- $VERSION = '0.44';
+ $VERSION = '0.46';
$DEBUG = 0;
$WARN = 1;
+ $cmd = _quote_args_vms( $cmd ) if IS_VMS;
### strip any empty elements from $cmd if present
$cmd = [ grep { length && defined } @$cmd ] if ref $cmd;
+### Command-line arguments (but not the command itself) must be quoted
+### to ensure case preservation. Borrowed from Module::Build with adaptations.
+### Patch for this supplied by Craig Berry, see RT #46288: [PATCH] Add argument
+### quoting for run() on VMS
+sub _quote_args_vms {
+ ### Returns a command string with proper quoting so that the subprocess
+ ### sees this same list of args, or if we get a single arg that is an
+ ### array reference, quote the elements of it (except for the first)
+ ### and return the reference.
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $got_arrayref = (scalar(@args) == 1
+ && UNIVERSAL::isa($args[0], 'ARRAY'))
+ ? 1
+ : 0;
+ @args = split(/\s+/, $args[0]) unless $got_arrayref || scalar(@args) > 1;
+ my $cmd = $got_arrayref ? shift @{$args[0]} : shift @args;
+ ### Do not quote qualifiers that begin with '/' or previously quoted args.
+ map { if (/^[^\/\"]/) {
+ $_ =~ s/\"/""/g; # escape C<"> by doubling
+ $_ = q(").$_.q(");
+ }
+ }
+ ($got_arrayref ? @{$args[0]}
+ : @args
+ );
+ $got_arrayref ? unshift(@{$args[0]}, $cmd) : unshift(@args, $cmd);
+ return $got_arrayref ? $args[0]
+ : join(' ', @args);
### XXX this is cribbed STRAIGHT from M::B 0.30 here:
### http://search.cpan.org/src/KWILLIAMS/Module-Build-0.30/lib/Module/Build/Platform/Windows.pm:split_like_shell
uupacktool.pl -p lib/IPC/Cmd/t/src/x.tgz lib/IPC/Cmd/t/src/x.tgz.packed
-Created at Mon May 4 10:16:10 2009
+Created at Fri Jun 12 13:47:07 2009