If you override the C<BUILDARGS> method in your class, make sure to
play nice and call C<SUPER::BUILDARGS> to handle cases you're not
-checking for explicitly.q
+checking for explicitly.
The default C<BUILDARGS> method in L<Moose::Object> handles both a
list and hashref of named parameters correctly, and also checks for a
has 'username' => ( is => 'rw' );
-ote, that each call to C<extends> will I<reset> your parents. For
+Note that each call to C<extends> will I<reset> your parents. For
multiple inheritance you must provide all the parents at once,
C<extends 'Foo', 'Bar'>.
class. This is a constructor that takes the command line options and
uses them to populate attributes.
-Thia makes writing a command-line application as a module trivially
+This makes writing a command-line application as a module trivially
package App::Foo;