+ * Re-declaring a class_type constraint that has been already declared
+ now just returns the original type constraint, rather than replacing
+ the original constraint and ergo losing any coercions that were on
+ the original constraint. (t0m)
2.0402 Sat, Feb 04, 2012
+ my $type;
+ is( exception { $type = class_type 'MyExampleClass' }, undef, 'Make initial class_type' );
+ coerce 'MyExampleClass', from 'Str', via { bless {}, 'MyExampleClass' };
+ # We test class_type keeping the existing type (not making a new one) here.
+ is( exception { is(class_type('MyExampleClass'), $type, 're-running class_type gives same type') }, undef, 'No exception making duplicate class_type' );;
+ # Next define a class which needs this type and it's original coercion
+ # Note this has to be after the 2nd class_type call to test the bug as M::M::Attribute grabs
+ # the type constraint which is there at the time the attribute decleration runs.
+ {
+ package HoldsExample;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => ( isa => 'MyExampleClass', is => 'ro', coerce => 1, required => 1 );
+ no Moose;
+ }
+ is( exception { isa_ok(HoldsExample->new(foo => "bar")->foo, 'MyExampleClass') }, undef, 'class_type coercion works' );