sub _expand_expr_hashpair_ident {
my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
+ # undef needs to be re-sent with cmp to achieve IS/IS NOT NULL
if (
or (
) {
return $self->_expand_expr({ $k => { $self->{cmp} => undef } });
my $ik = $self->_expand_ident(-ident => $k);
+ # scalars and objects get expanded as whatever requested or values
if (!ref($v) or Scalar::Util::blessed($v)) {
my $d = our $Default_Scalar_To;
local our $Cur_Col_Meta = $k;
sub _expand_expr_hashpair_op {
my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
my $op = $k;
$op =~ s/^-// if length($op) > 1;
+ # Ops prefixed with -not_ get converted
if (my ($rest) = $op =~/^not[_ ](.*)$/) {
return +{ -op => [
$self->_expand_expr({ "-${rest}", $v })
] };
- # top level special ops are illegal in general
- # note that, arguably, if it makes no sense at top level, it also
- # makes no sense on the other side of an = sign or similar but DBIC
- # gets disappointingly upset if I disallow it
+ # the old special op system requires illegality for top-level use
if (
(our $Expand_Depth) == 1
and List::Util::first { $op =~ $_->{regex} } @{$self->{special_ops}}
) {
puke "Illegal use of top-level '-$op'"
+ # the old unary op system means we should touch nothing and let it work
if (my $us = List::Util::first { $op =~ $_->{regex} } @{$self->{unary_ops}}) {
return { -op => [ $op, $v ] };
+ # an explicit node type is currently assumed to be expanded (this is almost
+ # certainly wrong and there should be expansion anyway)
if ($self->{render}{$k}) {
return { $k => $v };
+ # hashref RHS values get expanded and used as op/func args
if (
ref($v) eq 'HASH'
and keys %$v == 1
return +{ -func => [ $func, $self->_expand_expr($v) ] };
+ # scalars and literals get simply expanded
if (!ref($v) or is_literal_value($v)) {
return +{ -op => [ $op, $self->_expand_expr($v) ] };
die "notreached";