goto &rmtree;
+sub _is_subdir {
+ my($dir, $test) = @_;
+ my($dv, $dd) = File::Spec->splitpath($dir, 1);
+ my($tv, $td) = File::Spec->splitpath($test, 1);
+ # not on same volume
+ return 0 if $dv ne $tv;
+ my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($dd);
+ my @t = File::Spec->splitdir($td);
+ # @t can't be a subdir if it's shorter than @d
+ return 0 if @t < @d;
+ return join('/', @d) eq join('/', splice @t, 0, +@d);
sub rmtree {
my $old_style = !(@_ and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1],'HASH'));
my $ortho_cwd = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? _slash_lc($arg->{cwd}) : $arg->{cwd};
my $ortho_root_length = length($ortho_root);
$ortho_root_length-- if $^O eq 'VMS'; # don't compare '.' with ']'
- if ($ortho_root_length
- && (substr($ortho_root, 0, $ortho_root_length)
- eq substr($ortho_cwd, 0, $ortho_root_length))) {
+ if ($ortho_root_length && _is_subdir($ortho_root, $ortho_cwd)) {
local $! = 0;
_error($arg, "cannot remove path when cwd is $arg->{cwd}", $p);
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 114;
+use Test::More tests => 120;
use Config;
-rmtree($tmp_base, {result => \$list} );
-is(ref($list), 'ARRAY', "received a final list of results");
-ok( !(-d $tmp_base), "test base directory gone" );
+SKIP: {
+ my $nr_tests = 6;
+ my $cwd = getcwd() or skip "failed to getcwd: $!", $nr_tests;
+ rmtree($tmp_base, {result => \$list} );
+ is(ref($list), 'ARRAY', "received a final list of results");
+ ok( !(-d $tmp_base), "test base directory gone" );
+ my $p = getcwd();
+ my $x = "x$$";
+ my $xx = $x . "x";
+ # setup
+ ok(mkpath($xx));
+ ok(chdir($xx));
+ END {
+ ok(chdir($p));
+ ok(rmtree($xx));
+ }
+ # create and delete directory
+ my $px = catdir($p, $x);
+ ok(mkpath($px));
+ ok(rmtree($px), "rmtree"); # fails in File-Path-2.07