nodes = grep { $_->name !~ /^\#A(PP|NCHOR)/ }
- $c->reading_sequence( $app_node, $anchor_node, $c->baselabel );
+ my @nodes = grep { $_->id !~ /^\#A(PP|NCHOR)/ }
+ $c->reading_sequence( $c->reading( $app ), $c->reading( $anchor ),
+ $c->baselabel );
return @nodes;
my $oldreading = $reading;
# $lemma =~ s/\s+[[:punct:]]+$//;
# $reading =~ s/\s*\(?sic([\s\w.]+)?\)?$//;
+ my $flag; # In case of p.c. indications
my @words = split( /\s+/, $lemma );
if( $reading =~ /^(.*) praem.$/ ) {
$reading = "$1 $lemma";
} elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) add.$/ ) {
$reading = "$lemma $1";
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /add. alia manu/ ) {
+ # Ignore it.
+ $reading = $lemma;
} elsif( $reading eq 'om.'
|| $reading =~ /locus [uv]acuus/
|| $reading =~ /inscriptionem compegi e/ # TODO huh?
|| $reading eq 'def.' # TODO huh?
) {
$reading = '';
- } elsif( $reading eq 'inv.' ) {
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /^in[uv]\.$/ ) {
# Hope it is two words.
print STDERR "WARNING: want to invert a lemma that is not two words\n"
unless scalar( @words ) == 2;
$reading = join( ' ', reverse( @words ) );
- } elsif( $reading eq 'iter.' ) {
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /^iter(\.|at)$/ ) {
# Repeat the lemma
$reading = "$lemma $lemma";
- } elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) \.\.\. (.*)$/ ) {
+ } elsif( $reading eq 'in marg.' ) {
+ # There was nothing before a correction.
+ $reading = '';
+ $flag = '_ac';
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) \.\.\. (.*)$/ ) {
# The first and last N words captured should replace the first and
# last N words of the lemma.
my @begin = split( /\s+/, $1 );
$reading = join( ' ', @words );
- print STDERR "Interpreted $oldreading as $reading given $lemma\n";
- return $reading;
+ if( $oldreading ne $reading || $flag || $oldreading =~ /\./ ) {
+ my $int = $reading;
+ $int .= " ($flag)" if $flag;
+ print STDERR "Interpreted $oldreading as $int given $lemma\n";
+ }
+ return( $reading, $flag );
sub _parse_wit_detail {
# Walk the collation and fish out the paths for each witness
foreach my $wit ( $c->tradition->witnesses ) {
my $sig = $wit->sigil;
- my @path = grep { $_->name !~ /(APP|ANCHOR)/ }
+ my @path = grep { !$_->is_ph }
$c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig );
$wit->path( \@path );
if( $has_ac{$sig} ) {
- my @ac_path = grep { $_->name !~ /(APP|ANCHOR)/ }
+ my @ac_path = grep { !$_->is_ph }
$c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig.$c->ac_label, $sig );
$wit->uncorrected_path( \@ac_path );
# Delete the anchors
- foreach my $anchor ( grep { $_->name =~ /(APP|ANCHOR)/ } $c->readings ) {
+ foreach my $anchor ( grep { $_->is_ph } $c->readings ) {
$c->del_reading( $anchor );
- # Delete all edges
- map { $c->del_path( $_ ) } $c->paths;
+ # Delete the base edges
+ map { $c->del_path( $_, $c->baselabel ) } $c->paths;
# Make the path edges