--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib '/home/tla/stemmatology/lib';
+use CGI;
+use Encode qw/ decode /;
+use Gearman::Client;
+use JSON;
+use Text::Tradition::Directory;
+use Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result;
+use TryCatch;
+my %status = (
+ '400' => '400 Bad Request',
+ '500' => '500 Internal Server Error',
+my $q = CGI->new(\*STDIN);
+# check that Content-Type is application/json
+my $ctype = $q->content_type;
+my $encoding = 'UTF-8'; # default
+if( $ctype =~ m!^(\w+/[\w+]+);\s*charset=(.*)$! ) {
+ ( $ctype, $encoding ) = ( $1, $2 );
+error( 400, 'Content type must be application/json' )
+ unless $ctype eq 'application/json';
+# Get the post data, and decode it according to the given character set
+my $jsonstr = decode( $encoding, $q->param('POSTDATA') );
+$jsonstr =~ s/\&/\n/g;
+# TODO eval this; if it breaks return an error.
+my $request;
+try {
+ $request = from_json( $jsonstr );
+} catch( $err ) {
+ error( 400, "JSON parsing error: $err" );
+# Request should be a hash that can be used to instantiate an Analysis::Result,
+# or else an array of such hashes.
+my @problems;
+my $first = ref( $request ) eq 'ARRAY' ? shift @$request : $request;
+try {
+ my $result = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new( $first );
+ push( @problems, $result );
+} catch( $err ) {
+ error( 400, "Argument $first is neither a Result serialization nor an array: $err" );
+# Now parse the rest of the result objects
+unless( $first eq $request ) {
+ foreach my $rj ( @$request ) {
+ try {
+ my $result = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new( $rj );
+ push( @problems, $result );
+ } catch( $err ) {
+ error( 400, "Argument $rj is not a Result serialization: $err" );
+ }
+ }
+# For each of the result objects, see if its key exists in the DB. Kick off the
+# calculation of any that need to be calculated, but don't wait more than two
+# seconds for a result. Return the DB version of each of the objects.
+my $dir = Text::Tradition::Directory->new(
+ 'dsn' => 'dbi:mysql:dbname=idpresult',
+ 'extra_args' => { 'user' => 'stemmaweb', 'password' => 'l@chmann' } );
+my $scope = $dir->new_scope;
+my %results;
+my @resultorder; # Keep track of the order in which we should return the results
+my @needcalc;
+foreach my $p ( @problems ) {
+ my $key = $p->object_key;
+ push( @resultorder, $key );
+ my $result = $dir->lookup( $key );
+ if( $result ) {
+ $results{$key} = $result;
+ } else {
+ push( @needcalc, $p );
+ $dir->store( $key => $p );
+ }
+# Now if any of the results need calculation, dispatch them for the purpose.
+if( @needcalc ) {
+ my $arg = join( ',', map { $_->object_key } @needcalc );
+ my $client = Gearman::Client->new;
+ $client->job_servers( '' );
+ my $task = $client->dispatch_background( run_idp => $arg );
+ # See if it finishes quickly
+ my $wait = 3;
+ sleep( $wait );
+ # Now replace the problems in the results hash with the DB results,
+ # whether finished or still calculating.
+ foreach my $p ( @needcalc ) {
+ # this should NOT fail as we stored it above
+ $results{$p->object_key} = $dir->lookup( $p->object_key );
+ }
+# Finally, assemble our answer.
+my $answer;
+if( $first eq $request ) {
+ $answer = $results{$resultorder[0]};
+} else {
+ foreach my $key ( @resultorder ) {
+ push( @$answer, $results{$key} );
+ }
+# Now return the response as UTF-8 encoded JSON.
+print $q->header(-type => 'application/json', -charset => 'UTF-8' );
+print JSON->new->allow_blessed->convert_blessed->utf8->encode( $answer );
+exit 0;
+sub error {
+ my( $code, $msg ) = @_;
+ print $q->header( -type => 'text/plain', -charset => 'UTF-8', -status => $status{$code} );
+ print "$msg\n";
+ exit 0;
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use feature 'unicode_strings';
+use lib '/home/tla/stemmatology/lib';
+use Encode qw/ decode_utf8 /;
+use Fcntl qw/ :flock /;
+use Gearman::Worker;
+use Graph;
+use Graph::Reader::Dot;
+use Text::Tradition::Directory;
+use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
+use IPC::Run qw/ run /;
+use JSON;
+use TryCatch;
+my $db = Text::Tradition::Directory->new(
+ 'dsn' => 'dbi:mysql:dbname=idpresult',
+ 'extra_args' => { 'user' => 'stemmaweb', 'password' => 'l@chmann' } );
+my @idp_programs = qw/ findGroupings findClasses /;
+# there is also findSources but it is redundant for now
+my $witness_map = {};
+my $worker = Gearman::Worker->new();
+$worker->register_function( run_idp => \&run_idp );
+$worker->work while 1;
+# Handle a request to run IDP on a list of Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result
+# object IDs. Need to look these up in the DB, set their status to 'running',
+# convert them to JSON, and send them off to be solved.
+sub run_idp {
+ my $job = shift;
+ print "Beginning IDP run for ID(s) " . $job->arg . "\n";
+ my @problemids = split( /\s*,\s*/, $job->arg );
+ my $scope = $db->new_scope();
+ # Look up each problem ID and sort them into distinct groups by graph.
+ my %distinct_graphs;
+ my %dgproblems; # lookup table for problem ID -> set mapping
+ my $denom = 0; # the total number of problems we will solve
+ # Clear out the witness map
+ $witness_map = {};
+ foreach my $problem ( @problemids ) {
+ my $result = $db->lookup( $problem );
+ if( $result ) {
+ # Check to see if it already has an answer
+ if( $result->status && $result->status eq 'OK' ) {
+ print STDERR "Solution already recorded for Analysis::Result problem $problem\n";
+ next;
+ } elsif( $result->status && $result->status eq 'running' ) {
+ print STDERR "Already working on Analysis::Result problem $problem\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # No? Then add it to our list.
+ $denom++;
+ $result->status( 'running' );
+ $db->save( $result );
+ $distinct_graphs{$result->graph} = []
+ unless exists $distinct_graphs{$result->graph};
+ push( @{$distinct_graphs{$result->graph}}, [ $result->sets ] );
+ $dgproblems{$result->graph} = []
+ unless exists $dgproblems{$result->graph};
+ push( @{$dgproblems{$result->graph}}, $problem );
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Did not find Analysis::Result with ID $problem; skipping\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $done = 0;
+ # Now for each graph problem set, sanitize it, convert it to JSON,
+ # and send it to IDP.
+ foreach my $dg ( keys %distinct_graphs ) {
+ my $idpdata = { graph => $dg, groupings => $distinct_graphs{$dg} };
+ my $datastr = encode_json( _sanitize_names( $idpdata ) );
+ my %idpanswer;
+ foreach my $program ( @idp_programs ) {
+ # Got the data, so send it to IDP.
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';
+ chdir('/usr/lib/byzantinist/idp');
+ my @cmd = qw! idp -e !;
+ push( @cmd, "exec($program)", 'main.idp' );
+ my( $ret, $err );
+ run( \@cmd, \$datastr, \$ret, \$err );
+ if( $err =~ /^Error:/m ) {
+ print STDERR "Error running idp: $err\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # Save the result for the given program
+ $idpanswer{$program} = _desanitize_names( decode_json( $ret ) );
+ }
+ # Now map the results from IDP back into the database.
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#{$dgproblems{$dg}} ) {
+ my $result = $db->lookup( $dgproblems{$dg}->[$idx] );
+ my $genanswer = $idpanswer{'findGroupings'}->[$idx];
+ $result->is_genealogical( $genanswer->[1] ? 1 : 0 );
+ # We take the groupings as well as the classes from the
+ # findClasses answer, to make sure they match
+ my $classanswer = $idpanswer{'findClasses'}->[$idx];
+ foreach my $grouping ( @{$classanswer->[0]} ) {
+ $result->record_grouping( $grouping );
+ }
+ foreach my $class ( keys %{$classanswer->[1]} ) {
+ my $class_members = $classanswer->[1]->{$class};
+ map { $result->set_class( $_, $class ) } @$class_members;
+ }
+ $result->status('OK');
+ print "Saving new IDP result with ID key " . $result->object_key . "\n";
+ $db->save( $result );
+ }
+ # Update the job status if we have more than one problem
+ if( scalar keys %distinct_graphs > 1 ) {
+ $done += scalar @{$dgproblems{$dg}};
+ $job->set_status( $done, $denom );
+ }
+ }
+ return $done;
+sub _sanitize_names {
+ my( $element ) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ if( ref( $element ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+ my $safe_hash = {};
+ map { my $k = $_; $safe_hash->{$k} = _sanitize_names( $element->{$k} ) } keys %$element;
+ $result = $safe_hash;
+ } elsif( ref( $element ) eq 'ARRAY' || ref( $element ) eq 'Set::Scalar' ) {
+ $result = [];
+ foreach my $n ( @$element ) {
+ push( @$result, _sanitize_names( $n ) );
+ }
+ } elsif( $element =~ /^digraph/ ) {
+ my $dotfh;
+ open( $dotfh, '<', \$element );
+ binmode( $dotfh, ':utf8' );
+ my $graph = Graph::Reader::Dot->new()->read_graph( $dotfh );
+ die "Could not parse graph from dot: $element" unless $graph;
+ # Make a new graph with safe witness names
+ my $cgraph = Graph->new();
+ foreach my $v ( $graph->vertices ) {
+ my $nv = _sanitize_names( $v );
+ $cgraph->add_vertex( $nv );
+ $cgraph->set_vertex_attribute( $nv, 'class',
+ $graph->get_vertex_attribute( $v, 'class' ) );
+ }
+ foreach my $e ( $graph->edges ) {
+ my $ne = _sanitize_names( $e );
+ $cgraph->add_edge( @$ne );
+ }
+ # Now as well as sanitizing the graph we should prune away
+ # hypothetical leaf nodes, to optimize the problem for the solver.
+ _prune_hypotheticals( $cgraph );
+ # Write the cloned graph out to a string
+ $result = Text::Tradition::Stemma::editable_graph( $cgraph, { linesep => ' ' } );
+ $witness_map->{$result} = $element unless $result eq $element;
+ } else {
+ $result = _safe_witstr( $element );
+ if( $result ne $element ) {
+ # Warn if witness_map conflicts
+ warn "Ambiguous transformation $result for $element vs. "
+ . $witness_map->{$result}
+ if( exists( $witness_map->{$result} )
+ && $witness_map->{$result} ne $element );
+ $witness_map->{$result} = $element;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub _safe_witstr {
+ my $witstr = shift;
+ $witstr =~ s/\s+/_/g;
+ $witstr =~ s/[^\w\d-]//g;
+ return $witstr;
+sub _desanitize_names {
+ my( $element ) = @_;
+ my $result = [];
+ if( ref( $element ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ foreach my $n ( @$element ) {
+ push( @$result, _desanitize_names( $n ) );
+ }
+ } elsif( ref( $element ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+ my $real_hash = {};
+ map { $real_hash->{$_} = _desanitize_names( $element->{$_} ) } keys %$element;
+ $result = $real_hash;
+ } elsif( exists $witness_map->{$element} ) {
+ $result = $witness_map->{$element}
+ } else {
+ $result = $element;
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub _prune_hypotheticals {
+ my $graph = shift;
+ my @orphan_hypotheticals;
+ do {
+ @orphan_hypotheticals =
+ grep { $graph->get_vertex_attribute( $_, 'class' )
+ eq 'hypothetical' } $graph->successorless_vertices;
+ $graph->delete_vertices( @orphan_hypotheticals );
+ } while( @orphan_hypotheticals );