#if defined(uts) || defined(UTS)
-# undef UV_MAX
-# define UV_MAX (4294967295u)
- I've tracked down a weird bug in Perl5.6.1 to the UTS compiler's
- mishandling of MY_UV_MAX in util.c. It is defined as
- #ifndef MY_UV_MAX
- # define MY_UV_MAX ((UV)IV_MAX * (UV)2 + (UV)1)
- #endif
- The compiler handles {double floating point value} >= MY_UV_MAX as if
- MY_UV_MAX were the signed integer -1. In fact it will do the same
- thing with (UV)(0xffffffff), in place of MY_UV_MAX, though 0xffffffff
- *without* the typecast to UV works fine.
- hom00@utsglobal.com (Hal Morris) 2001-05-02
- */
-#ifdef UTS
-# define MY_UV_MAX 0xffffffff
+# undef UV_MAX
+# define UV_MAX (4294967295u)