if ($type eq 'deparse') {
# Look for #line directives which change the filename
while (<$script>) {
- $file_opts .= ",-f$3$4"
+ $file_opts = $file_opts . ",-f$3$4"
if /^#\s*line\s+(\d+)\s+((\w+)|"([^"]+)")/;
# In VMS protect with doublequotes because otherwise
# DCL will lowercase -- unless already doublequoted.
$_ = q(").$_.q(") if ($^O eq 'VMS') && !/^\"/ && length($_) > 0;
- $argstring .= ' ' . $_;
+ $argstring = $argstring . ' ' . $_;
return $argstring;
my %known_extensions = _populate_hash($known_extensions);
foreach (keys %known_extensions) {
- $skip{$_}++ unless $extensions{$_};
+ $skip{$_} = 1 unless $extensions{$_};
my @results;
$max = $1;
%todo = map { $_ => 1 } split / /, $3 if $3;
- $totmax += $max;
- $tested_files++;
+ $totmax = $totmax + $max;
+ $tested_files = $tested_files + 1;
if ($seen_ok) {
# 1..n appears at end of file
$trailing_leader = 1;
$seen_ok = 1;
- $next++;
+ $next = $next + 1;
my($not, $num, $extra, $istodo) = ($1, $2, $3, 0);
$num = $next unless $num;
if ($ENV{VG_OPTS} =~ /cachegrind/) {
if (rename $Valgrind_Log, "$test.valgrind") {
- $valgrind++;
+ $valgrind = $valgrind + 1;
} else {
warn "$0: Failed to create '$test.valgrind': $!\n";
for my $i (0..$#valgrind) {
local $_ = $valgrind[$i];
if (/^==\d+== ERROR SUMMARY: (\d+) errors? /) {
- $errors += $1; # there may be multiple error summaries
+ $errors = $errors + $1; # there may be multiple error summaries
} elsif (/^==\d+== LEAK SUMMARY:/) {
for my $off (1 .. 4) {
if ($valgrind[$i+$off] =~
/(?:lost|reachable):\s+\d+ bytes in (\d+) blocks/) {
- $leaks += $1;
+ $leaks = $leaks + $1;
if ($errors or $leaks) {
if (rename $Valgrind_Log, "$test.valgrind") {
- $valgrind++;
+ $valgrind = $valgrind + 1;
} else {
warn "$0: Failed to create '$test.valgrind': $!\n";
if (defined $failure) {
print "${te}$failure\n";
- $::bad_files++;
+ $::bad_files = $::bad_files + 1;
if ($test =~ /^base/) {
die "Failed a basic test ($test) -- cannot continue.\n";
- ++$failed_tests{$test};
+ $failed_tests{$test} = 1;
else {
if ($max) {
$elapsed = "";
print "${te}ok$elapsed\n";
- $good_files++;
+ $good_files = $good_files + 1;
else {
print "${te}skipped\n";
- $tested_files -= 1;
+ $tested_files = $tested_files - 1;
} # while tests
$out = $pass ? "ok $test" : "not ok $test";
- $out .= " # TODO $TODO" if $TODO;
+ $out = $out . " # TODO $TODO" if $TODO;
_print "$out\n";
unless ($pass) {
my $y = '';
foreach my $c (unpack("U*", $x)) {
if ($c > 255) {
- $y .= sprintf "\\x{%x}", $c;
+ $y = $y . sprintf "\\x{%x}", $c;
} elsif ($backslash_escape{$c}) {
- $y .= $backslash_escape{$c};
+ $y = $y . $backslash_escape{$c};
} else {
my $z = chr $c; # Maybe we can get away with a literal...
$z = sprintf "\\%03o", $c if $z =~ /[[:^print:]]/;
- $y .= $z;
+ $y = $y . $z;
$x = $y;
# In VMS protect with doublequotes because otherwise
# DCL will lowercase -- unless already doublequoted.
$_ = q(").$_.q(") if $is_vms && !/^\"/ && length($_) > 0;
- $$runperl .= ' ' . $_;
+ $$runperl = $$runperl . ' ' . $_;
$runperl = "$ENV{PERL_RUNPERL_DEBUG} $runperl";
unless ($args{nolib}) {
- $runperl .= ' "-I../lib"'; # doublequotes because of VMS
+ $runperl = $runperl . ' "-I../lib"'; # doublequotes because of VMS
if ($args{switches}) {
local $Level = 2;
unless ref $args{progs} eq "ARRAY";
foreach my $prog (@{$args{progs}}) {
if ($is_mswin || $is_netware || $is_vms) {
- $runperl .= qq ( -e "$prog" );
+ $runperl = $runperl . qq ( -e "$prog" );
else {
- $runperl .= qq ( -e '$prog' );
+ $runperl = $runperl . qq ( -e '$prog' );
} elsif (defined $args{progfile}) {
- $runperl .= qq( "$args{progfile}");
+ $runperl = $runperl . qq( "$args{progfile}");
} else {
# You probaby didn't want to be sucking in from the upstream stdin
die "test.pl:runperl(): none of prog, progs, progfile, args, "
if (defined $args{args}) {
_quote_args(\$runperl, $args{args});
- $runperl .= ' 2>&1' if $args{stderr};
+ $runperl = $runperl . ' 2>&1' if $args{stderr};
if ($args{verbose}) {
my $runperldisplay = $runperl;
$runperldisplay =~ s/\n/\n\#/g;
join $sep, grep { $_ ne "" and $_ ne "." and -d $_ and
($is_mswin or $is_vms or !(stat && (stat _)[2]&0022)) }
split quotemeta ($sep), $1;
- $ENV{PATH} .= "$sep/bin" if $is_cygwin; # Must have /bin under Cygwin
+ $ENV{PATH} = $ENV{PATH} . "$sep/bin" if $is_cygwin; # Must have /bin under Cygwin
$runperl =~ /(.*)/s;
$runperl = $1;
# the command.
if ($Perl !~ /\Q$exe\E$/i) {
- $Perl .= $exe;
+ $Perl = $Perl . $exe;
warn "which_perl: cannot find $Perl from $^X" unless -f $Perl;
my $temp = $count;
my $try = "tmp$$";
do {
- $try .= $letters[$temp % 26];
+ $try = $try . $letters[$temp % 26];
$temp = int ($temp / 26);
} while $temp;
# Need to note all the file names we allocated, as a second request may
# come before the first is created.
if (!-e $try && !$tmpfiles{$try}) {
# We have a winner
- $tmpfiles{$try}++;
+ $tmpfiles{$try} = 1;
return $try;
$count = $count + 1;
sub _fresh_perl {
my($prog, $resolve, $runperl_args, $name) = @_;
- $runperl_args ||= {};
+ # Given the choice of the mis-parsable {}
+ # (we want an anon hash, but a borked lexer might think that it's a block)
+ # or relying on taking a reference to a lexical
+ # (\ might be mis-parsed, and the reference counting on the pad may go
+ # awry)
+ # it feels like the least-worse thing is to assume that auto-vivification
+ # works. At least, this is only going to be a run-time failure, so won't
+ # affect tests using this file but not this function.
$runperl_args->{progfile} = $tmpfile;
$runperl_args->{stderr} = 1;
# Use the first line of the program as a name if none was given
unless( $name ) {
($first_line, $name) = $prog =~ /^((.{1,50}).*)/;
- $name .= '...' if length $first_line > length $name;
+ $name = $name . '...' if length $first_line > length $name;
_ok($pass, _where(), "fresh_perl - $name");
# Execute the timeout
my $time_left = $timeout;
do {
- $time_left -= sleep($time_left);
+ $time_left = $time_left - sleep($time_left);
} while ($time_left > 0);
# Kill the parent (and ourself)