Remove SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph as announced in 0.11011
Peter Rabbitson [Sun, 23 Sep 2012 16:09:34 +0000 (18:09 +0200)]
lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/ [deleted file]
lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ [deleted file]
lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ [deleted file]
lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ [deleted file]
lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ [deleted file]
lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ [deleted file]
t/37-translator-graph.t [deleted file]

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 307422d..7319616 100644 (file)
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+* Remove SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph as announced in 0.11011
 # ----------------------------------------------------------
 # 0.11013_02 2012-09-23
 # ----------------------------------------------------------
index 6ca292a..8cc29fe 100644 (file)
@@ -65,13 +65,6 @@ for my $type (qw/requires recommends test_requires/) {
-no_index directory => $_ for (qw|
-  lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph
-no_index package => $_ for (qw|
-  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph
 install_script (qw|
index 9c190dc..81e1afd 100644 (file)
@@ -50,22 +50,6 @@ has _order => (is => 'ro', default => quote_sub(q{ +{ map { $_ => 0 } qw/
   /} }),
-# FIXME - to be removed, together with the SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph* stuff
-# looks like a remnant of the Turnkey project integration back in 2003-4
-# Appears to be quite dead
-sub as_graph {
-    eval { require Class::MakeMethods }
-      or croak 'You need to install the CPAN dependency Class::MakeMethods to use as_graph()';
-    require  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph;
-    my $self = shift;
-    return SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph->new(
-        translator => $self->translator );
 sub as_graph_pm {
diff --git a/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/ b/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d040273..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-package # hide from pause
-  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp;
-  'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph appears to be dead unmaintained and untested '
-. 'code. It will remain a part of the SQL::Translator distribution for some '
-. 'time, but eventually will be cleaned away. Please file a bug or contact the '
-. 'maintainers and let them know you are still using this functionality'
-use base 'Class::Base';
-use Data::Dumper;
-local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 3;
-use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node;
-use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge;
-use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Port;
-use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::CompoundEdge;
-use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge;
-use constant Node => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node';
-use constant Edge => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge';
-use constant Port => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Port';
-use constant CompoundEdge => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::CompoundEdge';
-use constant HyperEdge => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge';
-use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash (
-  'new --and_then_init' => 'new',
-  object => [
-   'translator' => {class => 'SQL::Translator'},
-  ],
-  'hash' => [ qw( node ) ],
-  'number --counter' => [ qw( order ) ],
-our $DEBUG;
-$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
-sub init {
-  my $self = shift;
-  #
-  # build package objects
-  #
-  foreach my $table ($self->translator->schema->get_tables){
-   die __PACKAGE__." table ".$table->name." doesn't have a primary key!" unless $table->primary_key;
-   die __PACKAGE__." table ".$table->name." can't have a composite primary key!" if ($table->primary_key->fields)[1];
-   my $node = Node->new();
-   $self->node_push($table->name => $node);
-   if ($table->is_trivial_link) { $node->is_trivial_link(1); }
-   else { $node->is_trivial_link(0); }
-   $node->order($self->order_incr());
-   $node->name( $self->translator->format_package_name($table->name) );
-   $node->table( $table );
-   $node->primary_key( ($table->primary_key->fields)[0] );
-   # Primary key may have a differenct accessor method name
-   $node->primary_key_accessor(
-                        defined($self->translator->format_pk_name)
-                        ? $self->translator->format_pk_name->( $node->name, $node->primary_key )
-                        : undef
-                        );
-  }
-  foreach my $node ($self->node_values){
-   foreach my $field ($node->table->get_fields){
-     if (!$field->is_foreign_key && !$field->is_primary_key) { $node->data_fields->{$field->name} = 1; }
-     elsif($field->is_foreign_key) {
-     my $that = $self->node($field->foreign_key_reference->reference_table);
-     #this means we have an incomplete schema
-     next unless $that;
-     my $edge = Edge->new(
-                     type => 'import',
-                     thisnode => $node,
-                     thisfield => $field,
-                     thatnode => $that,
-                     #can you believe this sh*t just to get a field obj?
-                     thatfield => $self->translator->schema->get_table($field->foreign_key_reference->reference_table)->get_field(($field->foreign_key_reference->reference_fields)[0])
-                    );
-     $node->edgecount($that->name, $node->edgecount($that->name)+1);
-     $node->has($that->name, $node->has($that->name)+1);
-     $that->many($node->name, $that->many($node->name)+1);
-     $that->edgecount($node->name, $that->edgecount($node->name)+1);
-          #warn "\t" . $node->name . "\t" . $node->edgecount($that->name);
-     $node->push_edges( $edge );
-     $that->push_edges( $edge->flip );
-      }
-   }
-    #warn Dumper($node->edgecount());
-    #warn "*****";
-  }
-  #
-  # type MM relationships
-  #
-  #foreach linknode
-  foreach my $lnode (sort $self->node_values){
-   next if $lnode->table->is_data;
-   foreach my $inode1 (sort $self->node_values){
-     #linknode can't link to itself
-     next if $inode1 eq $lnode;
-     my @inode1_imports = grep { $_->type eq 'import' and $_->thatnode eq $inode1 } $lnode->edges;
-     next unless @inode1_imports;
-     foreach my $inode2 (sort $self->node_values){
-      #linknode can't link to itself
-      next if $inode2 eq $lnode;
-      #identify tables that import keys to linknode
-      my %i = map {$_->thatnode->name => 1} grep { $_->type eq 'import'} $lnode->edges;
-      if(scalar(keys %i) == 1) {
-      } else {
-        last if $inode1 eq $inode2;
-      }
-      my @inode2_imports =  grep { $_->type eq 'import' and $_->thatnode eq $inode2 } $lnode->edges;
-      next unless @inode2_imports;
-      my $cedge = CompoundEdge->new();
-      $cedge->via($lnode);
-      #warn join ' ', map {$_->thisfield->name} map {$_->flip} $lnode->edges;
-      #warn join ' ', map {$_->thisfield->name} $lnode->edges;
-      #warn join ' ', map {$_->thisfield->name} map {$_->flip} grep {$_->type eq 'import'} $lnode->edges;
-      #warn join ' ', map {$_->thatfield->name} map {$_->flip} grep {$_->type eq 'import'} $lnode->edges;
-      $cedge->push_edges(
-                     map {$_->flip}
-                     grep {$_->type eq 'import'
-                           and
-                         ($_->thatnode eq $inode1 or $_->thatnode eq $inode2)
-                         } $lnode->edges
-                    );
-      if(scalar(@inode1_imports) == 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports) == 1){
-        $cedge->type('one2one');
-        $inode1->via($inode2->name,$inode1->via($inode2->name)+1);
-        $inode2->via($inode1->name,$inode2->via($inode1->name)+1);
-      }
-      elsif(scalar(@inode1_imports)  > 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports) == 1){
-        $cedge->type('many2one');
-        $inode1->via($inode2->name,$inode1->via($inode2->name)+1);
-        $inode2->via($inode1->name,$inode2->via($inode1->name)+1);
-      }
-      elsif(scalar(@inode1_imports) == 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports)  > 1){
-        #handled above
-      }
-      elsif(scalar(@inode1_imports)  > 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports)  > 1){
-        $cedge->type('many2many');
-        $inode1->via($inode2->name,$inode1->via($inode2->name)+1);
-        $inode2->via($inode1->name,$inode2->via($inode1->name)+1);
-      }
-#warn Dumper($cedge);
-      $inode1->push_compoundedges($cedge);
-      $inode2->push_compoundedges($cedge) unless $inode1 eq $inode2;
-#        if($inode1->name ne $inode2->name){
-#          my $flipped_cedge = $cedge;
-#          foreach my $flipped_cedge_edge ($flipped_cedge->edges){
-#            warn Dumper $flipped_cedge_edge;
-#            warn "\t". Dumper $flipped_cedge_edge->flip;
-#          }
-#        }
-     }
-   }
-  }
-  my $graph = $self; #hack
-  #
-  # create methods
-  #
-  # this code needs to move to
-  foreach my $node_from ($graph->node_values) {
-    next unless $node_from->table->is_data or !$node_from->table->is_trivial_link;
-    foreach my $cedge ( $node_from->compoundedges ) {
-      my $hyperedge = SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge->new();
-      my $node_to;
-      foreach my $edge ($cedge->edges) {
-        if ($edge->thisnode->name eq $node_from->name) {
-          $hyperedge->vianode($edge->thatnode);
-          if ($edge->thatnode->name ne $cedge->via->name) {
-            $node_to ||= $graph->node($edge->thatnode->table->name);
-          }
-          $hyperedge->push_thisnode($edge->thisnode);
-          $hyperedge->push_thisfield($edge->thisfield);
-          $hyperedge->push_thisviafield($edge->thatfield);
-        } else {
-          if ($edge->thisnode->name ne $cedge->via->name) {
-            $node_to ||= $graph->node($edge->thisnode->table->name);
-          }
-          $hyperedge->push_thatnode($edge->thisnode);
-          $hyperedge->push_thatfield($edge->thisfield);
-          $hyperedge->push_thatviafield($edge->thatfield);
-        }
-        $self->debug($edge->thisfield->name);
-        $self->debug($edge->thatfield->name);
-      }
-      if ($hyperedge->count_thisnode == 1 and $hyperedge->count_thatnode == 1) {
-        $hyperedge->type('one2one');
-      } elsif ($hyperedge->count_thisnode  > 1 and $hyperedge->count_thatnode == 1) {
-        $hyperedge->type('many2one');
-      } elsif ($hyperedge->count_thisnode == 1 and $hyperedge->count_thatnode  > 1) {
-        $hyperedge->type('one2many');
-      } elsif ($hyperedge->count_thisnode  > 1 and $hyperedge->count_thatnode  > 1) {
-        $hyperedge->type('many2many');
-      }
-      $self->debug($_) foreach sort keys %::SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge::;
-      #node_to won't always be defined b/c of multiple edges to a single other node
-      if (defined($node_to)) {
-        $self->debug($node_from->name);
-        $self->debug($node_to->name);
-        if (scalar($hyperedge->thisnode) > 1) {
-          $self->debug($hyperedge->type ." via ". $hyperedge->vianode->name);
-          my $i = 0;
-          foreach my $thisnode ( $hyperedge->thisnode ) {
-            $self->debug($thisnode->name .' '.
-                        $hyperedge->thisfield_index(0)->name .' -> '.
-                        $hyperedge->thisviafield_index($i)->name .' '.
-                        $hyperedge->vianode->name .' '.
-                        $hyperedge->thatviafield_index(0)->name .' <- '.
-                        $hyperedge->thatfield_index(0)->name .' '.
-                        $hyperedge->thatnode_index(0)->name ."\n"
-                       );
-            $i++;
-          }
-        }
-        #warn Dumper($hyperedge) if $hyperedge->type eq 'many2many';
-        $node_from->push_hyperedges($hyperedge);
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ b/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bdc9954..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package # hide from pause
-  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::CompoundEdge;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge);
-use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash (
-  new => ['new'],
-  object => [
-          'via'  => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node'},
-         ],
-  'array_of_objects -class SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge' => [ qw( edges ) ],
diff --git a/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ b/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ade4943..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package # hide from pause
-  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash (
-  new => ['new'],
-  scalar => [ qw( type ) ],
-  array => [ qw( traversals ) ],
-  object => [
-          'thisfield'    => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Field'}, #FIXME
-          'thatfield'    => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Field'}, #FIXME
-          'thisnode'     => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node'},
-          'thatnode'     => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node'},
-         ],
-sub flip {
-  my $self = shift;
-#warn "self thisfield: ".$self->thisfield->name;
-#warn "self thatfield: ".$self->thatfield->name;
-  return SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge->new( thisfield => $self->thatfield,
-                                       thatfield => $self->thisfield,
-                                       thisnode  => $self->thatnode,
-                                       thatnode  => $self->thisnode,
-                                       type => $self->type eq 'import' ? 'export' : 'import'
-                                      );
diff --git a/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ b/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 66faf75..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package # hide from pause
-  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge);
-use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash (
-  'array_of_objects -class SQL::Translator::Schema::Field' => [ qw( thisviafield thatviafield thisfield thatfield) ], #FIXME
-  'array_of_objects -class SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node'                  => [ qw( thisnode thatnode ) ],
-  object => [ 'vianode' => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node'} ],
diff --git a/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ b/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9e9ef5a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-package # hide from pause
-  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash (
-  new => [ 'new' ],
-  'array_of_objects -class SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge' => [ qw( edges ) ],
-  'array_of_objects -class SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::CompoundEdge' => [ qw( compoundedges ) ],
-  'array_of_objects -class SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge' => [ qw( hyperedges ) ],
-  #'hash' => [ qw( many via has edgecount data_fields) ],
-  #'hash' => [ qw( many via has data_fields) ],
-  scalar => [ qw( base name order primary_key primary_key_accessor table is_trivial_link ) ],
-  number => [ qw( order ) ],
-sub many {
-  my($self) = shift;
-  $self->{_many} ||= {};
-  if(scalar(@_) == 1){
-    my $k = shift;
-    return $self->{_many}{$k} || 0;
-  } elsif(@_) {
-    my %arg = @_;
-    foreach my $k (keys %arg){
-      #warn $a,"\t",$arg{$k};
-      $self->{_many}{$k} = $arg{$k};
-    }
-    return %arg;
-  } else {
-    return $self->{_many};
-  }
-sub via {
-  my($self) = shift;
-  $self->{_via} ||= {};
-  if(scalar(@_) == 1){
-    my $k = shift;
-    return $self->{_via}{$k} || 0;
-  } elsif(@_) {
-    my %arg = @_;
-    foreach my $k (keys %arg){
-      #warn $a,"\t",$arg{$k};
-      $self->{_via}{$k} = $arg{$k};
-    }
-    return %arg;
-  } else {
-    return $self->{_via};
-  }
-sub has {
-  my($self) = shift;
-  $self->{_has} ||= {};
-  if(scalar(@_) == 1){
-    my $k = shift;
-    return $self->{_has}{$k} || 0;
-  } elsif(@_) {
-    my %arg = @_;
-    foreach my $k (keys %arg){
-      #warn $a,"\t",$arg{$k};
-      $self->{_has}{$k} = $arg{$k};
-    }
-    return %arg;
-  } else {
-    return $self->{_has};
-  }
-sub edgecount {
-  my($self) = shift;
-  $self->{_edgecount} ||= {};
-  if(scalar(@_) == 1){
-    my $k = shift;
-    return $self->{_edgecount}{$k} || 0;
-  } elsif(@_) {
-    my %arg = @_;
-    foreach my $k (keys %arg){
-      #warn $a,"\t",$arg{$k};
-      $self->{_edgecount}{$k} = $arg{$k};
-    }
-    return %arg;
-  } else {
-    return $self->{_edgecount};
-  }
-sub data_fields {
-  my($self) = shift;
-  $self->{_data_fields} ||= {};
-  if(scalar(@_) == 1){
-    my $k = shift;
-    return $self->{_data_fields}{$k};
-  } elsif(@_) {
-    my %arg = @_;
-    foreach my $k (keys %arg){
-      #warn $a,"\t",$arg{$k};
-      $self->{_data_fields}{$k} = $arg{$k};
-    }
-    return %arg;
-  } else {
-    return $self->{_data_fields};
-  }
diff --git a/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/ b/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Graph/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cc8f755..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package # hide from pause
-  SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Port;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
diff --git a/t/37-translator-graph.t b/t/37-translator-graph.t
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2b9e2e9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set ft=perl:
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use SQL::Translator;
-use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
-use Test::SQL::Translator qw(maybe_plan);
-    maybe_plan(3, 'SQL::Translator', 'Class::MakeMethods');
-    my $tr = SQL::Translator->new(
-        parser   => "PostgreSQL",
-    );
-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
-      warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph appears to be dead unmaintained and untested code/
-    };
-    ok( $tr->translate('t/data/pgsql/turnkey.sql'), 'Translate PG' );
-    ok( my $schema = $tr->schema, 'Got Schema' );
-    ok( my $graph = $schema->as_graph, 'Graph made');