again with the optionally the exact case.
RMS had an eight level limit on directory depths from any rooted logical
-(allowing 16 levels overall) prior to VMS 7.2. Hence
-C<PERL_ROOT:[LIB.]> is a valid directory specification but
-C<PERL_ROOT:[LIB.]> is not. F<Makefile.PL> authors might
-have to take this into account, but at least they can refer to the former
-as C</PERL_ROOT/lib/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/>.
+(allowing 16 levels overall) prior to VMS 7.2, and even with versions of
+VMS on VAX up through 7.3. Hence C<PERL_ROOT:[LIB.]> is a
+valid directory specification but C<PERL_ROOT:[LIB.]> is
+not. F<Makefile.PL> authors might have to take this into account, but at
+least they can refer to the former as C</PERL_ROOT/lib/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/>.
+Pumpkings and module integrators can easily see whether files with too many
+directory levels have snuck into the core by running the following in the
+top-level source directory:
+ $ perl -ne "$_=~s/\s+.*//; print if scalar(split /\//) > 8;" < MANIFEST
The VMS::Filespec module, which gets installed as part of the build
process on VMS, is a pure Perl module that can easily be installed on
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