C< schema[sep]table >, context will determine which it is. However, the AST
doesn't care which it is, only that it properly parses.
-=head3 Constant
+=head3 Value
-A Constant is a Perl scalar. It may either be a String (quoted series of
-characters) or a number (unquoted) or NULL (corresponds to Perl's C<undef>).
+A Value is a Perl scalar. It may either be a:
+=over 4
+=item * String
+A String is a quoted series of characters
+=item * Number
+A Number is an unquoted number in some numeric format
+=item * NULL
+NULL corresponds to Perl's C<undef>
+=item * BindParameter
+This corresponds to a value that will be passed in. This value is normally
+quoted in such a fashion so as to protect against SQL injection attacks. (q.v.
+L<DBI/quote()> for an example.)
=head3 Function
=over 4
-=item * Constant
+=item * Value
=item * Function
=head2 SQL clauses
+These are all the legal and acceptable clauses within the AST that would
+correpsond to clauses in a SQL statement. Not all clauses are legal within a
+given RDBMS engine's SQL dialect and some clauses may be required in one and
+optional in another. Detecting and enforcing those engine-specific restrictions
+is the responsibility of the Visitor object.
+The clauses are defined with a yacc-like syntax. The various parts are:
+=over 4
+=item * :=
+This means "defined" and is used to create a new term to be used below.
+=item * []
+This means optional and indicates that the items within it are optional.
+=item * []*
+This means optional and repeating as many times as desired.
+=item * |
+This means alternation. It is a binary operator and indicates that either the
+left or right hand sides may be used, but not both.
+=item * C<< <> >>
+This is a grouping construct. It means that all elements within this construct
+are treated together for the purposes of optional, repeating, alternation, etc.
The expected clauses are (name and structure):
=head3 select
An orderby clause is composed as follows:
- OrderByComponent := XXX
+ OrderByComponent := XXX-TODO-XXX
OrderByDirection := ASC | DESC
OrderByComponent [ OrderByDirection ]
An groupby clause is composed as follows:
- GroupByComponent := XXX
+ GroupByComponent := XXX-TODO-XXX
GroupByComponent [ , GroupByComponent ]*
Identifier, WhereExpression
=head1 AUTHORS
robkinyon: Rob Kinyon C<< <rkinyon@cpan.org> >>