Please read L<DBM::Deep::Manual/> for examples of filters.
+=head2 set_filter()
+This method takes two paramters - the filter type and the filter subreference.
+The four types are:
+=over 4
+=item * filter_store_key
+This subreference is called when a key is stored in a hash.
+=item * filter_store_value
+This subreference is called when a value is stored.
+=item * filter_fetch_key
+This subreference is called when a key is retrieved fram a hash.
+=item * filter_fetch_value
+This subreference is called when a key is retrieved.
Most DBM::Deep methods return a true value for success, and call die() on
--- /dev/null
+# Only DBM::Deep has any POD to test. All the other classes are private
+# classes. Hence, they have no POD outside of DBM::Deep::Internals
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;
+# I don't know why TYPE_ARRAY isn't being caught and TYPE_HASH is.
+my @private_methods = qw(
+# These are method names that have been commented out, for now
+# max_of total_of
+# begin_page end_page
+my $private_regex = do {
+ local $"='|';
+ qr/^(?:@private_methods)$/
+pod_coverage_ok( 'DBM::Deep' => {
+ also_private => [ $private_regex ],